PS3 Worldwide Release in November

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It would be pointless to have a HD-DVD drive if the format loses however. And 360 will probably eventually have HDMI, I was just saying that it's strange that they didn't release it (or DVI) with the console.

But it could be pointless to pay extra for the PS3 just because Blueray will be built in for the same reasons, no? We still have no idea what the games will actually look like so at this point there really isn't any reason to pick one or the other besides game exclusives, which is probably the reason why I'll be getting a PS3.

To take any of the comments for face value is just being niave, though. I'm sure we'll have a better picture on what Sony plans to deliver (performance and price)at E3. Till then, this is nothing more than an attempt to sway potential 360 buyers to their camp

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But it could be pointless to pay extra for the PS3 just because Blueray will be built in for the same reasons, no?

Sony has a major advantage there though. Everyone who buys a PS3 will have Blu-ray (no 'e'). So I doubt it's going anywhere.

Till then, this is nothing more than an attempt to sway potential 360 buyers to their camp

Well duh.

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November 2006? Too late, the Xbox 360 will have been out for over a year. What are Sony playing at, bit slow aren't they? Microsoft got their machines together quickly enough, and I can't see the PS3 being that much more powerful, especially to just justify the extra year of development time.

Its not a year of development time its a year of waiting for the parts to drop in price. I think PS3 will be a fair bit more powerful then X360 but we'll have to see.

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I would like to point a few things out that I commented on in the news article...

You need to face reality here. Microsoft did the exact same thing. They planned everything out for a global launch, then fell behind. Chances are that the same thing will happen to Sony too, even if they manage to get 6 million out by March. That's just how much bigger the PS market is. Also if you actually think the first round wont have problems like the 360 did, you really need to stop smokin.

C'mon, so we know it's gonna be released, and it will have an HDD. The fact that it's technically going to be more advanced than the 360 isnt going to make me sell my 360 and get a PS3. I prefer 360's/Xbox's library more, so that's what I'll stick with. PS3's graphics won't outstrip 360's in any game probably until about 2008. Developers just can't wield that kind of power yet, though, as I said before, graphics arent everything.

I do admire the fact that Sony's finally getting a centralized online system though. Took them long enough. I still don't think it will be able to compete with Xbox Live's 4 year's of excellent service, but we'll have to wait and see.

And a 60 gig HDD. God knows most games don't need that much space. And you can't seriously say you'd just use it for networking can buy a friggin 320gig HDD for <$100. And it takes all of 8 seconds to screw in and attach it to a good computer making for easier access.

So they plan on having 6 million consoles out by March. Wow. Microsoft has about 2.5 million out (and you still can't walk in and find one in America...demand is just that great), which will probably double by June, and double again by November. Sony'll have 1 million out in Nov., and MS will have 10, probably 15 by March. And if there becomes a shortage of PS3's like 360's (with the market for this console, and only having 2 mil produced then, it will probably happen), well, look what the only console you'll be able to find in stores next Christmas will be. The 360 will be long from forgotten.

I'm going to reserve my judgement until it comes out, but for all those who complained about the 360's price...I'm not sure how this is going to go.

Either way I'll have been playing in the HD-era for a year already, and I don't plan on getting a PS console so long as Microsoft keeps making them. I'm not saying PS is bad in any's actually really good...I just prefer Xbox over it.


And I just realize I've forgotten about Nintendo. While they're an excellent company, they seem to be in a market all on their own. We'll see how that goes.

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Also if you actually think the first round wont have problems like the 360 did, you really need to stop smokin.

Exactly, the PS2 launch was also rife with problems. Perhaps moreso than 360.

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And a 60 gig HDD. God knows most games don't need that much space. And you can't seriously say you'd just use it for networking can buy a friggin 320gig HDD for <$100. And it takes all of 8 seconds to screw in and attach it to a good computer making for easier access.

Dude you got to tell me where did you find a 320gb hard drive for less then 100 bucks... And you have to think about all the people that have no clue how a hard drive works man, yesterday I talked to a kid that tought that cpu was a new way to say "slut" so now you can see what potential buyers we have for the consoles.

60GB is a good choice and according to what IGN stated it can be upgraded so we end up not losing anything at all.

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I'm happy for Sony, they made the right choice. Now they won't lose Europe like everything pointed at if they would do a 2007 launch over here.

I remember Ken Kutaragi stating no matter how big HDD they would put in there it wouldn't be large enough. Also I think I recall Sony bashing Microsoft for attempting a worldwide launch. Strange to see them change their minds so quickly.

