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ERROR ID needs a real logo


Hi guys and gals, I am starting this new site, were people can come and help eachother, just like neowin, i am pulling info from many of my fav sites and posting info there, trying to make things a little easier for all of us...

anyways i am not a designer nor have the capability to make a logo, i am currently using this

Logo.gifError ID

but any ideas will count, i notice that people offer money for this things, I am just 16 years old and my allowance won't let me, a big thanx will come along though.

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  paris_hilton said:

ur 16?

boring site for a 16 year old - thought u might have a bit more imagination

Boring? I actually really like it. I thought the perspective thing he has going was a really creative idea :happy: (i don't know if he borrowed the idea from somewhere else, but it's the first time I'm seeing it :p)

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  smctainsh said:

Here's my entry. I would love to know what you think of it.



P.S. I know it's off topic, but the design of your site is very nice. (Y)

dude looks awesome!!!!

I like it

  Code Red said:


The sign still needs some work (mainly the X) but meh.

I tough of something like that with the X, it resambles the error


  paris_hilton said:

ur 16?

boring site for a 16 year old - thought u might have a bit more imagination

I mentioned before that iam not a webdesigner, all i am trying to do it something where people help people, i don't think you need more that what i have there to do so, besides all that, why do you think i am asking for help here?


so said so... i will like to thank people who are apporting to my little project!!!

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  Pox said:

lol smctainsh - is that an eraser job!?!? and you missed a corner :p

Lol! I noticed the same thing.

smctainsh, if you are using Photoshop, please do us all a favor, open up the PSD, then select the triangle shape, and just that, then go to Select > Modify > Smooth, then do about 5 - 15 px. Then go to Select > Inverse, then hit delete and wah-lah, smoothed corners! (if you already didn't know, just being helpful :p)

Not sure about a Fireworks method.

Other than that, I really like yours, very nice.

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  XerXis said:

do you have permission to use that icon as your favicon? as you maybe know it is copyrighted by microsoft. so i would suggest you take it away before they send you a letter which asks the same. just a piece of friendly advice :)

I think you're incorrect here - there are many other companies and software that use the triangular exclamation motif, it's not under any copyright. Take the FireFox error messages, for example.

It's only copyright infringement on Microsoft if you directly take their image, but all the entries in this thread following that design have been originally created by the entrants, as far as I can see.

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