[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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i realized in the middle of the night about the whole gpl thing, i just didn't know if it applied to the whole ubuntu thing, but seeing as it's part of a linux distro, it would be that way huh?

Read about the GPL on wikipedia. As far as I got it, the GPL isn't directly related to Linux, it's a license and stuff released under that license (e.g. the Clearlooks / Human-looking-stuff) can be used for whatever you want as long as the result is also released under the terms of the GPL. Your mod must therefore stand under the GPL... That's it.

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Hey, this is such a cool patcher. IMO Microsoft should put this in windows by default. :yes:

What I'd like though are some more app icons done in the same style. Such as, Photoshop, Gom player, Steam, Torrent, Limewire. Or is there some out there already???

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I have some icons in the Control Panel that hasn't been changed:


I hopped you could look into it. Also the Recent Documents icon isn't patched as well :(

Birger :)

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I have some icons in the Control Panel that hasn't been changed:


I hopped you could look into it. Also the Recent Documents icon isn't patched as well :(

Birger :)

Portable Media Devices and Scheduled Tasks are the only things you could ask him to work on. Everything else is custom added. Portable Media Devices is actually not that hard to make yourself though.

Tango folder + favourite device [http://tango.benpbrown.com/?page=download] = portable media devices!

Also vertigosity, where can I find the old "tango creations and modifications" page?

Also, how do you go about making your icons with the good 16x16 then everything else the real SVG? Do you just take the 1 minute for each icon in IconWorkshop, or what?

Edited by bobp
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I have some icons in the Control Panel that hasn't been changed

  • IconPackager, Java, LClock, QuickTime, SoundMAX are all non standard system icons
  • About the Portable Media Devices I'm not quite sure. It's part of WMP10, right? Wouldn't add it to the patch, since it's not on everybodys system...
  • But Windows Media Connect is most likely not installed on most systems

Mmh... bobp, you've beaten me ;) That BBCode stuff makes posting so slow...

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I only ment "Windows Media Connect", "Scheduled Tasks" and "Recent Documents". Since the others are 3rd-party-software. "Portable Media Device" is on almost every Windows PC.

Would be nice if you could look into it.

Birger :)

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I only ment "Windows Media Connect", "Scheduled Tasks" and "Recent Documents". Since the others are 3rd-party-software. "Portable Media Device" is on almost every Windows PC.

Scheduled Tasks is doable, as well as Recent Documents. But I can't tell, I have banned Recent Documents from my start menu, I don't need it.

As for the Portable Media Device, I don't have it. Fully patched, up to date system with WMP11...

Same with Windows Media Connect. But isn't installed intentionally, I prefer using the uPnP server the Nero Suite gives me...

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With "Recent Documents", this is diplayed at the File Dialog. And the other is up to you, but would have been much appreciated if you have added them.

Birger :)

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Sorry for being a noob but how do I organize my start menu like other people have done making it smaller and compact.
Drag and drop, right click. Alternatively, right-click on folders in the start menu (they're no different than other folders) and Open / Open All Users them.
Are you in need of the EXE or the whole install? Can send you over the files, no problem for me.
Oh, I've got the installer... I just haven't gotten around to installing it. Lazy :p
If you want something done when vertigosity hasn't done it, do it yourself!
It's more like a bug report than a beg report. I generally don't do stuff until either a. I feel like it, or b. Somebody Asks, even if I know how and where to do it, just because... well, lazy :p
Read about the GPL on wikipedia. As far as I got it, the GPL isn't directly related to Linux, it's a license and stuff released under that license (e.g. the Clearlooks / Human-looking-stuff) can be used for whatever you want as long as the result is also released under the terms of the GPL. Your mod must therefore stand under the GPL... That's it.
Yep, not everything related to Linux is GPL. The Linux kernel itself is, but a lot of stuff that comes with the kernel in a distribution isn't always. Gnome, though, is, and Clearlooks is a part of gnome. Ubuntu people modded it to make the Human theme, FioreSSJ@DA modified someone elses previous port of Clearlooks Cairo to make it match Human... so it's just one great big happy GPL lovefest.
Also vertigosity, where can I find the old "tango creations and modifications" page?

Also, how do you go about making your icons with the good 16x16 then everything else the real SVG? Do you just take the 1 minute for each icon in IconWorkshop, or what?

The old Tango Creations+Modifications is still right where I left it, but I broke mah PHP (forgot a <?) and my spammer-defeating PHP disappeared the page. It'll be folded into my Developers page eventually, but that's not finished yet. I make my 16x16 in Inkscape too :)
Tangofied Security Center (moreso) w00t.
I'll drop it on my queue of stuff to do. I'd like to remake SVG for firewall / get a copy of Yast with Jimmac's SVG for it available before I get too carried away with using that. I'm skipping the arrows, those are custom UI elements and not icons. Virus protection calls for an icon to be designed (already have an idea or two)... although those lights on the right side look like they do call for my shieldy things.
But Windows Media Connect is most likely not installed on most systems
I don't know what Windows Media Connect is, full stop. Haven't read up on it at all. I do target stuff that isn't on everybody's system. Heck, I target a lot of stuff that isn't on MY system (I use XPlite). But I'm probably not touching Java (I think it looks fine, really), SoundMax (don't have a machine that uses that sound chipset, don't know what to touch), or IconPackager.

