How do you know if a girl likes you?

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Don't be so quick to judge CraigMack, I have a girl myself. And there were others before her. Your not the only person around here to can get girls. Or at least can claim to.

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Originally posted by Sniper34123

ok guys!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna go for it. But, i'm going to ask her out the 1st of october. why? well, in case we get into a serious relationship, it'll be an easy date to remember. :D

lol i asked my beautiful gf of almost 2 years on the same date for the same reason lol

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Don't wait till october 1st to do it, do it now, while the situation is there. A lot of things can happen in a really short amount of time. And belive you me, if it works out good, you'll remember the date no matter what. And don't worry about it, casue she will remind you (in 4 days we will have been going out a month, in 5 days we will have been going out for 5 months). It won't be a problem. If you putting ot off casue your nervous, and using the date as an excuse, don't. Putting it off only makes it harder.

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I wouldn't ask a girl out at school for 1 reason, it makes the situation akward.

All those kids, all that noise, and if you are like me, you are sleep deprived and got yelled out last period for not doing your homework.

I like skateboarding, and alot of girls in my area want to skateboard, so when i get to know a girl I'll say

"Hey what are you doing this weekend?"

*doesn't matter what she says*

"Cool. Hey, i'm sleeping over at my buddies house friday night, then we're gonna go hang and skateboard,,,then my parents are going to blah blah blah and i have to go with them..."

*doesn't matter what she says*

"Hey...have you ever wanted to try skateboarding?"

*if she likes you, she'll say yes, with enthusiasm, if she says no, go back to the drawing board*

"Cool...lets see,,,I'm busy friday, saterday, and I have to go to church sunday morning *even if you don't*, but I'm free sunday afternoon, why don't you come over and I'll teach you how to skateboard?"


Call her saterday night, give her directions, make sure she's not gonna flake, then go teach her, make sure its a hands on experience, as you don't want her to fall or nothing.

Then say you're all tired and invite her back into your pad, get a glass of water and slump down on the couch and turn on the tv.

Progress from there, and if alls right, youll get laid. Make sure you wear a connie, the first time i had sex, i didn't, and was ****ting bricks for 2 weeks.

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Yeah, procrastinating when the subject is women kills!

1. It gives you time to think, and when you think you get nervous.

2. It gives her time to think you may not be interested in her

3. It gives other guys time to hook up with her before you do.

Dont hesitate. Just go ahead and ask her out!

- ZX

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Ilive in beaver is right, you can't stall or anything. Just do it, but keep calm, relaxed, and laid back.

A tip I use is when you talk to them, just ignore them and stare at their eyes, she'll probally stop, or ask you a question, just keep ignoring her and stare at her eyes. See how long you can hold it. Apologize a minute later by just saying "You have great eyes, have you heard of soul gazing?"

Also, speak slowly, and deeply

I've been dumped and rejected many times by girls but you have to not care, and shrug it off, like an F on a test. You'll feel strage for the day, but youll forget it even happaned.

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some one said it earlier in the thread, and its very true, this is like some big goddamn soap opera. I'm about to fly out to where ever in the hell this kid lives just to watch. And I swear to god, if this girl breaks his heart, then my golly, i am goin out there and givin her a good firm talkin to. Set this girl straight.

And another thought. This one is kinda chancy. Print this out, and show her. I know it sounds weird, and I know you might think she would get creeped out, and she might, only one person can tell us that and its sniper. But, there is a good chance, that she will think its really really sweet. Now you might want to edit out some stuff, like about her being slutty or you puttin your pesky in her bum, but there is a lot of good stuff in here, and I think she would take it good perhaps. It shows how much you really like her, and how nervous you are, and how much you want to do this right. Broads really dig this kinda stuff.

Now i could be wrong, and she could get spooked or think your a sped, but hey, only you would know.

Oh, and if you do decide to show her, wait a bit, till your comfortible, and you know each other really well.

And I swear to god sniper, if you use any kind of messaging service, and you don't let me know as soon as you get a result, heads will roll.

AIM - Keyser505

YAhoo- Iliveinbeaver

MSN - Iliveinbeaver

Now go get her.

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It's how she looks at you. You people do see how other people look and act and stuff right?

when I see a person I basically see an open book to how they're feeling, espicially towards others....

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*looks at above picture*:alien: anywhoo, rite now itz 7:00 a.m, and i'm going to leave at 7:30 a.m, and be home in hours, which is approx. 4:00 p.m. And i mite show her this thread, but just not yet. :ninja:

*Next Time on the Neowin Soap Opera, Will Sniper get his dream girl? Tune in at 4:00 p.m, and find out...*

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Originally posted by Sniper34123

ok guys!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna go for it. But, i'm going to ask her out the 1st of october. why? well, in case we get into a serious relationship, it'll be an easy date to remember. :D

HAHAHHAHA .. I use to be like you ... so sad

women are werid, be yourself .... have them come to you ... let things happen ... plans never work

oh yea .. never say "I LOVE YOU!!!!" ... unless your actually dating .. hahahaha .. made THAT mistake a few times when I was just a astro kitten. LOL

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hmmm 7:12 EST.... he not here...

::coughs:: he musta got some... cuz if he didn't he'd be here crying and wanting moral support.. :p

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Ok, guys here are the results. Just as yesterday, there are bad and good. :disappoin

the bad: She has an appointment to interview the skewl's roller hockey team, so shes kinda bz. I have to be home by 4:30, and when i went to check if she was done at 3:50, she wasn't. Which means, that if i waited to walk her home, i wouldn't make it b4 4:30, and therefore would be grounded. And if she asid yes, and i'm grounded, i wouldn't be able to go. So all in all, i failed today. But it wasn't my fault. I didn't chicken out, nor did i "forget" about asking her.

the good: tomorrow, she will be dresses as one of the sailor moon girls. :D Its for some skewl "dress up as your favorite cartoon character day". So i'm going to call her today about that, and just chat a lil bit with her. (How did i get her number? Well, four journalism class, we got a sheet with everybody's number, in case we need to contact one of the for help or etc.) So guys, tomorrow shall be my day; hopefully. :ninja:

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