Latest Japanese Hardware Sales

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Media Create | December 22 - 28


DSi - 188,697

Wii - 134,958

PSP - 118,765

DSL - 56,453

PS3 - 45,989

360 - 13,011

PS2 - 10,404


01. [PS3] White Knight Chronicles (SCEI) - 206,954 / NEW

02. [PSP] Dissidia: Final Fantasy (Square Enix) - 176,385 / 666,000

03. [WII] Animal Crossing: City Folk (Nintendo) - 144,179 / 876,000

04. [NDS] Kirby Super Star Ultra Deluxe (Nintendo) - 140,934 / 920,000

05. [NDS] Wagamama Fashion: Girls Mode (Nintendo) - 105,225 / 547,000

06. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) - 84,515 / 1,445,000

07. [NDS] Phantasy Star Zero (SEGA) - 84,055 / NEW

08. [NDS] Pokemon Platinum (Pokemon Co.) - 78,653 / 2,231,000

09. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) - 71,347 / 3,051,000

10. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) - 69,913 / 2,066,000

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Hmm, that's interesting. The top 10 is all handheld titles bar 1 (SMB for Famicom).

Anyway, I wonder how the Japanese sales will turn after Christmas.

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December 29 - January 4


DSi - 182,518

PSP - 157,088

Wii - 119,965

PS3 - 60,654

DSL - 48,160

360 - 19,694

PS2 - 12,548


01. [PSP] Dissidia Final Fantasy (Square Enix) 104,000 / 770,000

02. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 89,000 / 1,535,000

03. [NDS] Kirby Super Star Ultra (Nintendo) 77,000 / 998,000

04. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 74,000 / 3,125,000

05. [WII] Animal Crossing: City Folk (Nintendo) 73,000 / 949,000

06. [PS3] White Knight Chronicles (SCE) 71,000 / 278,000

07. [NDS] Wagamama Fashion: Girl's Mode (Nintendo) 68,000 / 615,000

08. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) 67,000 / 2,133,000

09. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (Best) (Capcom) 62,000 / 271,000

10. [NDS] Momotaro Dentetsu 20th Anniversary (Hudson) 57,000 / 204,000

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I think it will be, I don't think MS will change the basic arch of the Xbox again, just beef it up. Instead of 3 cores it'll have 6, and probably 2 GPUs like top of the line PC gfx cards do now. And loads of ram etc. This keeps the devs happy since they have more resources to work with but don't have to learn anything new. If you've already coded your game engine to run on 3 cores, and it's multithreaded, then moving it up to a 6 core system or dual GPU setup should be automatic or very very easy.

That's how I'd do it anyways.

Two graphics cards are not efficient in terms of performance, I think you get like 150% performance over just one card on a good day, so don't expect Microsoft to waste any time with such an idea. Instead, it's better to have one really fast card. Don't forget, Microsoft owns DirectX. The 360 libraries are extremely similar (if not identical) and what do you notice with PC Graphics cards? If it runs DX9, it runs DX8, 7 and 6 (And all the versions in between). DirectX is abstracted from the hardware itself, in other words you don't have to know what hardware you're programming for, you know that if you call a DirectX function, that hardware will (or at least, it's supposed to) perform that function. So for the Next Xbox, microsoft could have a completely different graphics chip, and all it has to do is pass in the same DirectX calls for it to do the same things (probably why the 360 is backwards compatible, at least to a point, with the original Xbox, despite the original Xbox being almost completely different hardware).

The processor is another kettle of fish, but it's not easy to scale via number of cores. Just because something is multithreadded, it doesn't mean it can run twice as fast on a 4-core system as a 2-core system. Games in particular are quite difficult to scale via threads (I wrote a big article on this a few months back, try searching for it). There's a reason why Microsoft picked a 3-core system for the 360, it's actually quite a clever decision and probably half the reason why 360 games are still on par with PS3 games, despite the PS3 having a lot more potential processing power.

For the next 360, expect probably another 3-core system, maybe even quad core, but much much faster. Not that much faster, though. Since the 360 and PS3 launched, both nVidia and ATI have made great strides in their GPGPU technologies (this is General-Processing-on-a-GPU, stuff like Folding@home) so the GPU could be completely different and much much more useful to games. My Geforce 9800GTX is more powerful than the CELLs in a PS3 AND it's capable of doing stuff like Physics at the same time as rendering graphics, so expect more of that in future consoles.

