[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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yea i remember now 2 guys who wanted to do miranda iconpack hehehehe

Give me some time lol :p

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using clearlooks 2.2 vs that icon looks 'smahed' a bit for Opera

(after adding paths to INI file)

i think its too transtaparent on the edjes, it should be redone to more solid

i dont think the screen is needed, you can check it out yourself

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/Super%20Turbo%20Tango%20Patcher%20August%202006.exe 1155 1.41 gigabytes

/Tango_0pt7pt2c.exe 787 433 982.84 megabytes

/Tango_Emblemated.zip 396 24 21.69 megabytes

/Tango_StartMenuCategories.zip 362 24 21.94 megabytes

/Tango_MediaPlayers.zip 256 22 14.24 megabytes

/download/tango-icons-png.rar 156 37 358.70 megabytes

/Tango_0pt7pt2c+1.zip 115 5 3.72 megabytes

/Tangerine_StartMenuCategories.zip 59 8 3.31 megabytes

File|Hits|Incomplete Hits (if applicable)|Bandwidth

Sweet! Your shellpatcher is getting some serious attention ;)

Edited by bobp
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/Super%20Turbo%20Tango%20Patcher%20August%202006.exe 1155 1.41 gigabytes

/Tango_0pt7pt2c.exe 787 433 982.84 megabytes

/Tango_Emblemated.zip 396 24 21.69 megabytes

/Tango_StartMenuCategories.zip 362 24 21.94 megabytes

/Tango_MediaPlayers.zip 256 22 14.24 megabytes

/download/tango-icons-png.rar 156 37 358.70 megabytes

/Tango_0pt7pt2c+1.zip 115 5 3.72 megabytes

/Tangerine_StartMenuCategories.zip 59 8 3.31 megabytes

File|Hits|Incomplete Hits (if applicable)|Bandwidth

Sweet! Your shellpatcher is getting some serious attention ;)

i dont understand you in the development now? :D

with vergo or whats that?

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Those are just my webserver stats.

The August release used 1.5 GB of BW and was d/led 1155 times. That's alot for a little shell patcher.

No the firewall icon is not Tango, its a custom jimmac.

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... so it's just one great big happy GPL lovefest.

lol... (Y) good one... still laughing!

Windows Media Connect is Microsofts own UPnP media server. Sounds like candy for customers and Microsoft tries to bring those PC's to the livingroom. It's clear, market domination wanted -> server included, for free ;)

HP included it even on the "Drivers and Tools DVD" delivered with my system. If I do a default install WMC will be installed along with the ethernet and wlan drivers, so it has to be of the same importance. Tiny little detail: XP hasn't any drivers included for my gigabit ethernet nor wireless lan cards... hehe... I see $$$ speaking...

Oh, I've got the installer... I just haven't gotten around to installing it. Lazy :p

Actually I was talking about sending you the iexplore.exe or the Internet Explorer folder so it's easier for you to know where you have to mess around in those exe and dll files. That way you wouldn't have to install IE7... ;) And I forgot: you would see some more german localized files... hehe... learning a language by reshacking files. LOL...

Edited by schaggo
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The August release used 1.5 GB of BW and was d/led 1155 times. That's alot for a little shell patcher.

No the firewall icon is not Tango, its a custom jimmac.

Wow. I can believe it, since the new installer was something a lot of people were looking forward to... and the first month the patcher was out, I exceeded my 1GB/month cap on darkt.net. Supposedly, it's been Dugg. Well, I got an email from somebody who said so, at least.

Yeah, the firewall is from SLED's Yast, I got it through Jimmac's WIP page for NLD10's Yast (NLD10 became SLED AFAICT). I can't get Novell's site to let me download it using a download manager, so pulling stuff from SLED/NLD10 (which seems to be where the grey folders are coming from) is out for a while. Sometime when I've got some USB Mass Storage with me near a fast connection, I'll think about grabbing it. Supposedly it automagically installs the ATI drivers, so I kinda want to play with it anyways. Maybe I'll install it and never reinstall Windows :shiftyninja:

I've been playing with WLM in a VM. I'm shocked and confused... MSN Messenger/WLM doesn't replace Windows Messenger... so you guys pretty much have to have two seperate MSN clients installed? WTF?!

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That is correct. WLM/MSN run along the crappy-as-hell Windows Messenger.

It is actually extremely hard to uninstall Windows Messenger, average Joe couldn't do it.

Regarding non-Fusion comctl32 bitmaps (if you look back I screenshotted the reshacker open dialog), are the bitmaps for reshackers open dialog %windir%\sys32\comctl32.dll or somewhere crazy (ie. c:\windows\winsxs\c43j45ok54u6546h45654\comctl32.dll)?

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That is correct. WLM/MSN run along the crappy-as-hell Windows Messenger.

It is actually extremely hard to uninstall Windows Messenger, average Joe couldn't do it.

Regarding non-Fusion comctl32 bitmaps (if you look back I screenshotted the reshacker open dialog), are the bitmaps for reshackers open dialog %windir%\sys32\comctl32.dll or somewhere crazy (ie. c:\windows\winsxs\c43j45ok54u6546h45654\comctl32.dll)?

