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Looking forward to actually getting a propper, full release!

Until then, thanks anyway.

Same here. I put off formatting in the hope of a full March release, but alas I think I will format anyways and use my full November release then head for Windows Update. :cool:

@Slyder, i really dont see why you dont feel you can use the update releases.

@everyone, it actually really annoys me that i put so much effort into update releases and so many people dont use them. also, if you read the second post, i said "i am 100% sure there will be a new full & lite release next month" !!

I've followed your instructions to the point and installation was flawless. It's the first time I've used AutoPatcher and I'm very impressed! I like especially that AutoPatcher leaves no traces in the registry when uninstalled unlike 99% of all other Win apps...

(Y) :yes:

So Blaze if got it right, I just extract the contents of the December full, then without removing files from AP folder , extract the contents of feb update, and then run march update and choose "update a full release" option.

And then I have "march full", which I can then pack in e.g. Winrar sfx or so, and use to update comps as a "standalone"?

@alpha_omega, well actually some modules do leave things in hklm\software\autopatcher and hkcu\software\autopatcher which are used for detection when theres nothing else already present to use. if your never ever going to use ap again then you can delete those two keys, but else leave them for future module detection. apart from that, ap leaves nothing behind in the registry.

@Angelico_Payne, yep, thats right ;) infact you can use the packing stuff in the translation pack thread to make your own march nsis installer rather than a winrar sfx if you like!

Success, March full is ready. :)

Thank you Blaze for help and patience. This is much harder than it looks at first glance. I think I appreciate your guys work a lot more now :).

Do you mean AutoPatcher_5.1.0.34_Stand-Alone?

Maybe I'll dare to start it from DVD... ;)


I can't make a Webserver to host this file cause I'm having problems configuring WLAN. :(

Anyone knows a good WLAN PCI card? (the 2 gigabyte cards I have don't see eachother)

@Angelico_Payne, actually the latest standalone is v5.1.0.35 download available here (first sentence)

to create a mar06 full/lite release for yourself

1) get the latest version of nsis installed (v2.15)

2) get and ap_packing.rtf from the AutoPatcher Translation Packs thread.

3) extract the dec05 full/lite release, extract jan06 update release on top (except for xp as included in feb06), extract feb06 update release on top, extract mar06 update release on top.

4) extract contents of beside autopatcher.exe

5) follow ap_packing.rtf for instructions. (basically changing a few small things in the install script, and then running the script to create the release).

if your thinking of using one or more update releases with the standalone, acknowledge that your going to have trouble - you may very well experience module panic errors, modules that dont fully work, and you wont have the advantage of many bugfixes.

if your thinking in addition to that, of packing it up with nsis, a) please do not redistribute it, and b) you can follow the instructions above ignoring #3.

not really sure what people are complaining about. I don't mind just hte update releases. I have a laptop hard drive enclosure that I have autopatcher installed on. Every release I just install the update into that directory so thats always a full version including everything from Dec - March

May I join the 'real' Portuguese (read, the European one) bandwagon as well? ;)

And let me express as of now my deepest appreciatiopn for the effort you're doing here. :) It helped me a lot so far, as for instance to get back my ol' 2K OS search function. I simply hated the default XP one. :p

I know that can't do much to help onto the Pt version of (March's) monthly updates, but you can count me in for translations and stuff you might eventually need... although I doubt that you'll ever need one. ;)

Good luck on it anyway.

i use bitcomet 0.63 make a torrent ,AutoPatcher XP March 2006 ENU Full

is this working? cose i don't have any torrent downloader...because i don't use this kind of stuff...if anone has a LINK for the full March release please post it !!! i'll be really greatfully !!!

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