HDD will definitely be as standard and it'll be a Solid State Drive. I know that's a big conclusion to jump to, but it's a stupidly obvious choice - the only reason MS dumped the HDD on the Arcade was because HDDs are difficult to make cheap. Most of the price of most levels of hard drive go on the same components, it's only the platters (where the data is stored) that changes. So the difference in price between the 20Gb and 60Gb drives was only a few cents, hence why Microsoft changed. This is because they're Mechanical. Solid State Drives will not have this issue, as the flash chips on them get smaller, they get cheaper and cheaper. Look at SD cards today, I remember paying ?30 for a 256Mb card only a couple of years ago, now you can get 8Gb and 16Gb ones for 1/3 of that!

Oh - and it'll have a Blu-Ray drive. Not because Microsoft made a "Mistake" with the 360's DVD drive or anything, but because today's Blu-ray drives are already faster than DVD drives at slower speeds and prices are dropping quickly (You can have a Blu-ray drive for about ?60-?70 now, this time next year they'll be at least half that, by the time 2012 comes around or whenever the neXtBox comes out, they'll be as cheap as DVD drives today and much faster).


WOW! The DSi has really taken off

And the PS3 is selling three times the 360, the patterns in Japan are interesting...

The PS3 has been consistently outselling the 360 3-1 in Japan for a few weeks now. Hard to believe, but that's a major improvement on the last 12 months (Except for that big blip a few months ago). It's amazing the 360 is currently pulling ahead of the PS3 considering it's basically doing nothing in one of the 3 major territories.

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It's amazing the 360 is currently pulling ahead of the PS3 considering it's basically doing nothing in one of the 3 major territories.

I see the appeal of the 360 locally (in australia), most of the people seem to take the view that "ps3 has better graphics but 360 has better games" and when they buy a 360 that compels their friends to buy one too to play with them on Xbox Live!

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That's a strange (and incorrect) opinion to have o_0

I get the feeling the 360 is basically selling via word-of-mouth in Japan. Like someone goes around to his "dumb" friend's house who owns a 360 and sees a shelf full of JRPGs and is like "....hey...I want to play some of these!" or something.

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January 5 - 11 | 2009


DSi - 78,201

PSP - 60,495

Wii - 41,243

PS3 - 28,144

DSL - 23,429

360 - 10,554

PS2 - 6,628


01. [PSP] Dissidia Final Fantasy (Square Enix) 49,000 / 818,000

02. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) (Capcom) 34,000 / 305,000

03. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 33,000 / 1,568,000

04. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 29,000 / 3,155,000

05. [NDS] Wagamama Fashion: Girl's Mode (Nintendo) 29000 / 644,000

06. [PS3] White Knight Chronicles (SCE) 26000 / 304,000

07. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Spec III (SCE) 25,000 / 292,000

08. [PS2] Gundam Musou 2 (Limted Edition) (Namco Bandai) 25,000 / 225000

09. [NDS] Kirby Super Star Ultra (Nintendo) 23,000 / 1,021,000

10. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) 21,000 / 2,155,000

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PS3 and 360 Nibbling At Console Market Share

Japan - At the beginning of last summer, the Wii almost crossed its 70% console market share barrier with 69.99% on 06/02/08. While the Wii was reaching for historic highs, the 360 had reached its lowest point* and the PS3 was quickly decelerating in one of its lower moments (23.55%).

* The 360 bottomed out at 6.39% two weeks later. Shortly thereafter, I went on record predicting that 5% or less was inevitable.

Since then, the Wii has lost nearly 2% console market share, not an insignificant number this deep into the generation.* The 360 hasn't been that low again, climbing up to a much more respectable 7.68% and the PS3 looks like it will be locking in around 24% for the generation and currently sits at 24.18%.

*2% of all console hardware represents 225 thousand units at this point.

