How do you know if a girl likes you?

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there is this girl I like named meradith, maybe thats not how you spell her name but whatever.

anyway I used to go to a day camp where I met her, we were good friends, (4 years ago) went to her house and hung out and all that, she even did a really cool gymnastic trick, bent over in front of me in her purple spandex, and flipped. really nice :evil:

anyway, I suddenly left the day camp without saying good bye and I was sad for a while and have been thinking about her all these years. now I finally enter high school and I meet her, playing volleyball.. meradith she says is her name she rememebrs a little bit about me.

I really want to go out with her but I don't know if she has a boyfriend and if she will even think about going out with me and shes a sohpmore, I'm a freshmen.

I have some money, $200/month income + $50 bonus one time. so I got $50 right now my $200/month income starts next month what should I do.

maybe get her roses then tell her I really want to go out with her. check from her friends if she has a boyfriend or what pelase help! god shes the worlds most perfect person, nice.. beatiful.. some people say shes ugly (skinny/braces) but she is so nice!

[Threads Merged]


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You don't need roses, but they are fine. Don't let the fact that she might have a boyfriend hold you back. Just ask her and see what she says, at least you won't be wondering if she would say yes or no. You'll get the response, and maybe she'll go out with you. :)

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Originally posted by Cisco


there is this girl I like named meradith, maybe thats not how you spell her name but whatever.

anyway I used to go to a day camp where I met her, we were good friends, (4 years ago) went to her house and hung out and all that, she even did a really cool gymnastic trick, bent over in front of me in her purple spandex, and flipped. really nice :evil:

anyway, I suddenly left the day camp without saying good bye and I was sad for a while and have been thinking about her all these years. now I finally enter high school and I meet her, playing volleyball.. meradith she says is her name she rememebrs a little bit about me.

I really want to go out with her but I don't know if she has a boyfriend and if she will even think about going out with me and shes a sohpmore, I'm a freshmen.

I have some money, $200/month income + $50 bonus one time. so I got $50 right now my $200/month income starts next month what should I do.

maybe get her roses then tell her I really want to go out with her. check from her friends if she has a boyfriend or what pelase help! god shes the worlds most perfect person, nice.. beatiful.. some people say shes ugly (skinny/braces) but she is so nice!

Freshman in college or HS?

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I'm a freshmen in HS

She's a sohpmore in HS

we're both in HS

man the thing is she may not even give me a chance, if she did i'd be so nice. valentines day would be her dream day, i saw a nice diamond necklace $400 i could get her if i saved my money and i'd take her to the movies pay for them and her food, take her to dinner, pay for food. she'd never have to pay because shes my girlfriend and all that. argh drives me crazy!

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Originally posted by Evil_Dragon

Maybe you live in a different part of the country then him???? :p

maybe i do?????

besides.. he prolly is too afraid to post what happened...or he's prolly grounded from his computer cauz he got arrested for stalking and sexual harassment :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Cisco

I'm a freshmen in HS

She's a sohpmore in HS

we're both in HS

man the thing is she may not even give me a chance, if she did i'd be so nice. valentines day would be her dream day, i saw a nice diamond necklace $400 i could get her if i saved my money and i'd take her to the movies pay for them and her food, take her to dinner, pay for food. she'd never have to pay because shes my girlfriend and all that. argh drives me crazy!

Oh man.. I hope you don't go that way. You can't buy someone's affections. Just be yourself and be nice to her. Pay a little extra attention and, above all, make her laugh. One more thing... relax.

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Originally posted by Tiger.Girl

maybe hes getting laid :o

Maybe later on I might crap out a solid gold miniature of the Statue of Liberty. Maybe.

j/k ;)

If he is, he better post details.

And if he's reading this...I'm still not kidding. I'll do it.

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omg you arent even going out and you hardly know anything about her and already buying her $400 diamond necklaces and planning your life out

chill out your so young and have so much time ahead

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hahah very very funny ice..

ok fine then i won't buy her love, but it would be fine once/if we go out to pay for her ticket to homecoming.. the movies.. the dinner if we go out.. ext right?

make her laugh? i'm not very good at that.. give me some tips.

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ok well sorry tiger.girl, i would buy her nice gifts for valentines day and anniversary's.ext tho! i think that is perfectly fine.

i may be young but i cannot describe how i feel about her in words.. ok well i will try

she is just nice, she let me come over to her house and she always has a smile on her face doesn't care what other people think about her and she dresses so perfect, so beatiful there is nothing wrong with her. except maybe shes just too perfect for mr. plain old alex kelm.

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you dont know if she likes you so you need to slow down dont worrie about paying 4 a date untill you find out

i would recommend flirting and if you have any feeling that what she is doing is flirting back then she prolly is

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ok god i don't know why i started off in that direction, i guess i thought that was the best way to go i guess not.

see i'm no xpert at flirting, i don't know how and if she is. soemtiems yes but mostly know.

i only have one class, PE.. with her and shes not in my PE class.

a diffrent one, i'd do anything for a chance i personally think we could prob hasve something.

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this should be merged with the other thread.... I thought spring was the time for love, not autumn.

$400 necklace are you crazy? Heh, since you're in high school, there probably will be some fall ball or halloween dance. Ask her to that. Does she know you're the guy from camp?

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no dont merge.

no i'm not crazy,

see what love does to people. i tell you...

lol well i guess it's time for a change.

there is a homecoming dance only a couple days left to purchase tickets.

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