[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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Hmm bitdefender detected C:\WINDOWS\Super Turbo Tango Patcher\Tools\wfpdisable.exe as a trojan (Trojan.Wfpdis.A). It is in quarantine now, is it safe to remove it or something?

Yes, it is safe. A number of security programs flag programs like wfpdisable as unsafe / a trojan. This is a false positive. Yes, it disables Windows File Protection, but only long enough to replace the files that have been altered.

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removed reloader from the startup coz it wanted to reload 1 file on every boot

should be windowsupdate one, as i understand reading some posts above

hope new version will fix it

waiting for the new update, thanks

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This ought to take care of that issue. Sometime when I have an hour or so to dedicate to uploading, I'll post a full build to DA.

i don`t know what`s wrong but this fix didn`t fix the problem ?

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i don`t know what`s wrong but this fix didn`t fix the problem ?
If your problem is the reloader firing off on every boot, it could be a different file that's triggering it. Pop open the help file and follow the steps for troubleshooting that issue.
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If your problem is the reloader firing off on every boot, it could be a different file that's triggering it. Pop open the help file and follow the steps for troubleshooting that issue.

my problem is that ornage icons in the start menu insted of the tango FOlders

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^ As Mozilla or MS during Vista testing might say, wontfix bydesign :ninja:

At first, I found the start menu folder icon change to be a problem, but it has grown on me. It makes sense, since while they are folders, they are for storing shortcuts only.

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Just something interesting I found Tango-related, since someone already made a Guild Wars Tango icon:


The official wiki changed all profession icons to tango :)

Nifty. Of course, I want a full-size mesmer-hand SVG so I can wave that around, but nifty nonetheless.
At first, I found the start menu folder icon change to be a problem, but it has grown on me. It makes sense, since while they are folders, they are for storing shortcuts only.
Plus, it makes tons more sense if you have your program groups organized and categorized, like so:


I'm sorta getting the feeling that making categories-other a fallback for program groups isn't going to push people in that direction, though, and just get me more OMG WTF ORANGE PROGRAM ICONS?! emails.

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What am I doing wrong? I have everything categorized, but some applications still display the orange icons.

Nothing. That's how it's supposed to be.

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Is this ever going to support Windows x64? :( :( :(
Never. I don't have a scriptable tool to modify system files on X64, and even if I did, I don't have a 64-bit machine to even do a single basic smoke-test test on.
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Is anyone up to the task of creating an updated Tango theme for IconPackager?

I found one here, but it's horridly outdated :(

Why in the world would you want to use IconPackager if you have an entire shellpatcher already done and up-to-date?

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I recently finished an IconPackager package based on gnome/tango icons, and yes I use the patcher but the package is mainly for replacing custom file type-icons (though it does include the system icons aswell). The package is personal though, but if you'd like it I could probably zip and upload it.

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Why in the world would you want to use IconPackager if you have an entire shellpatcher already done and up-to-date?

Because I use Windows Vista.. and I'm not sure I want to try the Vista patcher yet.

I recently finished an IconPackager package based on gnome/tango icons, and yes I use the patcher but the package is mainly for replacing custom file type-icons (though it does include the system icons aswell). The package is personal though, but if you'd like it I could probably zip and upload it.

That would be awesome :)

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