[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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Wow Sharp! The only thing I would say might make it look better (it already rocks hard!) is if there was a bit of space between the FAQ link and the edge of the document at the top. Also, is it possible to have the cool tango category icons spced out a bit from the text? Just being critical so you can ignore me if you'd like :p

It really looks great, though! A+ Fansite for an A+ Shellpatcher :)

How do the links look now? :shifty:

And how do the icons look now? :shifty:

Also, I just made arguably the worst emoticon ever made, but here it is.



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How do the links look now? :shifty:

And how do the icons look now? :shifty:

Also, I just made arguably the worst emoticon ever made, but here it is.



Dude...that emoticon is freaking awesome! I've already added it to my collection :p. The site is more than perfect! Now all we need is a Tango Firefox skin that works well with Firefox 2.0, a Tango FoxyTunes skin, Tango/Opus WMP skin (I can't believe I still use WMP) and I will finish my Tango Forecastfox skin. Tango is waaaaayy to fun to skin with. It's almost dangerous :devil:

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I know (re : skinning and dangers)

Tango Firefox 2.0 isn't a priority at all.. hell, I couldn't care less :p ( = leet)

I have a skin for Winamp that looks sweet with tango (although no icons)

I will seriously get right on a FoxyTunes skin *rolls up sleeves*

Let's see what I can do.

Oh, and vertigosity...


Just thought you would like to squash a bug... well like... a bug!

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Oh noes! teh haxXx :devil:

:o ....tell me you did not just make that FoxyTunes skin. OMG es muy bonito!

Firefox 1.5 is great but I'm a beta freak. It's either the adventurous side of me or the moronic side of me. Or both. I went back to but installed Beta 2 again and now I might just go and reinstall I just like that embedded spell checker so much!

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SooperDoode : Take a wild guess on where instructions would be :D

If my instructions aren't detailed enough, I can just send you the 299KB .jar that I am using. It is the latest version. I just downloaded FoxyTunes.. oh... an hour ago?

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Oh man, I gotta be the biggest moron ever! I deleted the tango folder with the uninstal file "accidentally!!!!"

What do I do if i need to uninstall it for some reason? Can I just re-install it with the .cmd file and then uninstall it?

I did create a restore point just prior to the install, but I dont wanna go that far if I dont have to.

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'couple things you could do :

1)BACKUP, DO IT RIGHT NOW, the "original" folder within Super Turbo Tango Patcher, then run the patcher, then replace the re-backed up executables (the old Tangos) with the true originals, then run restore-o-matic.cmd.

2) Stick in your XP CD. Start > run > sfc /scannow

3) Boot from your XP CD ---> "Setup up Windows XP" ---> "R to Repair"

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any1 knows of a tangerine styler skin???

Tango skin for firefox

Tango Icons 1.4.8



Unofficial Tango

i like this one



Firefox Tango Theme



Does anyone have a 256x256 png of the Tango-ized Windows Flag?

here: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/36738974/

thanks to SooperDoode

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INHO that is UGLY lol

sorry lack of sleep makes me silly some times

You are silly!

The differences between all of them are very subtle. The one I posted is the only one with the orange Tangerine look. Hey, and I like Windows Classic...

Why don't you link them on your unofficial TSP homepage?

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@bobp yuo can put my tango stuff onto your page (I think they all are at shadow-xiii.deviantart.com)

@Daeron Tin?viel - I've made one not so long time ago .. also you can check my devart page

and as for FF/TB Tango skins it's Lokheed ones are first and the best ones: http://lokheed.deviantart.com/

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Which program could i need to do the "mod"?

Resedit by TGTSoft :)

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I've applied this over remote desktop now over remote desktop (at work right now) (with +1 update) and it looks VERY nice! Can't wait to get home and see what it is like in the flesh :D

Thanks for this and excellent work!

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@tehmemories: Yeah, I have the Tangoized Windows Flag in 256 x 256 PNG format on dA. You probably already have the link (thanks a bunch Daeron!) but here it is again :p


@Daeron Tin?viel: I'm working on that uTorrent icon. I couldn't find a good one so I figured I'd just make one. I'm not a perfect Tango iconer but I think I can try and emulate that ico you gave me. I'll let you know when I'm done!

@Inplode: Also working on that Tango Forecastfox theme. I got the large icons looking great and now I'm working out the kinks in the smaller ones. I'd release it already since it is functional but it looks terrible heh. I also think the Ubuntu Tango FF theme is good but it'd probably look better on an actual Ubuntu desktop.

@SHADOW-XIII: Yeah, I'm using Lokheed's skin for FF now. I ike it because it's so minimal and picks up on the native colors and schemes from Windows. Although, Lokheed has some Tango stuff skinned for Linux that just makes me drool.

See what happens when you go to sleep. You get behind on everything:pp.

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SooperDoode : I am currently working on a *proper* FoxyTunes skin, that doesn't require you to hack open JARs of cookies!

The XPI installer is finished and works, but the XPI I based it off (Aqua Bubbles), is showing the text. It says "FoxyTunes Skin - AquaBubbles" by "Phobos" and stuff when it's mine.

I'm gonna have to edit some file before I release it.

In case it wasn't clear, the Tango icons are showing through ;)

The XPI is released on the apps page!


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The XPI is released on the apps page!


Is there anything different in this version besdies the XPI? I don't like how the XPI installs itself as another "extension" and shows up on my list. It's very confusing :p. If it's the same thing than the last version you released I'll probably stay with the Cookies heh. It's really great, man! It's exactly what I was looking for :)

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@Daeron Tin?viel: I'm working on that uTorrent icon. I couldn't find a good one so I figured I'd just make one. I'm not a perfect Tango iconer but I think I can try and emulate that ico you gave me. I'll let you know when I'm done!


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@bobp: on uTorrent forum you may find Tango status icons for uTorrent, they are not on your page though

oh and path in instruction to put styler toolbar should be: %programfiles%\Styler\TB\skins\Styler's\

also there's missing image near title: Styler Toolbar (here on the left ot if)

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