How do you know if a girl likes you?

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Yes, I think some of you forgot this key rule:

No Racism, No Threatening, No (citing) Victimization (via PM) or Hateful posts

Warnings are going to be issued here. Expect them.

And I'm not going to close this thread so that hopefully Cisco can get the advice he's looking for.

From this point forward, if you flame him for looking for your help, i'll put a warning against your account. if ones there already, i'm going to ban you.

/edit PS I didn't merge this thread

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Well my reactions are as follows:

Ice, there is no need to be . Remove the quote if he askes. Also if someone even mentions suicide, whether its a joke or not, laughing makes you look like .

Cisco, as everyone has said, just ask her. Who cares if she says no. I personally think that its dumb to go out with anyone until you have your own car or can drive. Therefore you have freedom to "do whatever". :D

Seriously tho, just ask her.

/edited by spyder

/edit Ok, well thats my opinion Ice. I dont have beef with you. I just think that it makes you look a little arrogant because you dont know whether or not he is serious. Im sure he isnt, but still. Just take it a little easy, ok? Sorry if I took it a little harsh on you. :::: redrope

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Originally posted by redrope

Well my reactions are as follows:

Ice, there is no need to be an ass. Remove the quote if he askes. Also if someone even mentions suicide, whether its a joke or not, laughing makes you look like a ****ing prick.

Cisco, as everyone has said, just ask her. Who cares if she says no. I personally think that its dumb to go out with anyone until you have your own car or can drive. Therefore you have freedom to "do whatever". :D

Seriously tho, just ask her.

im telling the guy to go get a life...OMG...he put a suicide note on neowin..lets all call the cops.. not being an ass....thats life..learn to deal wit it

SPYDER...OMG ??? Look at the post above mine.. -iCe_2x?i>

already had edited it -Spyder

Noticed..Please reply to pm -iCe_2x?

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OK, Here's the story, everyone listen up and listen up good...

This Thread is For Support i merged the threads in hoping that you all could support each other as a group, instead of having the two serperate threads Please either be supportive, find another thread or either myself or spyder or another mod will lock this thread...


Please get along :)

this is the First and last Warning..

I think this is fair.

Thank You.


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Originally posted by Sniper34123

yes, this girl really does exist. and she really was absent today. i feel like i should call her, and ask her out over the fone. but, is that a wise idea?

by now, do you think you need an answer to that question :s

:right: YES CALL HER... :p

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Originally posted by iCe_2x? do you have any idea what we do to freshmen? :rolleyes:s: b>

Heh, heh.

I have the perfect plan for what to do with the "freshman problem" this year..

A couple of friends and i are going to a chineese food market and are going to buy removed fish guts. and then fling them at the freshman... yeas.. stupify them all.

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Originally posted by Murdoc

Heh, heh.

I have the perfect plan for what to do with the "freshman problem" this year..

A couple of friends and i are going to a chineese food market and are going to buy removed fish guts. and then fling them at the freshman... yeas.. stupify them all.


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Originally posted by Sniper34123

yes, this girl really does exist. and she really was absent today. i feel like i should call her, and ask her out over the fone. but, is that a wise idea?

maybe you could call her and tell her about how you tried to find the right moment to ask her out but she was really busy so you had to call her and ask her over the phone because you couldn't wait. tell her, you didn't really want to do it over the phone but she left you no choice. she might think your sweet and u might get lucky :p

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Originally posted by sphere

maybe you could call her and tell her about how you tried to find the right moment to ask her out but she was really busy so you had to call her and ask her over the phone because you couldn't wait. tell her, you didn't really want to do it over the phone but she left you no choice. she might think your sweet and u might get lucky :p

her parents might be listening when they hear a boy call....

E-mail or IM her....

I'm only kidding, calling would be best to show your concern and then pop the question.

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my goals for tomorrow:

1. wake up at 7am

2. watch cartoonz + do h/w

3. call her at noon and ask out for evening.

*4. meet her at movies

*5. watch movie

*6. goodbye handshake/hug/kiss, hehe.

* hopefully will happen.

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i must be the biggest sad case of them all,

but i wont admit to anything to get into the spotlight

(short and simple: i've liked this chick for 8 years -- end of story)


but that's my prob


this thread made me laugh heaps!

especially the phonecall and slut thing HEHEHE

so what im basically saying is...


because being "all talk and no action" just annoys me heheh and yes, i have never had a girl friend, but i have a lot of "normal" girl - friends which is alright with me.

go for it man... all you have to do is ask her if you can talk, and don't plan anything out, dont write a speech or anything...

i told this girl "hey ... im smitten about you"

and that was it, we're just good mates hehe

ENJOY LIFE MAN!!! dont wait for too long because you might lose her before you've had the chance to be with her ;)

EDIT: oh and about that $400 diamond necklace thing... i think that's a bit CRAZY if you ask me since i was in the same position a year ago... that would be $800 aussie dollars which is a LOT of money if you ask me... i gave this girl $500 as a birthday present, she didnt accept it but i couldnt take it back (yes i earned and saved every penny.. i dont have a job, this is from my allowance etc). -- so basically... you might end up regretting the "gift", spend it on yourself (or your computer? LOL) -- but the thing is ... you can't buy love, ask her out and buy her a drink or something, even if it's $2!

EDIT2: you know what's good about neowin/ the internet? .. i can admit how lame i am with this chick im "in love" with and no one can slap me in the face for "waiting" too long hehe... and if anyone is in sydney/australia ... dont come around and smack me for being in love with a chick... im just a wuss here! no "love" experience at all, but things are cool and i can concentrate at school ... sorta :)

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Originally posted by Sniper34123

my goals for tomorrow:

1. wake up at 7am

2. watch cartoonz + do h/w

3. call her at noon and ask out for evening.

*4. meet her at movies

*5. watch movie

*6. goodbye handshake/hug/kiss, hehe.

* hopefully will happen.

uh, kinda short notice, eh? and what if shes busy?

4. wallow in self pity

5. whine on neowin on how you couldnt do it again

6. make another plan for tomorrow

DUDE. go ask her to get to know you better OR FORGET HER. if you dont ack now, another guy will sweep and and take her and all you will do is weep. damn, just go for it for the love of whatever. this is actually getting really sad.

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i think we should cool it off for a moment.

let sniper have his space. after all it's his decision, he knows himself and he knows her. it might just not be right to call or do whatever. i think we've given him loads of advice (which is what he was after), now i think we are just pressuring him... yes it's funny, but in the end sniper needs to work it out and learn himself.

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