[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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Yeah, MS Gina is totally a virtual stripper... I know she "logs me in" every morning :rofl:

And that purple is Tango purple. So it's totally bad-ass, like Samuel L. Jedi:

Yeah, I love that purple...

But check mine out :p


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My install just messed up!! I uninstalled and rebooted then installed again rebooted and now it won't show the logon screen it says it can't load the system file (what ever the logon ui file it is)!!

how can i fix this!!

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Hey Vert, do we get an Xmas edition? ;-)
Possibly... but the only things that'd be "in" would be:
  1. Those silly little cards, but only if I've finished them.
  2. Support for Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs (which I absolutely love, except if I've seen it, I'm obviously a dirty software pirate because normal people like me aren't allowed to see Windows without the full IE/OE/MSN/WMP/etc eXPerience, so I shall therefore disavow all knowledge of it, immediately)
  3. I'm splitting the OS and Applications bits into two seperate installers, so they can be updated independently. The Application patcher would also work on Vista, whereas the OS patcher would need reengineering and a new set of reshack scripts, in addition to someone buying me a copy of Vista.
  4. To really be a "Christmas Edition," wouldn't it need something... Christmassy? Nothing really comes to mind :/ Christmas-themed icons, I guess?

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Yes, I have not seen WF4LP either... Even though it is not installed on my "server" box. Yeah. That would be nice addition

A hacked-solitaire would also be an extraordinary December STTP.

I personally do not like the idea of splitting apps / OS... but hey.. its your patcher ;)

A Christmas edition doesn't seem exactly an A+ idea if you ask me :p

Edited by bobp
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Yes, I have not seen WF4LP either... Even though it is not installed on my "server" box. Yeah. That would be nice addition

A hacked-solitaire would also be an extraordinary December STTP.

A Christmas edition doesn't seem exactly an A+ idea if you ask me :p

With Christmas edition I meant a release around Christmas.

What the hell is WF4LP?

Forget it. I used Google. :yes:

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Just about anything is better than the standard Windows icons :rofl:

But Tango is totally awesome.

I strongly agree :santa:

By the way, I just reinstalled Firefox and WiMP after applying the patch and the reloader patched everything again just fine. Was this supposed to be an issue? The new computer is so cool, too. I LOVE Gina :devil:

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@Sooper: It's only a problem if they weren't installed originally - the files wouldn't be there, and the reloader doesn't touch files that weren't there before. I'm thinking about tweaking that behavior, but my thoughts are less of a tweak and more of an overhaul.

@Edwin: Yeah, WF4LP doesn't have WFP (at all), and attempting to disable it causes that BSOD. I commented it out to get it working on my copy, but I think I found a registry entry for a reliable check. I went back to Legit XP Pro on my main machine, though, so I'll probably sit on it a bit longer.

@BobP: I'm not entirely enthusiastic about splitting 'em apart, myself (and having another set of files full of code) but in a few ways it does make sense. One of those, Vista support for the non-OS bits, is really kinda silly, I guess, if there's no OS-bits patcher :p

I'm going to be doing a minor suspension overhaul on my car this weekend, so that's likely a nyet to a quick December with Cards and the WF4LP check. I guess I oughtta fix OOo2.1 and Acrobat8, wow I'm lazy :p

Edited by vertigosity
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Hi Vertigosity !



Check this out, free fedora-icon-project (like Tango) .... very sexy :yes:

How about (in the future, maybe next year) a Fedora-Project-Patcher :heart:

[stop drooling]

Eh, for some reason they don't look as good as some of the other atr things I've seen the Fedora team come up with. They are still good though! Watch Vergy say no to the patcher because he doesn't feel like it or something heh :p

Speaking of which, Vertigosity, are you working on your webpage? It looks like it is under construction or something ;). I think I'm going to throw together some Industrial and Gnome shell icons for everyone because we need them. Not now or soon but eventually. Is that okay?

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, there are some wicked cool OpenOffice icons on the Tango Fridays page that I want. All I have to do is take those icons and place them in the right order using something like IconWorkshop, right? Sorry for the stupid question in advance.

Edited by SooperDoode
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Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, there are some wicked cool OpenOffice icons on the Tango Fridays page that I want. All I have to do is take those icons and place them in the right order using something like IconWorkshop, right? Sorry for the stupid question in advance.

Wow, I've never seen any of those icons before. The Celestia icon is awesome!


How would I go about converting this to ICO? I'm new to the whole icon making/converting thing :blush:

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Hm. I don't like 'em really. Too pale and I rather dislike that isometric view on everything. Hell, reminds me of BeOS ><

Actually, it looks like some kind of twisted brainchild between Vista icons and BeOS ones :D

Edited by Punio4
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