Fastest/best CPU for my Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe?

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I want a bit more of speed, but I'm not interested in actually upgrading my system completely right now. When I do It I'll have to change Graphics cards to PCI Express, RAM, Motherboard CPU, etc... So I want to squeeze a few more months to one year from my current desktop and I was wondering if buying a new CPU would be a good option.

My current system is:

MOBO: A7N8X-E Deluxe


- 400 MHz FSB

- Dual-Channel DDR400 Memory

VGA: AGP XFX 6800 Ultra 256 MB

RAM: 1 GB (Patriot 2 x 512 MB)

CPU: AMD Athlon 2500+ @ 200 FSB 2000 MHZ

I have no ideia of current prices for CPUs on this platform, but I was considering if getting a new CPU would be a good option to get a few more months of life out of this system, F.E.A.R. is crawling at 1280*1024 but most other games run really well.

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i believe u can get a socket a sempron 3000 with a 333mhz fsb that would be a little bit faster that your current proc. this would be alright for general apps but will not improve your gaming much if at all. best bet would be hold off for a few months and get a new mobo and processor. keep in mind that with amd new m2 coming to market, prices for current lines will decrease a bit so that will enable u to get a much better proc that u have now with a decent motherboard. save ur money for now.

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A 3200 Athlon is the fastest you can get for that board, might be hard to find a new one. Only second hand ones, I have one for sale that has an unlocked Multiplier and is fast as hell.

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Buying a CPU at this time not advised.

But if you still want to go ahead try to get AMD ATHLON 64 3000+ Venice from bestbuy ( dont go for newegg for this processor because its around $160 mark ) you will get it for around 130-135$ mark.

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