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Dude you got to tell me where did you find a 320gb hard drive for less then 100 bucks... And you have to think about all the people that have no clue how a hard drive works man, yesterday I talked to a kid that tought that cpu was a new way to say "slut" so now you can see what potential buyers we have for the consoles.

60GB is a good choice and according to what IGN stated it can be upgraded so we end up not losing anything at all.

So I exaggerated, by about $25...check newegg...320 gig SATA for $125

You can get a 250 gig for $96 though...plenty of space, more likely less that what that 60 gig one will cost


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360 owners should rejoice at the launch of the PS3. This means the 360 will have some competition, and hopefully games will be cheaper.

I own a 360, and love it. PS3 looks great too. My only concern is the price. I dont think I can afford to be an xbox gamer, PC gamer, AND a PS3 gamer. But, god knows I will try.

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360 owners should rejoice at the launch of the PS3. This means the 360 will have some competition, and hopefully games will be cheaper.

I own a 360, and love it. PS3 looks great too. My only concern is the price. I dont think I can afford to be an xbox gamer, PC gamer, AND a PS3 gamer. But, god knows I will try.

No Revolution love. :( Come on, Nintendo is giving the best deal out of them all.

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Why do I get this feeling that because it has Linux on it, this is going to be modded very quickly to allow the ripping of games?

Well we'll have to wait to see what/if they put any limits on it, I don't see Sony putting Linux on thier and letting people do what they want (but would be very cool and will happen in time)

I would like to point a few things out that I commented on in the news article...

You need to face reality here. Microsoft did the exact same thing. They planned everything out for a global launch, then fell behind. Chances are that the same thing will happen to Sony too, even if they manage to get 6 million out by March. That's just how much bigger the PS market is. Also if you actually think the first round wont have problems like the 360 did, you really need to stop smokin.

C'mon, so we know it's gonna be released, and it will have an HDD. The fact that it's technically going to be more advanced than the 360 isnt going to make me sell my 360 and get a PS3. I prefer 360's/Xbox's library more, so that's what I'll stick with. PS3's graphics won't outstrip 360's in any game probably until about 2008. Developers just can't wield that kind of power yet, though, as I said before, graphics arent everything.

I do admire the fact that Sony's finally getting a centralized online system though. Took them long enough. I still don't think it will be able to compete with Xbox Live's 4 year's of excellent service, but we'll have to wait and see.

And a 60 gig HDD. God knows most games don't need that much space. And you can't seriously say you'd just use it for networking can buy a friggin 320gig HDD for <$100. And it takes all of 8 seconds to screw in and attach it to a good computer making for easier access.

So they plan on having 6 million consoles out by March. Wow. Microsoft has about 2.5 million out (and you still can't walk in and find one in America...demand is just that great), which will probably double by June, and double again by November. Sony'll have 1 million out in Nov., and MS will have 10, probably 15 by March. And if there becomes a shortage of PS3's like 360's (with the market for this console, and only having 2 mil produced then, it will probably happen), well, look what the only console you'll be able to find in stores next Christmas will be. The 360 will be long from forgotten.

I'm going to reserve my judgement until it comes out, but for all those who complained about the 360's price...I'm not sure how this is going to go.

Either way I'll have been playing in the HD-era for a year already, and I don't plan on getting a PS console so long as Microsoft keeps making them. I'm not saying PS is bad in any's actually really good...I just prefer Xbox over it.


And I just realize I've forgotten about Nintendo. While they're an excellent company, they seem to be in a market all on their own. We'll see how that goes.

Possibly the best post here so far, very well stated.

Exactly, the PS2 launch was also rife with problems. Perhaps moreso than 360.

It's been said many times that the 360 actually has a lower than average industry percent on the amount of flaws.

I'm happy for Sony, they made the right choice. Now they won't lose Europe like everything pointed at if they would do a 2007 launch over here.

I remember Ken Kutaragi stating no matter how big HDD they would put in there it wouldn't be large enough. Also I think I recall Sony bashing Microsoft for attempting a worldwide launch. Strange to see them change their minds so quickly.

Yeah, now that you say that I remember him saying that too, makes sense though if MS did it (well almost) then why can't the 'king'? I notice on the online service list that everything LIVE offers its basically the outline for their upcoming service, I hope they add something really unique (so then live gets it and then live comes out with something new and they copy it; makes the companies work harder which is good for the consumers.)

360 owners should rejoice at the launch of the PS3. This means the 360 will have some competition, and hopefully games will be cheaper.

I own a 360, and love it. PS3 looks great too. My only concern is the price. I dont think I can afford to be an xbox gamer, PC gamer, AND a PS3 gamer. But, god knows I will try.

^Yeah, a huge part of when I get a PS3 is the supply but more importantly price.

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