A few other things:

  • I burnt myself out slightly getting things ready for the August release. I'm sorta taking a break from working heavily on the patcher, which is fine, I've got other stuff to take care of. Besides, with the new versioning scheme, I've got another month... procrastination +1!
  • WiMP... needs an icon made. Haven't gotten around to it, but I've got a vague idea in my head what I think it ought to be. And no, I'm not being sarcastic and thinking of a dead kitten or something :p
  • Outlook Express, Scheduled Tasks, and Speech: I have WIP vectors for them, but there's still some tweaking left to do before I'll be happy with them.
  • Portable Media Devices is indeed a WMP10+ thing. Maybe it only shows up if you have an MTP-protocol music player, or something like that (I don't, never will. Not just a matter of money, it's a matter of DRM=icky, lock-in=icky, DRM*lock-in=icky^2.) A more proper Tangofication of it would probably just be your favorite media player device (you wouldn't keep your MP3 player in a folder in your filing cabinet, would ya?). Which is less work for everybody, too :yes:

Edited by vertigosity
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Large post. ^

When I said how do you make your icons, I meant how do you make the .ico's. I knew from a previous post that you do all-Inkscape work :)

Do you make the vector, then export 32 + 48, export a seperate 16, then merge them all together in a 60-second-per-icon in IconWorkshop, or how do you make your ICOs?

So if you have all your source files (16,24,32,48) in PNGs, how do you go about merging them into an ICO? I usually do the 60-second-per-icon in IconWorkshop

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Large post. ^

When I said how do you make your icons, I meant how do you make the .ico's. I knew from a previous post that you do all-Inkscape work :)

Do you make the vector, then export 32 + 48, export a seperate 16, then merge them all together in a 60-second-per-icon in IconWorkshop, or how do you make your ICOs?

So if you have all your source files (16,24,32,48) in PNGs, how do you go about merging them into an ICO? I usually do the 60-second-per-icon in IconWorkshop

Yeah, I don't check the thread too obsessively, but I still try to answer everybody's questions, requests, and requestions, so long posts sorta... happen.

I use @icon sushi. It's pretty nice: drag PNGs in, set the proper order if one is needed, select 'em, Ctrl+M to save them to a multiple-icon ICO, done.

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i realized in the middle of the night about the whole gpl thing, i just didn't know if it applied to the whole ubuntu thing, but seeing as it's part of a linux distro, it would be that way huh?

anywho, hopefully soon i'll be able to have the thinner taskbar version done, i think i may have to do a little work on the taskbar button sizing though, we'll have to wait and see about that though. anyways, i'm glad others out there like my little mod, after the thinner taskbar is done, it'll probably take the place of guiairb1 as my fav style.


It would be great if you continue to work on this. Maybe open your own thread here for it.

BTW your blue version has a bug with the close, maximize, minimize buttons for child windows which is not in the original...

Original orange:


Your blue:


Edited by martin10018
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Ugh, Life can be a real jerk sometimes. I've hardly had any chance ot breathe this past week.

@bobp: Was that just a mockup for the security center Tangoization? It's probably one of the very few things on my computer that isn't skinned at all. What are the chances of that being new in the next release, vertigosity? It looks great!

@vertigosity: Any chance of including the Tango opera icon in the next release? It'd be cool to have it replace the icons like it does for Firefox. I'm an avid FF user but I play around with Opera a lot to see if I like it ;)

I don't care much for the Ubuntu or Clearlooks task menu in the Windows ports but the skins look good nevertheless. I like that blue!

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SooperDoode : Nope, that was a selfmod by myself, truly reshacked goodness. No photoshopz!

Opera is a tricky thing due to the fact that Opera.exe is a compressed archive (try opening it in ResHack to see what I mean)

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SooperDoode : Nope, that was a selfmod by myself, truly reshacked goodness. No photoshopz!

Opera is a tricky thing due to the fact that Opera.exe is a compressed archive (try opening it in ResHack to see what I mean)

Chances of that being patched are ... pretty good :shifty: It'll look a wee bit different, just because it'll have been my doing, and not bobp's, but it's in.

And yes, Opera's compressed, and reshack won't touch compressed binaries. The icon for Opera is included, (check Super Turbo Tango Patcher\Resources\res_unofficial\vertigo) but it's not being used. The best I could do right now is... create a new shortcut for Opera, using the custom icon instead of the one in the binary (which, anyone who wanted to could do pretty easily). I might do some googling to see if there's any generalized means of determining which executable compressor was used. It's not UPX, or at least that's what UPX says.

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Chances of that being patched are ... pretty good :shifty: It'll look a wee bit different, just because it'll have been my doing, and not bobp's, but it's in.

And yes, Opera's compressed, and reshack won't touch compressed binaries. The icon for Opera is included, (check Super Turbo Tango Patcher\Resources\res_unofficial\vertigo) but it's not being used. The best I could do right now is... create a new shortcut for Opera, using the custom icon instead of the one in the binary (which, anyone who wanted to could do pretty easily). I might do some googling to see if there's any generalized means of determining which executable compressor was used. It's not UPX, or at least that's what UPX says.

Very cool! Looking forward to the new look of the Security center next month :D

As for Opera...they are evil for using a compressed thingamajig! THe program is nice enough but it's not ALL Tango (whine). I could just replace the icon in the start menu and all myself. Thanks anyway! ;)

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This feature may be already implemented BUT:

I just wanted to make sure since I have deleted a lot of the files in system32 (fsquirt.exe) for instance that the Tango patcher isn't replacing files I don't use nor are there.

Is this true, and if not can it be impletmented?

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Any chance of including the Tango opera icon in the next release? It'd be cool to have it replace the icons like it does for Firefox. I'm an avid FF user but I play around with Opera a lot to see if I like it ;)

Then, if you do that, how about the same thing for Thunderbird? :whistle:

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C:\Documents and Settings\Ben\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\opera6.ini

[user Prefs]

Icon=C:\program files\opera\opera_icon.ico

Application Icon=C:\program files\opera\opera_icon.ico

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