[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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whats a small program to convert svg to png's please
I'm the wrong person to ask - I use Inkscape paired up with Explorer, and I doubt either qualify as small programs. Both really good at what they do... but neither small.
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First, allow me to say nice job! Thanks for your work.

But... I have this one weird problem.

I applied this patcher when it still didn't have avi's included in it, and it changed everything from the usual icons to other stuff like the notepad, charmap and the calculator icons. Now after 7.1, some bitmaps have been changed along with some avi's, but icons of certain applications (such as notepad and the like) are still default.

Did I screw up somewhere? Oh yeah, before applying version 7.1, I replaced the shell32.dll with a tangoised shell32 I made up with reshacker.

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First, allow me to say nice job! Thanks for your work.

But... I have this one weird problem.

I applied this patcher when it still didn't have avi's included in it, and it changed everything from the usual icons to other stuff like the notepad, charmap and the calculator icons. Now after 7.1, some bitmaps have been changed along with some avi's, but icons of certain applications (such as notepad and the like) are still default.

Did I screw up somewhere? Oh yeah, before applying version 7.1, I replaced the shell32.dll with a tangoised shell32 I made up with reshacker.

Nah, whatever it is, I can say pretty confidently that it isn't your fault; the patcher is pretty much fire-and-forget, and it'll work fine with pre-reshacked material (after all, it's just reshack-on-reshack violence). Right now I'm not entirely sure why some people are having spotty replacement issues (if you look a few posts back, Markoajda's experiencing something similar, on multiple machines even) - I haven't been able to replicate these kinds of issues on any of my machines. I've got a gut instinct that says it might be something you guys are running that I'm not. I know it's not VLK WinXP if you're running that (I use a VLK copy in a VM for testing), but it would be worth you, Markoajda, and anyone else experiencing this sort of thing to PM me with some configuration info (specifically, installed software) and maybe I can pick out a common thread. A few quick checks first, though, if you look in the "modified" directory, are there instances of the files properly modified that aren't properly modified in the system? If it's not properly modified there, reshack's breaking on something, if it's there but the version in the system isn't modified, it's the replacing procedure, and if that's modified correctly, then I'm probably not clearing the icon cache properly (which is a possibility, I changed how I was doing that between 0.7.1 and 0.7.1a).

On the less confused and broken side of things, for anyone who's interested, I've got Tangerine/Orangutan converted and more done, minus toolbar bitmaps and AVIs (that'll take me a few days longer), and I'll throw that up on DeviantArt later today after I've had a chance to test it on a real machine and change a few more resources... but right now, sleep.

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I've got Tangerine/Orangutan converted and more done, minus toolbar bitmaps and AVIs (that'll take me a few days longer), and I'll throw that up on DeviantArt later today after I've had a chance to test it on a real machine and change a few more resources... but right now, sleep.

Sounds great ! I understand - Avis costs some time - but I`m sure you will do a very good job :yes:

Pls change the "msoeres.dll" (outlook) too, there`s one avi and some BMP`s ...

100% rocking :blush:

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score and downloaded !

can we override the old 1 ? or uninstall it before installing the new

"The patcher will work on a system that has had any other pack, including previous versions of itself installed previously, although it may complicate the process of recovering your original system files in the event you wanted to return to the normal look. The restore script will revert your system to the state it was in when the pack was installed." - yeah, enough people ask that, I figure I ought to have that as a "FAQ."

Edit: For that matter, you don't even have to keep a copy of it around, after it's run, it's done everything it needs to.

Edited by vertigosity
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first of all, thank you for your hard work, i love this shellpack, i think its a lot better than most of these other packs (and it almost seems more complete than most of them). :woot:

now my question: in my windows classic theme the startbutton has changed to those blue feet. i like it but i would like to know where you have to change the bitmap to edit it as there is no msstyle where i could change it. i looked in several dll's, in the .theme file itself and in the resources from the shellpatcher, but i couldnt find it anywhere. can anyone point me to the file that needs to be edited for this? thanks in andvance!

nevermind the question, found it by myself, its bitmap 176 in explorer.exe.

Edited by cpl183
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Super stuff. I could stare at this icons all day long. :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

BTW what's the theme in your preview @ dA?


Ok never mind the question. It's Clearlooks

Edited by markoajda
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Ok one question. Is DVD icon supposed to look like mine or should it look like the one on the preview by vertigosity? Report your results please! Thanks.


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Ok one question. Is DVD icon supposed to look like mine or should it look like the one on the preview by vertigosity? Report your results please! Thanks.


yep mine hasnt changed also

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ok i installed and copied the oj files and stuff over i wanted to use but im still seeing the old icons ?
In that order? :blink:
Ok one question. Is DVD icon supposed to look like mine or should it look like the one on the preview by vertigosity? Report your results please! Thanks.
Bah, I think I may have set shell32 #297 (DVD-RAM), #298 (DVD-R), #304 (DVD-ROM), and #318 (DVD-RW) against the normal CD icon instead of the DVD icon when I reorganized everything, which DOES make that my fault. Let's hear it for the Vertigocorp Quality Control Team :o If it bugs you enough to repatch, drop the attached shell32.dll.txt file into the scripts sub-directory.
^ Yes, thats prob it, do you have any other resolution sizes? (1280x1024)
It's Waves (by Jimmac), available as infinitely-resizable SVG from Jimmac's site.

Thanks alot !!!

Are the new avis+bmps included ?

Maybe this wallpaper fits with the new icons :laugh:


That's one funky giraffe.

My personal vote for wallpaper to go with Tangerine is this shot of the Saturn Sky, but then I've got some kind of weird crush on the GM Kappa Twins at the moment :wub:

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