[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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Tango MSN : http://benpbrown.com

Pretty noobish.

I will be back at a real PC Friday night. (BlackBerry now). Vertigosity, would you be kind enough to update the download page with new links and such?

I will update the app skins.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

i thoug it was for WLM :(, anyway great work

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My Tango MSN patcher might work on WLM. I have not tried it.

It just replaces a PNG in msnmsgr.exe.

And some other icons and bitmaps.

It installs in C:\program files\msn messenger.

Maybe try to patch WLM?

Just copy msnmsgr.exe to a fol---

Wait, I just realized that msgres.dll has everything. I will try and make a WLM patcher on Friday.

Everyone, would it be a good idea to MySQLize my app skins page? With sorting options? (Type : Browser)

I need to get home :p

So much to do with no PC!

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Drove home like crazy. Got a speed ticket.
Calm down there buddy, a shell pack's not worth getting a speeding ticket over. Now driving like a lunatic, and having a heck of a lot of fun doing it - that is worth one (yeah, I know, I have my fun on the road, too :p )
worked great for me :)

BTW, on my pc it created these two files, is it safe to delete them?

<image snipped>

Yes, very. I'd been doing some debugging and wanted the reshack logs, and I forgot to delete those lines, thanks.
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awesome, cant wait for the final ..

also i think you should change version number to 8 cause there are alot of changes.

Nyet, I follow the version number of the official Tango release it coincides with / tracks. And no, they haven't bumped that since April :o
I'm also getting a bunch of wierd scanlines when navigating in the System Properties. Not a big deal for me but I thought I'd give a heads up smile.gif
Toss me a screenshot if it's still doing it?
lol im scared to install it . last one borked my system sad.gif
If you're worried - unselect the comctl32.dll option. It should be fixed, now, though... should be :p Edited by vertigosity
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worked perfect for me this time. did it in save mode and after watching the installation process, i think the problem could have been something with the hex editor (or whatever prog you used to change the colors in the ntoskernel) because this didnt pop up last time!

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Punio4 :

Lots of those are already Tangoed (check stable release ---> !extras.)

Most of the others you could do yourself easily. I made myself an Internet folder for all my web stuff.

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Punio4, what a lovely request to edit icons that you use, thats so cute :>

ps: thouse are not win xp icons, so feel free to work on them yourself

pps: "you think you special, you do".

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Civility, kids. Post #666 isn't a reason to go all demonoid :p

But yeah, most of those are in the !extras > Special Folders directory of the stable release. If those are the folder icons you're talking about not being changed, they won't be.

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I am getting back to a real PC tomorror night so I will be able to update my app skins page then.

Whatsyourface, I might take pity and make some of those icons for you, just because I need them myself.

BTW, how do you change the icon for %programfiles%?

Vertigosity, if you haven't already, would you kindly ftp into your account and edit the HTML file with the download info?

Just change rc1 to 2 and edit the download links and remove Xi. If you can thanks, otherwise I can do it when I get on the mainland.


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Vertigosity, if you haven't already, would you kindly ftp into your account and edit the HTML file with the download info?

Just change rc1 to 2 and edit the download links and remove Xi. If you can thanks, otherwise I can do it when I get on the mainland.


RC2? When did that come out? POST LINKS LIEK OMG N0W++?!! :woot:

(er... :x ... alright, I'm back to normal now. I called it beta3, and changed the links yesterday :yes: )

To change the Program Files directory, you'd need to create a desktop.ini file in it, I think. iColorFolder seems to do it just fine. I might do them as well, since I'm planning on archiving them up as a seperate package. I just have to copy the icons into my overlay-o-matic toy, and hit the big red button. "Downloads," "testing," and "sticky" - what're you using sticky for?

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