[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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Glad things are working smoothly for most everybody. I might go ahead and make the kernels seperate entries as a pre-emptive reliability fix, but I can't do that with my present reuse of code from other parts of the installer :-/ I have to say, I kinda dig the idea used in Shadow-13's Styler toolbar, I miss being able to change views with one click, as in Win95. If the on-boot reloader is going nuts with a specific file count, deny it permission to reboot, and run it from the start menu - it'll probably be the same file everytime, post which one and I'll look into it. Everything else... well, it's noted, I'll try to get to it :p

i installed the lastest version and no im stuck at a black screen with just my mouse curser :( how do i fix this ( im posting on my notebook)
A while back, I ran some intentional muckups (on my own system, no less, I didn't have VM software at the time) on various system files, and that sounds exactly like what the system does when it's missing comctl32.dlls. I'll add some extra checks to the routinue I wrote specifically for them in the installer. The only way to get those back is to reinstall, or if you can get to the recovery console and feel like doing a LOT of typing, you can copy the following files in the backup folder (C:\windows\super turbo tango patcher\backup, probably) in the following places:

1_comctl32.dll -> C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.10.0_x-ww_f7fb5805\comctl32.dll

2_comctl32.dll -> C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2180_x-ww_a84f1ff9\comctl32.dll

3_comctl32.dll -> C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.0.0_x-ww_1382d70a\comctl32.dll

4_comctl32.dll -> C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.1331_x-ww_7abf6d02\comctl32.dll

7_comctl32.dll -> C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2649_x-ww_aac16c8b\comctl32.dll

You may or may not have all of these, depending on what sub-version of Windows you have. If you have the directory in WinSxS but no comctl32.dll in it, then that's one of the ones you need. If you manually fix your system in this manner, tell me which ones were missing.

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thkz SooperDoode for the utorrent png, great work!!!

I wouldn't. mind the utorrent icon either, was it posted in this thread?, if not it'd be swwet if someone could.

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Thunderbird icon would be nice ;) ).

/edit: Completely forgot the new icons for "Run" and "Search" in the start menu. Those fit the whole style of Tango way better than the old ones.

Thunderbird is something I'd have to make. I haven't decided what I want to do yet. Hykle is right, it is against Mozilla's trademark policy to allow any modifications of their logos, so I might end up pulling the Firefox icon in addition to not having a Thunderbird icon. Or I could continue to be an outlaw renegade and stick it to the big evil fire-breathing monster by fiddling with their icon :p Either way, Hylke's page instructs me not to redistribute his icons for Firefox (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=36589 - I like his better than mine, which is just a quick hack on the Nuvola SVG version) or his icons for Sunbird and Thunderbird, so I'll respect that for now. Same reason optimized builds and Debian/Ubuntu's package of Firefox have that silly globe-minus-Fox icon: http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/faq.html

Of course, the same goes for MS, but they don't have a page explicitly stating as such, and oddly enough I think they'd get the idea of my MSIE or Winflag icons as being an homage to the originals to fit the theme, and not a blatant misuse of their intellectual property, whereas I think angry Firefox devs and fanboys have already been making legal and death threats against people who change a single pixel on Mozilla trademark material.

The new run icon is from Gnome-icon-theme2, yeah, I like it better too. Search... is unchanged, though :unsure:

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yea i had to reinstall from fresh :( anyone please post the version before this 1 so i can download it please i really think there is a problem with the bootsceen on my system :(

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yea i had to reinstall from fresh :( anyone please post the version before this 1 so i can download it please i really think there is a problem with the bootsceen on my system :(
I'm 90% sure that it's not the bootscreen, but comctl32.dll (both are selectable options, since they're both kinda experimental). BTW, a repair install, rather than a complete wipe, will get the system running without losing any data or preferences - just tweaks here and there. The "beta 1" build didn't back up comctl32.dlls at all (silly mistake on my part), so if you really want Tangofication, stick with the "stable" build for now. I need to put a little bit more work into my comctl32.dll-modifying code, that'll take some time, but oh well, better to fix it now before I've called it finished.
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I'm 90% sure that it's not the bootscreen, but comctl32.dll (both are selectable options, since they're both kinda experimental). BTW, a repair install, rather than a complete wipe, will get the system running without losing any data or preferences - just tweaks here and there. The "beta 1" build didn't back up comctl32.dlls at all (silly mistake on my part), so if you really want Tangofication, stick with the "stable" build for now. I need to put a little bit more work into my comctl32.dll-modifying code, that'll take some time, but oh well, better to fix it now before I've called it finished.

not a problem !! im bacukup and running i had a pretty new image i found :D and i have Tango_0pt7pt2c saved as a fav on my deviant page so im good :D ill be looking for the final release

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I've got the same problem that Inplode had- the blank screen with the cursor >.< What sucks even more is that I've got an OEM laptop, with no repair cd! Oh well...

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I wouldn't. mind the utorrent icon either, was it posted in this thread?, if not it'd be swwet if someone could.

