[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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hope this is ok if not tell me and i erase it

i made a simple WLM Share folder icon and like to share it if someone like it

Mind if I add that to my PNG pack with credit to you (of course)? If so, can you convert it into a PNG? If not I can do it:)). It's really great!!!

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Hmmm....so you can edit images such as overlapping a very scaled down image with a 16 by 16 tango icon in Inkscape? If I wanted to overlap a teensy tiny cloud on a 16 by 16 tango sun I could do that in Inkscape and export it a PNG?

For the most part, yes. I might recommend grabbing the source icons from the CVS server for consistency, so you'll have things very close to the originals to work with. Inkscape lets you import arbitrary SVG files into the vector you're working on, which makes compositing vectors pretty painless.
Then I'll start ripping them from the screenshot as soon as possible :p

Does these icons fall under the GPL License as well?

Like the skins for Linux. :)

Nyet. Most Tango/Tangerine stuff is CC-by-SA, although GnomeIconTheme2 is GPL.

Edit: Now that Miranda has Oscar file transfer support, I might think about giving it a shot, both as a user and as a skinner. Don't hold your breath though, it'll be a week or two before I get around to it.

i made a simple WLM Share folder icon and like to share it if someone like it

You might want to consider trying the MSN protocol icon in Gnome-icon-theme - although the icon you just made might be appropriate for documents-and-settings. I know MSN's icon is just "two people in a line" but it seems wrong to have the same icon used for a system user manager ("User Accounts") and a chat client. Alternatively, with that icon on the client itself, maybe a similiarly blue-recolored version of my hand might be appropriate, and actually more descriptive, although I'm not entirely sure what that icon means in WLM.




Edited by vertigosity
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well i made it that way cause it looks like the WLM Share Folder or at least form me look that way


mmm i really dont like the gnome icon


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The MSN icon ^ looks fine, but doesn't look very good with the Tango folder (blue on blue).

Gonna go reshack my MSN with the new icon :p

Edited by bobp
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Nyet. Most Tango/Tangerine stuff is CC-by-SA, although GnomeIconTheme2 is GPL.

Edit: Now that Miranda has Oscar file transfer support, I might think about giving it a shot, both as a user and as a skinner. Don't hold your breath though, it'll be a week or two before I get around to it.

Does that mean that I dont have to work on that rip? :p

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Not trying to discredit anyones work, but before you all start jumping around to make icons, I think we should all start conforming to the main purpose of the Tango Project, and that is, to make things universal.

So submit your **** over to the tango project and read about their standards....lets keep things organized :)

I WOULD ALSO OPT IN FOR A SHOUTOUT TO ANYONE who would be willing to make a complete Tango pack for Miranda....I hear some things that if an official complete one is made Miranda dev team will accept it in as standard....

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Not trying to discredit anyones work, but before you all start jumping around to make icons, I think we should all start conforming to the main purpose of the Tango Project, and that is, to make things universal.

So submit your **** over to the tango project and read about their standards....lets keep things organized :)

Okay, don't take this the wrong way. Not trying to be mean or anything but alot of us are "amatuers" which means that while some might think our icons are "****" we seem to think they are pretty awesome. Trying to conform to the Tango standards isn't easy. I mean with all the icons around (including the XP ones) all you see is gradients and colors everywhere. I'm actually seeing some pretty decent icons being made on this board.

Regardless, I do agree that if we are to create or combine Tango icons, we should follow the standards as best as we can. I'm already reading up on their sizing rules so I can get a feel for how to make the quality of my Forecastfox theme a bit better.

I've also discovered the blogs of all the dudes making Tango icons. OMG. All I can say. They have some friggin awesome icons on their blogs. Totally going to find out if they've released some of them. Hee.

@vertigosity: I've had my techy obsessed friend try to explain a CVS server and he used geek speak which I am still trying to learn. I basically have the understanding that the CVS server is a place where the icons get updated on it own or something. I honestly don't have a clue. Is there like a "CVS server for Dummies" guide somewhere? Honestly, I'm the dumberest. :blush:

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lol sry just read my post and realized by using "****" I really meant work sorry realized coming off as an ######...I liked the "submit your ****" alliteration

What I meant was if we start having icons in this pack that aren't even "Tango Approved" theres no point in this whole thing.