It's in system32 on XP, I think it's Fusion-managed on 2003.
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This feature may be already implemented BUT:

I just wanted to make sure since I have deleted a lot of the files in system32 (fsquirt.exe) for instance that the Tango patcher isn't replacing files I don't use nor are there.

Is this true, and if not can it be impletmented?

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If [file] doesn't exist, then the Tango patcher errors and goes to the next file. For instance, it will try and patch fsquirt, it will not patch (because the file doesn't exist) and it will move onto the next victim.

I know this because I always leave the nVidia Mixer option checked, and it works anyways (I don't have nVidia Mixer)

The erroring (if it happens :p) is completely transparent. But yes, it will work, and should not crash and leave your system in a half-Tango state (if it does it will be because of something else)

I've blogged about the Tango shell patcher and made my own screenshots : http://www.benpbrown.com/2006/08/15/tango-shell-patcher/

If you want to, you can point people to http://benpbrown.com/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=648 or just rip the images :)

Edited by bobp
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Yep, it checks for the existence of a file before trying to modify it. Can't modify a file that isn't there. I've removed a few bits of stuff from my system using XPlite, so I suppose my own machine is a similar case... and I don't release stuff that doesn't work on at least my own machine.

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Wow. I can believe it, since the new installer was something a lot of people were looking forward to... and the first month the patcher was out, I exceeded my 1GB/month cap on darkt.net. Supposedly, it's been Dugg. Well, I got an email from somebody who said so, at least.


don't worry, i think you're pretty safe (for the moment).

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Bandwidth is not a problem at all for me. vertigosity, if you get near your monthly limit, you can do an .htaccess redirect to my site (for example if you get Duggpwned).

My record for a month is 11/500 GBs of bandwidth. I have alot to burn :D

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Hah, yeah, judging by the number of Diggs (which I'm guessing is the criteria for being on the front page, I don't visit Digg much), I think we're safe for the moment :p

did you submit any of your "custom" icons to the official Tango website so it can be used by others on other platforms?
Like I said, I dropped mine on the mailing list a while back. They were generally well received, but no response from any of the main devs, so I'd assume they weren't particularly interested. Edited by vertigosity
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vertigosity, would it be helpful for me to go on a screenshot rampage and basically do a copy XPize's screenshot page?*

*Except for tango ;)

Also, do you have any plans.. for an oh... i386 patcher?

Edited by bobp
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Would anybody be interested in a video-file icon if I had already inadvertently created one?


Regedit could do with some editing, especially in the folder icon section (about 1-2 mins of work)

Ahh... but it doesn't like full-color icons.

Edited by bobp
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vertigosity, would it be helpful for me to go on a[n installer] screenshot rampage?

Also, do you have any plans.. for an oh... i386 patcher?

Would anybody be interested in a video-file icon if I had already inadvertently created one?

  • Not really. It's an installer. Who cares what it looks like, it's what it does that's interesting. That it's functional, reliable, and has enough checkboxes to give proper choices is all that matters. And that's why it's a good thing.
  • Not really. I never really saw the point of i386-patching for exotic-makeover shell packs. You either have to a. get the normal installer to repatch whenever you update Windows or the shell patcher, b. make a new CD anytime MS or me issues an update, or c. don't update. anything. ever. As it is now, it works well for... everybody, really. It might be an interesting exercise for Inexperience, though, since it makes as much sense there as XPize does. I have a pretty good idea how and where to start to try and make that kind of functionality, but I didn't get code for that from XPero. Tango's forked off of "XPize Lite."
  • Not really. At least, not until I have sheets of paper that play video. The Gnome HIG tells us not to use paper metaphors when we're dealing with things that have real-world counterparts that aren't pieces of paper. Now, Gnome itself has always very ignored that, and will continue to for Git2, but Tango obeys. Plus, that's now the multimedia category icon, and not the video filetype icon (they switched 'em for 0.7.2, the last release - Jimmac thought it made more sense that way, and I agree with him).

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vertigosity, I think you missed a post of mine a while back.

if XN Resource editor can be scripted, you can use that to make a 64-bit friendly icon pack


AFAIK, it's the only resource hacker that can modify x64 compiled programs.

It's just my opinion, but I think we should hold off on making a 64-bit version. I only say this because I would like to see updates for the pack to be finished... then work on a 64-bit.


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vertigosity, I think you missed a post of mine a while back.

if XN Resource editor can be scripted, you can use that to make a 64-bit friendly icon pack

AFAIK, it's the only resource hacker that can modify x64 compiled programs.

Well, if it was scriptable as such, it wouldn't take much effort at all to do, aside from the fact that I can never test it. But as far as I can tell, it isn't. If it is, I certainly can't see how... and there's no documentation, and as far as I can tell it doesn't take any parameters other than a filename. The author has source available, including source for the resource-modifying portion, but that's an exercise for someone else. Someone who has a copy of Delphi.
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k, so i've gotten the thin taskbar version done...for the most part.

there's a little issue with the start button, as you can see from the image below.

so either i modify this too, or try for a little bit thicker taskbar.....ideas?

and i fixed the green child window controls, that was my bad. i don't see them very often personally, which is why i didn't worry about it. my bad.

anyways, all i did was follow the instructions on ( there, damn ie 7...heh

anyways, this is what i came up with. ideas/suggestions appreciated immensley.

more to come asap.


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