[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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thanks, but can someone convert the firefox,IE & thunderbird icos to png 256x256? thkz

Sorry it took me so long! A giant storm came by and blacked out my apartment so I couldn't use the computer...grrr...anyway, I uploaded the PNGs I made including the Firefox, IE, Shields, and Windows Flag found on darkt.net. They are at dA:


I hope this is good enough. I'd be happy to convert and add any other icon so if there is any others just PM me or something.:))

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vertigosity: I really REALLY appreciate your hard work. I flipped through pages and couldn't find an answer to this question, but is there a place I can download the .ico's themselves instead of .dlls and .exe with the icons implemented in them already?

thx in advance

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vertigosity: I really REALLY appreciate your hard work. I flipped through pages and couldn't find an answer to this question, but is there a place I can download the .ico's themselves instead of .dlls and .exe with the icons implemented in them already?

thx in advance

The .ICOs themselves are accessible in the Tango and Tangerine subfolders of the archive - there aren't any pre-modded files.
I give up. I can't get the colors to show right.
So, what were you using for an image? I've gotten it working, but my 16-color version of the flag just feels kinda... "Wow, it's 1987 and just look at what my brand new VGA card can do!" Still, it's the best I can do, I think.


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So, what were you using for an image? I've gotten it working, but my 16-color version of the flag just feels kinda... "Wow, it's 1987 and just look at what my brand new VGA card can do!" Still, it's the best I can do, I think.


Dude vert that looks amazing, it's a boot screen remember so it's supposed to look like "wow, its 1987 and look at my new tape deck"

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That flag looks awesome! It's perfect for a boot screen! :D Windows isn't supposed to have perfectly colored boot screens. It's Windows after all :p

The cool thing is that the flag still looks Tangoish even with all the nice speckles. Me likey!

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Hi! i'm looking for a visual theme based on linux but clearlooks and smoothgnome are so white. I want to know if there's one linux port like CodenameOpusC alpha style.


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Hi! i'm looking for a visual theme based on linux but clearlooks and smoothgnome are so white. I want to know if there's one linux port like CodenameOpusC alpha style.



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So, what were you using for an image? I've gotten it working, but my 16-color version of the flag just feels kinda... "Wow, it's 1987 and just look at what my brand new VGA card can do!" Still, it's the best I can do, I think.


I was just trying any image. I got the image to change and it was working. The colors were the only thing that I couldn't get to work. I'll give your image a try.

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I have an odd question. I just restored my default icons and rehacked using the patcher and Windows Update prompted me to reinstall updates. I know I had these updates installed so I think it's detecting the hack or something and prompting to install the updates. Any reason for this and how it can be fixed?

Edited by SooperDoode
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You could ofcourse try to mod Clearlooks to look like that :)

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I have an odd question. I just restored my default icons and rehacked using the patcher and Windows Update prompted me to reinstall updates. I know I had these updates installed so I think it's detecting the hack or something and prompting to install the updates. Any reason for this and how it can be fixed?
Which patcher - stable/hack-o-matic or beta/XPizeish? If Windows Update is signalling you to install updates, it means old system files got used as the source material - the best way to get around this (with either version, I guess) would probably be to restore your system files, run Windows Update, delete your backups, and then try again. If you're running the XPize beta - reloader good. Edited by vertigosity
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Which patcher - stable/hack-o-matic or beta/XPizeish? If Windows Update is signalling you to install updates, it means old system files got used as the source material - the best way to get around this (with either version, I guess) would probably be to restore your system files, run Windows Update, delete your backups, and then try again. If you're running the XPize beta - reloader good.

Hmmm...okay. I tried doing it in Safe Mode and it seemed to skin just fine. For some reason the 'My Videos' folder never gets skinned and I can't do it manually. I have no clue why it's like that but oh well. Thanks for the help!

Oh, I was using the last stable release. Not that it matters now lol

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Installed 7pt2d_beta1 and there are a lot of improvements (was using 0.7.2a) Thanks vertigosity (Y)

A got a question about the icon packs (Tangerine and Gnome Icon Theme 2) i can use only 1 of 3 sets right ? I got Tango selected, how do I remove it and try other ones ? And are there previews of Tangerine and Gnome Icon Theme 2 ? Thanks.

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vertigosity :

Does 0.7.2c (the latest) have the new icons that exist in "+1"?

When I was replacing the files with WinRAR, the previewed icons looked identical. Or maybe I just did it myself.

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Installed 7pt2d_beta1 and there are a lot of improvements (was using 0.7.2a) Thanks vertigosity (Y)

A got a question about the icon packs (Tangerine and Gnome Icon Theme 2) i can use only 1 of 3 sets right ? I got Tango selected, how do I remove it and try other ones ? And are there previews of Tangerine and Gnome Icon Theme 2 ? Thanks.

Tangerine and Git2 both inherit most everything from Tango, so at the moment I have Tango set to be non-removable, since if its files aren't copied, everything breaks. They're not radiobuttons (yet - it's something I'm going to play with before "Beta 2"), so theoretically you could select all three, and it'd have Git2 stuff overlayed over Tangerine; no problem with that, it'd just likely look slightly weird. There's a screenshot of Tangerine on both darkt.net and on deviantart, but it's kinda old (I'm lazy.). Whenever I'm ready to declare the new version "done," I'll try to get up off my lazy bum and update it, and add a shot of Git2.

vertigosity :

Does 0.7.2c (the latest) have the new icons that exist in "+1"?

When I was replacing the files with WinRAR, the previewed icons looked identical. Or maybe I just did it myself.

Nyet, I'm lazy and didn't reupload it with the +1 stuff, which is really quite minor. One icon is rearranged (which you probably won't see unless you're using base Tango and you lock the screen without Fast User Switching), the network status lights are brightened up (only at 16x16), and there's a normal icon for k3b/burning in there. That's it. Edited by vertigosity
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I have created a sort-of fansite / homepage for the Tango shell patcher, with everything needed.

I am going to try to keep it all updated with the latest downloads and mirrors ;)


A big thanks goes to MiG- for CSS help!

The only thing "stolen" on that site, is the Tango! header image, which I ripped directly off tango-project.org. Everything else is handmade. Oh, and of the course the categorised icons are from Tango as well :p

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I have created a sort-of fansite / homepage for the Tango shell patcher, with everything needed.

I am going to try to keep it all updated with the latest downloads and mirrors ;)


Wow Sharp! The only thing I would say might make it look better (it already rocks hard!) is if there was a bit of space between the FAQ link and the edge of the document at the top. Also, is it possible to have the cool tango category icons spced out a bit from the text? Just being critical so you can ignore me if you'd like :p

It really looks great, though! A+ Fansite for an A+ Shellpatcher :)

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That has been ****ing me off as well! I need a ":p" emote. :pinch:

I know!!!! I just took the emotes from the tango page and made my own WinGaim smiley theme and I'm missing those!

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