Luna Element 5

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It's true that you technically can't stop people from releasing mods. There wouldn't be anything to stop them unless there's a man named Bill Gates who slaps you over the head with a Microsoft Stop Sign hahaha

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Honestly em3 you're one of the best xp themers around and I think I speak for everyone here when I say we appreciate all the hard work you've put into this theme. While I respect your decision not to allow mods, I can't seem to understand it. just because others don't allow mods isn't really a reason to disallow mods of your own theme. As others have pointed out, Luna Element and just about all other themes are inspired by MS's own Luna theme so you've basically ripped something and shared it without asking or giving credit to Microsoft. Think of it this way, you created a mod of Luna because there were things about it that you didn't like and when you were done, you shared it with the world. By the same token, others have modded your theme to their liking and also wish to share, but the rules are different with you because you won't allow sharing. Not everyone has the skill to do what you do and the things people ask you to change are usually a strict "no go" so they're left with either making the changes themselves or get someone to do it for them. Neither of those are easy tasks if you disallow mods and the user doesn't have the ability to make the changes themselves. Lets face it, as good as LE is, it will never be on a wall in an art museum so why not just relax alittle.

Before you begin the flamefest, remember that I said I respect your decision. This is just my take on the situation, nothing more.

Edited by denzilla
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Hey, Denzilla. Put things in perspective. My "mod" is way more extensive than what you guys go. You only replace the startbutton or a few other parts. My decision is not up for debate! Back to topic. :hmmm:

:woot: Been waiting for LE5 for a while - excellent work - I even donated, and I never do that.

Thank you. :yes:

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So, just for the record, would you allow a 'mod' that heavily changes the theme?

Something that is inspired directly by another theme, can be considered heavily changed. This means that if you do a skin from scratch, producing YOUR OWN graphics, you can even use a very small number of parts taken from another theme.

I think that both the meanings of "copying" and "stealing" speak for themselves. :)

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that's not a MOD... bant was just inspired by LE...

it's more of a recreation/reimagining... all images in the style apart from the shellstyle were created by me, in photoshop, over a long ass conception period.
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that's not a MOD... bant was just inspired by LE...

I think thats the point. I think most themers want to discourage direct modding and encourage a more creative aspect to theming. The last thing we need is a thousand versions of 1 theme. It may have its advantages to have mods openly available, but there are some huge disadvantages as well.

An abundance of mods for one theme waters down the integrity and quality of the original themers work. The original will often get lost in the ocean of mods that surround it. Bugs will be reported to the wrong people, credit will be given to the wrong people, and the theme will eventually become so distorted that it doesnt represent what the themer had originally planned, it hurts the community, it hurts the theme. Usually a themer begins his work with a basic idea of how he/she wants it to look, to feel. And we spend hours tweaking everything to get it just right.

To have someone come in and change a bunch of stuff goes against the way WE feel our themes should look and feel. And dont you think ultimately, we should have the last say?

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To have someone come in and change a bunch of stuff goes against the way WE feel our themes should look and feel. And dont you think ultimately, we should have the last say?


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An abundance of mods for one theme waters down the integrity and quality of the original themers work. The original will often get lost in the ocean of mods that surround it. Bugs will be reported to the wrong people, credit will be given to the wrong people, and the theme will eventually become so distorted that it doesnt represent what the themer had originally planned, it hurts the community, it hurts the theme. Usually a themer begins his work with a basic idea of how he/she wants it to look, to feel. And we spend hours tweaking everything to get it just right.

I see your point. However I believe people here just want the convienence of using a precompiled mod of the VS instead of slapping it together themselves - even though recolouring VS parts is as simple as going into ResEdit's temp directory and working with the stuff there.

Anyways, for people that want the mods posted here, check the attachment. Just open the VS in ResEdit, and extract the contents of the ZIP to C:\Program Files\TGTSoft\ResEdit\Temp.

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I think thats the point. I think most themers want to discourage direct modding and encourage a more creative aspect to theming. The last thing we need is a thousand versions of 1 theme. It may have its advantages to have mods openly available, but there are some huge disadvantages as well.

An abundance of mods for one theme waters down the integrity and quality of the original themers work. The original will often get lost in the ocean of mods that surround it. Bugs will be reported to the wrong people, credit will be given to the wrong people, and the theme will eventually become so distorted that it doesnt represent what the themer had originally planned, it hurts the community, it hurts the theme. Usually a themer begins his work with a basic idea of how he/she wants it to look, to feel. And we spend hours tweaking everything to get it just right.

To have someone come in and change a bunch of stuff goes against the way WE feel our themes should look and feel. And dont you think ultimately, we should have the last say?

Well siad Bant. :yes: Thanks for the backup.

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i don't think le5 needs all these mods. it ain't a perfect theme, but it's a realy good one. i'm usin' it since day one. i didn't like the colors first, but now i realy begin to like the selection color and everything else.

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I'm wondering if anyone has made a LE5 Trillian skin yet? I searched but didn't find any info on it. I'm in the process of porting it over and didn't want to duplicate any effort.


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I'm wondering if anyone has made a LE5 Trillian skin yet? I searched but didn't find any info on it. I'm in the process of porting it over and didn't want to duplicate any effort.


there's a nice blue one a few pages back. a black version is being worked on now

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there's a nice blue one a few pages back. a black version is being worked on now

Yup, black one is in progress. There are a few bugs in the blue one too that I'm working out so an update should be out by the end of the weekend

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The Luna Element 5 (Blue) Trillian skin was updated today for those of you who wanted it. I suggest you update, it fizes some obvious bugs.

Download .tsz

# Fixed titlebar bug in Minimalistic Interface

# Fixed Min/Max/Close button alignment in Minimalistic Interface

# Tweaked SmallMinMaxClose.png

# Fixed titlebar bug in Default Interface

# Changed contact list mouseover colors

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