How do you know if a girl likes you?

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i dont know any guys that spent that much for a gift except the few that got engagement rings while still in highschool and alot of married couples dont even spend that much....

if you want to spend money get some roses for $20 or some jewlary for $100 just something nice that tells her that you love her but you shouldnt need to buy anything to say that

you dont want to scare her away by buying too much expensive things

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Originally posted by Cisco

there is a homecoming dance only a couple days left to purchase tickets.

Then what are you waiting for? Anything anybody tells you on an this forum isn't going to help you. Just ask her, trust me its the best way. What's the worst that'll happen-- she'll say no?

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Or 'Best way to stop the swelling on my face after the father of the girl I've been stalking reads all about my obsession on Neowin, comes to my school, and beats the holy living hell out of me during the last period pep rally, making me a laughing stock at my school.'

this will be followed shortly by

'Best way to fake my own death' 'Best way to sneak out of the country' or 'Best suicide method'

Kids these days scare me. :p

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Originally posted by azazel-

Or 'Best way to stop the swelling on my face after the father of the girl I've been stalking reads all about my obsession on Neowin, comes to my school, and beats the holy living hell out of me during the last period pep rally, making me a laughing stock at my school.'

this will be followed shortly by

'Best way to fake my own death' 'Best way to sneak out of the country' or 'Best suicide method'

Kids these days scare me. :p

lol..i can't compete wit that

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hey, guyz i'm back. its only 6:20 pm, rite now. I was at my friends house when i got back from skewl, and just got back now. you would never believe wat happened today. i prepeared myself last nite to ask her out, and i got pumped up and everything. And guess what happened today? SHE WAS ABSENT!!! :disappoin

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ok listen up,




a few things,

X for telling you to shut your mouth, just don't call me a nerd. it's "geek" not nerd please thanks.

ice man sorry for gettin you all ****es off

ethan sorry man, i guess i made a msitake

i never wanted to buy her love, I just wanted to make her happy and I thought girls liked to recieve gifts alot.

I deal with a sucky life and i just wish I could have this girl as a girlfriend. I will take your advice and just relax and go for it.

sound like a good plan?

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Originally posted by Cisco

ok listen up,




a few things,

X for telling you to shut your mouth, just don't call me a nerd. it's "geek" not nerd please thanks.

ice man sorry for gettin you all ****es off

ethan sorry man, i guess i made a msitake

i never wanted to buy her love, I just wanted to make her happy and I thought girls liked to recieve gifts alot.

I deal with a sucky life and i just wish I could have this girl as a girlfriend. I will take your advice and just relax and go for it.

sound like a good plan?

You need to get a new outlook on life. Enjoy what you have to the fullest, and if you aren't ready to ask her, then don't. Everything will happen when it is meant to, no need getting all upset over something like this. You're only a freshman-- you've got plenty of time!

EDIT: Ice- I agree with you to an extent, but there is no need to continue to bash him, enough is enough, no?

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edit yoru post please ice at least to disclude the quote.

i grew up spoiled and it made me happy to get things, is till am spoiled, hence the reason i thought it would make her really happy. and to the point where i thought she would like me more i admit it.

also about the car,

i already own a bike. 2003 yamaha r6

so theres no need for a car yet at least when it rains i'll try my best to ride it's a short distance really.

the worst my bikes made it through is pouring down rain on part of the city where i live near where i live.


no i dont' want you to feel sorry for me, it's a simple statement. i do just wish i could have a girlfriend, i know i'm not the only here with a sucky life. howe many people get made fun of day in day out. i bet alot, eh? it happens alot to people who like computers.

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Originally posted by Sniper34123

hey, guyz i'm back. its only 6:20 pm, rite now. I was at my friends house when i got back from skewl, and just got back now. you would never believe wat happened today. i prepeared myself last nite to ask her out, and i got pumped up and everything. And guess what happened today? SHE WAS ABSENT!!! :disappoin

no she wasnt...

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Did it ever dawn on anyone that perhaps Sniper is having quite a bit of fun toying with all of your minds?? Why do all of you care so much? lol

EDIT: Maybe "toying with your minds" isn't the phrase I'm looking for, but I'm sure everyone gets what I mean...

