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I thought this was fixed in, it annoys the heck outta me.

Example of bug. Right click this link, Save Link As.... (Its a legal mp3 file, this week in tech podcast).

Main MP3 feed

Every time I use Save Link As.., the file name to save as is redirect.

That's because it isn't an MP3 file - it's an PHP script redirecting to the MP3 file. - That is what it's trying to save (A PHP file using .htaccess to rename the file to MP3) that redirects the thing to the file -

There's a debate on the usability aspect of this and it is filed as bug 299372. It involves whether Firefox should wait for the server to respond before showing the Save As dialog (IE style) or whether it should show it immediately (Firefox style). The advantage of the former behavior is that it preserves filenames, while the disadvantage is that with slow servers the Save As dialog may potentially take forever to appear. The advantage of the latter behavior is that the downloads can be queued immediately by the download manager, while the disadvantage is that you usually get arcane filenames like attachment.cgi or redirect.cgi. Firefox has made up it's decision to support the latter behavior. For those who don't like the behavior, there is an extension to fix this called Content Disposition.

That kind of helped, thank you. I always right clicked and used save link as cause clicking, or middle clicking, the link, opens the mp3 file with quicktime plugin within the browser. So i went to options, and changed its default download action and now it saves them to disk with the correct filename.

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