I have a Thunderbird and uTorrent PNg included in the pack I put together:


They are PNGs so it's not going to be able to iconify anything unless you export it as an ICO file. Or something. I still don't know how you'd change the app icons anyway :p

I know the dudes over at Mozilla are all picky about their stuff (I think they're anal) but unless I get some letter or something telling me not to distribute the firefox and thunderbird icons I have in the pack (either from vertigosity or Mozilla) I'll keep it there. I like them! :p

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Thunderbird is something I'd have to make. I haven't decided what I want to do yet. Hykle is right, it is against Mozilla's trademark policy to allow any modifications of their logos, so I might end up pulling the Firefox icon in addition to not having a Thunderbird icon. Or I could continue to be an outlaw renegade and stick it to the big evil fire-breathing monster by fiddling with their icon :p Either way, Hylke's page instructs me not to redistribute his icons for Firefox (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=36589 - I like his better than mine, which is just a quick hack on the Nuvola SVG version) or his icons for Sunbird and Thunderbird, so I'll respect that for now. Same reason optimized builds and Debian/Ubuntu's package of Firefox have that silly globe-minus-Fox icon: http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/faq.html

Of course, the same goes for MS, but they don't have a page explicitly stating as such, and oddly enough I think they'd get the idea of my MSIE or Winflag icons as being an homage to the originals to fit the theme, and not a blatant misuse of their intellectual property, whereas I think angry Firefox devs and fanboys have already been making legal and death threats against people who change a single pixel on Mozilla trademark material.

The new run icon is from Gnome-icon-theme2, yeah, I like it better too. Search... is unchanged, though :unsure:

Thanks for the links. I'll try to mess around with those icons after work.

What's more important: The uninstaller doesn't change the Firefox icon back.

In terms of the Search icon. Never paid that much attention to it. Maybe it looked like a new one to me because the new Run icon matches it very well ;)

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What's more important: The uninstaller doesn't change the Firefox icon back.
I've got that fixed for the next beta release. I guess I'll go back to calling them betas until they can go twenty-four hours without destroying someone's install :pinch:
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the rc1 screwed up my pc twice, firts i uninstalled zhe old pack, rebooted and rebult the icon cache. the i installed the rc1, when the pc shut down, there showed up this windows 2000 (?) logon screen (dont know what its called, but why has it been changed anyway??). then i just come to the point where the bootscreen comes (which hasnt changed!) and nothing happens. i recovered then a backup from a few weeks ago and tried again with the same result.

im using a german xp with sp2 and all hotfixes. the only problem that could have happened is that the installation disk was modded with nlite! with the xpize installer is all fine as i integrated and installed xpize into my xp disk and system.

any ideas what could have gone wrong?

Edited by cpl183
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Tango Shellpatcher RC1 rocks on my german system !!! Works like a charm even with bootscreen. What can I say. Thank you for all your work.

:cool: :) :p

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the rc1 screwed up my pc twice, firts i uninstalled zhe old pack, rebooted and rebult the icon cache. the i installed the rc1, when the pc shut down, there showed up this windows 2000 (?) logon screen (dont know what its called, but why has it been changed anyway??). then i just come to the point where the bootscreen comes (which hasnt changed!) and nothing happens. i recovered then a backup from a few weeks ago and tried again with the same result.

im using a german xp with sp2 and all hotfixes. the only problem that could have happened is that the installation disk was modded with nlite! with the xpize installer is all fine as i integrated and installed xpize into my xp disk and system.

any ideas what could have gone wrong?

The same happened here (also German XP SP2). Thanks to Acronis True Image!

I've tracked this down to the patching of comctl32.dll. This seems to be borked. Maybe it has something to do with the scrambled version from Beta 1 (the one which will not be restored after uninstall). Did you install that version? I'll try to do a repair installation to get the correct version.

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Okay the patcher seemed to have skinned everything this time. It seems to work much better if it's patched in Safe Mode. My Videos folder is still the basic tango folder and not the actual video folder. I'm not sure why it does this and it bugs me.

Anyone know exactly what comctl32.dll does on a Windows OS and when it's patched what exactly is skinned? It says it's patched and I don't know what it is and I want to see what it looks like if possible heh.

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Just as a quick emo-sounding-status-update: I've been busy for the past couple days. I'll be busy for a couple more. Busy... with things other than this :punch:

the rc1 screwed up my pc twice, firts i uninstalled zhe old pack, rebooted and rebult the icon cache. the i installed the rc1, when the pc shut down, there showed up this windows 2000 (?) logon screen (dont know what its called, but why has it been changed anyway??). then i just come to the point where the bootscreen comes (which hasnt changed!) and nothing happens. i recovered then a backup from a few weeks ago and tried again with the same result.

any ideas what could have gone wrong?