Questions for consumption:

1. Are we seeing the plateau of Wii success in Japan? Is 70% the zenith it will never quite reach?

2. What does this mean? Can Microsoft hold its head up a little higher with 7.68% than it could at 6.something %?

3. In the same breath, should Sony be ashamed that it only has 24% market share after dominating so completely for the past ten years? Or, has the market truly split into casuals vs. hardcore, and, as the fanboys put it, "it's doing really well for being so expensive!"?

Media Create Sales: 01/05 - 01/11








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Looks like the 360 will break the 1mil mark in Japan in time. Sure they're 3rd in japan and pretty behind, BUT, the fact the market is so big worldwide now, and that the 360 has gotten way more 3rd party support is what MS wanted from Japan anyways.

Being in this for the long term is the thing, If they stick to this and keep working at it, in time they'll get the Japanese market to open up enough and be better competition there like in the rest of the world.

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Only One Xbox 360 Game Made Top 100 Sellers of 2008

Crunching the sales data from game publication Famitsu, we have a breakdown by platform of the 100 biggest selling games of last year in Japan.

Here goes:

DS: 47 games

Wii: 15 games

PSP: 15 games

PS2: 12 games

PS3: 10 games

Xbox 360: 1 game

And that one Xbox 360 game is Tales of Vesperia, coming in at 82nd place in the top 100.

For those interested in how that breaks down by game maker, we have that as well:

Nintendo: 29 games

Namco Bandai: 20 games

Square Enix: 11 games

Konami: 10 games

Capcom: 6 games

Level5: 4 games

Sony Computer Entertainment: 3 games

The Pok?mon Company: 3 games

Koei: 2 games

Atlus: 2 games

Enterbrain: 1 game

IE Institute: 1 game

Hudson: 1 game

Rocket: 1 game

EA: 1 game

Marvelous: 1 game


Thought a couple of the RPGs outside of Vesperia would've done a bit better.

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As long as they met their sales targets or better. Not every game sells 1mil or more anyways. I remember LO had a sales target of 200k which is pretty low compared to what other well known big name games sell.

In the end of the day though, it's a global market, so it's kinda hard to tell how a single game has actually done if you don't have specific global sales numbers.

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January 12 - 18 | 2009


DSi - 62,525

PSP - 42,559

Wii - 32,333

PS3 - 20,690

DSL - 18,809

360 - 9,576

PS2 - 5,760


01. [WII] Wii Play: Mario Tennis (Nintendo) 56,509 / NEW

02. [NDS] Megami Ibunroku: Devil Survivor (Atlas) 55,466 / NEW

03. [PS3] Naruto: Narutimate Storm (Namco Bandai) 44,065 / NEW

04. [PSP] Dissidia Final Fantasy (Square Enix) 29,355 / 848,000

05. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) (Capcom) 27,032 / 332,000

06. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 25,488 / 1,594,000

07. [PS3] Fallout 3 (Bethesda Softworks) 24,488 / NEW

08. [NDS] Wagamama Fashion: Girl's Mode (Nintendo) 22,628 / 667,000

09. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 21,847 / 3,177,000

10. [NDS] DS Uranai Seikatsu (Nintendo) 19,881 / NEW

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dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

dont post the same link a million times

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Hmm, interesting, PS3 sales are down, but 360 sales are about the same. For weeks, there's been a 3:1 sales ratio of PS3's to 360's but this time it's only 2:1.

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I think it can. It seems to have more or less settled into the 7-10k area. A few more good games in Japan and it could move up higher again.

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January 19 - 25 | 2009


DSi - 51,618

PSP - 38,280

Wii - 26,770

PS3 - 17,708

DSL - 13,686

360 - 7,663

PS2 - 5,077


01. [WII] Wii Play: Mario Tennis (Nintendo) 31,000 / 88,000

02. [WII] Fragile (Namco Bandai) 26,000 / NEW

03. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii (Namco Bandai) 25,000 / 316,000

04. [PSP] Zill O'll Infinite Plus (KOEI) 25,000 / NEW

05. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) (Capcom) 25,000 / 357,000

06. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 20,000 / 1,614,000

07. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 19,000 / 3,196,000

08. [PSP] Dissidia Final Fantasy (Square Enix) 18,000 / 866,000

09. [NDS] Megami Ibunroku: Devil Survivor (Atlus) 18,000 / 74,000

10. [NDS] Wagamama Fashion: Girl's Mode (Nintendo) 17,000 / 684,000

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Jan 26 - Feb 1


DSi - 55,613

PSP - 44,135

Wii - 23,278

PS3 - 17,405

DSL - 15,147

360 - 8,107

PS2 - 5,334


01. [PSP] Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 (Namco Bandai) 213,000 / NEW