Stuff here is fine, I'm just worried if theres already one meant for the purpose...but point taken thanks

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Not trying to discredit anyones work, but before you all start jumping around to make icons, I think we should all start conforming to the main purpose of the Tango Project, and that is, to make things universal.

So submit your **** over to the tango project and read about their standards....lets keep things organized :)

Yeah, they don't really take submissions and such. If I understand it correctly, their official position is that they're trying to make a base that others can build on using their guidelines and set as stock artwork, and not the alpha and omega of icon sets. There's quite a bit of stuff that's been floated around on the mailing list (my stuff's floated there too), but they don't really add much to Base. +1 on reading the guidelines, though :yes:
I've also discovered the blogs of all the dudes making Tango icons. OMG. All I can say. They have some friggin awesome icons on their blogs. Totally going to find out if they've released some of them. Hee.

@vertigosity: I've had my techy obsessed friend try to explain a CVS server and he used geek speak which I am still trying to learn. I basically have the understanding that the CVS server is a place where the icons get updated on it own or something. I honestly don't have a clue. Is there like a "CVS server for Dummies" guide somewhere? Honestly, I'm the dumberest. :blush:

I don't think there is a CVS tutorial anywhere; the general assumption being that if you can't figure out CVS you shouldn't be playing with code, or some such.

At least you're not in too terrible of company, I never really figured CVS out myself. I use the web front ends when they're available, or grab snapshot tarballs if those are available and webCVS isn't, or I'm grabbing a lot.

I know Jimmac's, but could ya toss me a link to some other ones (if there are other ones you've run across)? I occasionally check to see what I'll have to play with and such.

What I meant was if we start having icons in this pack that aren't even "Tango Approved" theres no point in this whole thing.

Stuff here is fine, I'm just worried if theres already one meant for the purpose...but point taken thanks

There's been stuff in the pack that's not official Tango from Day 1. Or maybe Day 2, or sometime. I pull stuff from the mailing list, occasional doodlings of my own, and from the various inheriting skins (like Tangerine and Gnome Icon Theme) for the sake of completeness. But as long as the creators follow the guidelines and think HIGgily, it all works out. Edited by vertigosity
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Interesting...I'm sure it will all get figured out eventually as more people like us start to become interested and involved in this linux-windows based effort, which I think is really neat.

Thanks for clarifying

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I don't think there is a CVS tutorial anywhere; the general assumption being that if you can't figure out CVS you shouldn't be playing with code, or some such.

At least you're not in too terrible of company, I never really figured CVS out myself. I use the web front ends when they're available, or grab snapshot tarballs if those are available and webCVS isn't, or I'm grabbing a lot.

I seem to learn coding by messing with it firsthand until I break stuff enough. For some reason learning to fix borken code is how I learn the code itself. I'm weird. But yeah, my main confusion is where the actual Icon comes from. I know that SVGs are more or less code but how they transfer to an image is where I'm lost. I'll poke around through everything and see what I can figure out :)

I know Jimmac's, but could ya toss me a link to some other ones (if there are other ones you've run across)? I occasionally check to see what I'll have to play with and such.

From what I've seen, they all kind of have random icons all over. Not as much as Jimmac's (wish he'd make some of those public domain) but the ones I've seen (just randomly clicked on a person) had some app icons and whatnot. Basically, it's Andreas Nilsson and Ryan Collier. Yeah.

lol sry just read my post and realized by using "****" I really meant work sorry realized coming off as an ######...I liked the "submit your ****" alliteration

Not a problem! I actually agree with you but had no idea what the asterisks meant. Now I know ;) Sorry if I came across as rude!

I need to go to bed and stop editing this post. I forgot to mention that I'll try and work on the pack and forecastfox stuff sometime this week. I do want to add that WLM/User Account whatever icon to my pack. It looks really good regardless of what it looks best for ;). Thanks to Bob for making the scalable PNG :)

Edited by SooperDoode
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Hmm... i think i saw these somewhere, but i can't find them:

-Gimp tango icons (both ui and program)

-OOo tango icons (also)

-uTorrent tango program icon

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Okay, I made a slight tweak to my Forecastfox skin and tried to compile and import a bunch of SVG weather icons on top of eachother in a ridiculously small size to create a very big mess. THe basic sun and moon look cool but the others look very weird. I think I'll stick with the current version for now if it's okay. :/

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