A modded disk shouldn't be a problem, at least with nlite and xpize having done the mods. The bootscreen takes two boots at the moment to show up, so if that's something you consider an issue, it's not, that's normal. The patcher doesn't touch your fast user switching preferences, so I don't know why it'd be reverting to classic logon unless Terminal Services died... even then, the welcome screen would still show up, so I don't know what's going on there. The primary meaning of "screwing up your PC" I'm guessing is the black-screen-and-cursor on boot issue? If not, that sounds sorta... catastrophic, for reasons I can't even begin to fathom :|
I've tracked this down to the patching of comctl32.dll. This seems to be borked. Maybe it has something to do with the scrambled version from Beta 1 (the one which will not be restored after uninstall). Did you install that version? I'll try to do a repair installation to get the correct version.
Beta 1 wasn't scrambling comctl32.dll in any way, it just wasn't backing it up - beta 2 / rc1 uses the normal backing up decision logic, and on seeing no backup, will use the already modified version in the system for remodification. Shouldn't be a crasher, it'd just leave that file permanently Tangofied. What might be a/the crasher is the actual routinue for swapping them out - those instances of comctl32.dll need to have things done differently from the normal XPize routinue, which is used for everything else. I tried a B1>B2/RC1 upgrade in a VM, and it worked normally. That bugs the crap out of me, because I can't do forensics on you guys' machines, only mine, and I can't reproduce this crap on mine. I have a few ideas, of course.
Okay the patcher seemed to have skinned everything this time. It seems to work much better if it's patched in Safe Mode. My Videos folder is still the basic tango folder and not the actual video folder. I'm not sure why it does this and it bugs me.

Anyone know exactly what comctl32.dll does on a Windows OS and when it's patched what exactly is skinned? It says it's patched and I don't know what it is and I want to see what it looks like if possible heh.

Did your My Videos folder have an XP video-folder icon on it originally? If not, the patcher won't change that, but if it's changing it from an XP video-folder icon to a normal folder icon, I'm probably misassigning it somewhere. If that's the case, tell me as such, and I'll try to hunt the misassignment down, but I've got my priorities elsewhere with minor things like "not nuking installs" :rofl:

Comctl32 is responsible for a lot of stuff. If I had VB6 installed, I could list some specific functions it provides, but I don't at the moment, so the two main places I see blatant thematic inconsistencies from not modifying them are in the icons used in notification bubbles and the toolbars in filepickers. Modification is just normal old reshacking, but it's stored in an area that Windows manages in a funky way. If you want to take a peek, just open 'em in reshack and poke through the bitmaps and icons.

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Okay the patcher seemed to have skinned everything this time. It seems to work much better if it's patched in Safe Mode. My Videos folder is still the basic tango folder and not the actual video folder. I'm not sure why it does this and it bugs me.

Try deleting desktop.ini (hidden) in your My Videos folder...

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A modded disk shouldn't be a problem, at least with nlite and xpize having done the mods. The bootscreen takes two boots at the moment to show up, so if that's something you consider an issue, it's not, that's normal. The patcher doesn't touch your fast user switching preferences, so I don't know why it'd be reverting to classic logon unless Terminal Services died... even then, the welcome screen would still show up, so I don't know what's going on there. The primary meaning of "screwing up your PC" I'm guessing is the black-screen-and-cursor on boot issue? If not, that sounds sorta... catastrophic, for reasons I can't even begin to fathom :|

sure, thats what i meant, blackscreen after the bootscreen with a moveable mousecursor!

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Thanks to everyone for the help on the My Videos folder help! I downloaded TweakUI and rebuilt the icon cache (well just for My Videos icon) and now it has the neato Video reel emblem on it :)

I get what comctl32.dll is. It was always skinned for me I guess. I guess I shouldn't care as long as everything looks all Tango and spiffy :p

@vertigosity: Nah, the 'My Videos' icon never attached the right icon even with the default system icons. It's fixed now! Thanks!

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looking forward for the next version with the logon and bootscreen tangonized

thanks for hard work mate, keep it up!

Boot screen is already tango-ized :)

Just make sure you are running RC1 of the patcher.

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heheh i dont want to run betas/rc1 (i knew about bootscreen in rc1, i read the topic)

i dont want any hurt/damage to my os, so i ll wait for final (coz ppl told they are lucky they have trueimage)

my pc must be stable, for some reasons (some services are running on it)

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Hi everyone, i'm using the last version of this patcher, everything works fine, just one thing:


Is this ok? it is supose to look with the arrow there?, because all my shortcuts look like that.

p.d sorry for my english, is not so good.


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Hi everyone, i'm using the last version of this patcher, everything works fine, just one thing:


Is this ok? it is supose to look with the arrow there?, because all my shortcuts look like that.

p.d sorry for my english, is not so good.


You answered your own question- it's a shortcut, so it's got the shortcut mark on it. If you want to get rid of it, get TweakUI from Microsoft and remove it from there. (Y)

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I already know that is a shorcut and it suposed to have an arrow, but that isn?t the normal position for it. Usually the arrow is on the down-left cuadrant and not on the up-right cuadrant of the icon.

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