02. [PSP] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami) 109,000 / NEW

03. [PS2] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami) 108,000 / NEW

04. [NDS] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Square Enix) 102,000 / NEW

05. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) (Capcom) 23,000 / 380,000

06. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii (Namco Bandai) 22,000 / 339,000

07. [WII] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Square Enix) 22,000 / NEW

08. [WII] Wii Play: Mario Tennis (Nintendo) 20,000 / 108,000

09. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 20,000 / 1,634,000

10. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 19,000 / 3,215,000

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Feb 2 - 8


DSi - 49,529

PSP - 34,969

Wii - 20,412

PS3 - 16,082

DSL - 12,484

360 - 8,311

PS2 - 5,089


01. [PSP] Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 (Namco Bandai) 45,000 / 258,000

02. [PS3] Demon's Souls (SCE) 40,000 / NEW

03. [PSP] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami) 38,000 / 147,000

04. [PS2] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami) 37,000 / 145,000

05. [NDS] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Square Enix) 34,000 / 136,000

06. [NDS] Detective Conan & Kindachi (Namco Bandai) 20,000 / NEW

07. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) (Capcom) 18,000 / 398,000

08. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii (Namco Bandai) 16,000 / 355,000

09. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 15,500 / 1,650,000

10. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 15,000 / 323,000

Wii numbers getting pretty low, 360 holding steady for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week's numbers:

Feb 9 - 15


DSi - 53,483

PSP - 34,256

Wii - 21,016

PS3 - 18,656

DSL - 14,810

360 - 9,833

PS2 - 5,332


01. [NDS] Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (Nintendo) 193,000 / NEW

02. [PS3] Street Fighter IV (Capcom) 86,000 / NEW

03. [PSP] Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou (Namco Bandai) 40,000 / NEW

04. [PS2] Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou (Namco Bandai) 38,000 / NEW

05. [360] Street Fighter IV (Capcom) 38,000 / NEW

06. [PSP] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami) 27,000 / 174,000

07. [PS2] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami) 25,000 / 170,000

08. [PS3] Demon's Souls (SCE) 22,000 / 62,000

09. [PSP] Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 (Namco Bandai) 22,000 / 280,000

10. [NDS] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Square Enix) 20,000 / 156,000

This week:

Feb 16 - 22


DSi - 41,839

PSP - 29,552

360 - 25,334

Wii - 16,973

PS3 - 16,149

DSL - 9,975

PS2 - 5,029


01. [360] Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (Square Enix) 162,000 / NEW

02. [NDS] Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (Nintendo) 62,000 / 255,000

03. [PSP] Idolmaster SP: Perfect Sun (Namco Bandai) 46,000 / NEW

04. [PSP] Idolmaster SP: Missing Moon (Namco Bandai) 39,000 / NEW

05. [PSP] Idolmaster SP: Wandering Star (Namco Bandai) 35,000 / NEW

06. [NDS] Shining Force Feather (SEGA) 30,000 / NEW

07. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) (Capcom) 18,000 / 435,000 *

08. [PS2] Sacred Blaze (Flight Plan) 17,000 / NEW

09. [PS3] Street Fighter IV (Capcom) 17,000 / 103,000

10. [PS3] Demon's Souls (SCE) 15,000 / 78,000

First time 360 outsells Wii in Media Create, thanks to Star Ocean 4.

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Just shows that a big name game that the Japanese love will help things big. Those are good numbers for SO4, nice start.

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PSP - 42,000

DSi - 38,000

PS3 - 35,000

X360 - 13,000

Wii - 12,000

DSL - 8,000

PS2 - 3,800


01 Ryu ga Gotoku 3 [Yakuza 3] (PS3) - 380,000

02 MARUCHIREIDO (PSP) - 200,000

03 Louis Mali (Nintendo DS) - 50,000

04 games CX 9DS) - 45,000

05 One Piece (Wii) - 45,000

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