EDIT2: Sniper- if you are being honest with what's happening, I'd be surprised... I guess you never know tho.

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Originally posted by Cisco

edit yoru post please ice at least to disclude the quote.

i grew up spoiled and it made me happy to get things, is till am spoiled, hence the reason i thought it would make her really happy. and to the point where i thought she would like me more i admit it.

also about the car,

i already own a bike. 2003 yamaha r6

so theres no need for a car yet at least when it rains i'll try my best to ride it's a short distance really.

the worst my bikes made it through is pouring down rain on part of the city where i live near where i live.


no i dont' want you to feel sorry for me, it's a simple statement. i do just wish i could have a girlfriend, i know i'm not the only here with a sucky life. howe many people get made fun of day in day out. i bet alot, eh? it happens alot to people who like computers.

sell ur bike and getta car..and no i wont edit it

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thanks adhodes1. appreciate it.

ice once again, sorry.

dont get allupset.

high school is better than middle school no doubt, and honestly it seems every year it gets better. middle school 8th grade sucked but now high school has so far at least been looking up except for a few minor altercations with some peopole but peopel actually stick up for me so it's sweet.

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i like my bike very much thanks and no i won't now lets just get back to topic, we're not that far off but come on back to topic.

-- back to topic --

i will just be friends with her for 4/5 months then hopefully if she's still not taken ask her out maybe be like "so i know we've been firends for a while, you think maybe you'd actually want to go out" and if she says yes then walaw i can take it from there.

sound good?

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Originally posted by Cisco

edit yoru post please ice at least to disclude the quote.

i grew up spoiled and it made me happy to get things, is till am spoiled, hence the reason i thought it would make her really happy. and to the point where i thought she would like me more i admit it.

also about the car,

i already own a bike. 2003 yamaha r6

so theres no need for a car yet at least when it rains i'll try my best to ride it's a short distance really.

the worst my bikes made it through is pouring down rain on part of the city where i live near where i live.


no i dont' want you to feel sorry for me, it's a simple statement. i do just wish i could have a girlfriend, i know i'm not the only here with a sucky life. howe many people get made fun of day in day out. i bet alot, eh? it happens alot to people who like computers.

Common misconception: "Nobody likes me, I'll never have a girlfriend, and I don't have any friends".

Chances are you just need to be a little more outgoing, I used to have that kinda mindset then I realized how rediculous I was being.

EDIT: Go for it, if she says no, chances are she'll still be your friend. You've got nothing to lose, and you won't be left wondering anymore.

EDIT2: Ice, its a common courtesy to remove a quote if someone regrets their words. If you choose not to extend that courtesy, I would recommend Cisco PM a mod to have it removed. I don't understand where the problem with removing it is in the first place though.

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Originally posted by azazel-

I want a scanned copy of the attendance roster of your school.

LOL yeah really, even if she was/wasn't absent, we'd have the same results right now anyway.

This has turned into a soap, and its pathetic, its kinda funny though. GIVE UP ALREADY, THERE IS NO CONCLUSION IN SIGHT FOR THIS STORY!!!

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Originally posted by xpablo

Dear Neowinians :

There's this HOT chick @ the office where I work , I dont know if she likes me ....What should I do ........... HELP ME ! :o

I thought neowin was a place to talk about computers, software, the internet and related stuff etc........

Not for love advice or help in picking up chicks, hell if you cant figure out how to make yourself attractive to the opposite sex and have no self esteem , that you have to resort to neowin for advice your a LOOSER and don't deserve this special someone you like.

Nuff Said ! :evil:

Agreed. I don't mind the occassional post like this, but they are getting more and more common. What's the difference between this and asking the same tech question over and over? Use the SEARCH feature n00b lol. Really though, same thing applies to everyone, nobody really has a unique situation, these should all be merged into 1 thread imo.

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damn you guys are brutal he just wanted some need to jump down his throat

besides how many of you can say you haven't felt the same way about a seemingly unreachable girl at one time or the poor guy out

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