Windows Vista Games...

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CRYSIS, doesn't look that good. Probably because it's still a demo, but They can do better. It reminds me of Half Life 2 and Doom3, I don't know why.

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Thing is i've never been a fan of pc games made by Microsoft.. maybe Midtown Madness 1 and 2 but seems all money and time etc is spent on Xbox 360... and it's just now they say we gonna spend more time on pc games.

I know people say pc games are dying and yes it probably is but i play pc games over consoles anyday.

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CRYSIS, doesn't look that good. Probably because it's still a demo, but They can do better. It reminds me of Half Life 2 and Doom3, I don't know why.

CrySis doesn't look that good??

Can't believe I just read that................. :o

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CRYSIS, doesn't look that good. Probably because it's still a demo, but They can do better. It reminds me of Half Life 2 and Doom3, I don't know why.

you dont know why?? maybe cause it reminds you of those games lol

i think those are the only 3 announced. but not the only 3 that work on it. i played fear on it earlier

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I know people say pc games are dying and yes it probably is but i play pc games over consoles anyday.

PC Games will never die, Nvidia, ATI, Intel and AMD make way too much money for that, people would stop buying faster PC components as their would be no need for such things in many people's view. I know the only reason I ever upgrade is for games. Otherwise my old P75 would do me fine for office applications! Where there's money to be made there will always be a supply of products.

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I know people say pc games are dying and yes it probably is but i play pc games over consoles anyday.

this has been said when PSX, PS2, XBOX, X360 and now PS3 come out

and it will never happen. PC always sets the standards, and major players in the PC market wouldn't let that happen. Not only would it hurt AMD, Intel, Nvidia and ATI, but also Creative, motherboard makers: ASUS, DFI, MSI.

PC games dying would be a huge hit to the economics, Hell if not PC Games, everyone would be happy with 500mhz tops

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this has been said when PSX, PS2, XBOX, X360 and now PS3 come out

and it will never happen. PC always sets the standards, and major players in the PC market wouldn't let that happen. Not only would it hurt AMD, Intel, Nvidia and ATI, but also Creative, motherboard makers: ASUS, DFI, MSI.

PC games dying would be a huge hit to the economics, Hell if not PC Games, everyone would be happy with 500mhz tops

Very good point and very true indeed

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Vista games announced:

* Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Funcom)

* Alan Wake (Microsoft Game Studios)

* Company of Heroes (THQ)

* Crysis (EA)

* Flight Simulator X (Microsoft Game Studios)

* Halo 2 (Microsoft Game Studios)

* Hellgate: London (Namco Bandai Games America)

* Shadowrun (Microsoft Game Studios)

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No matter what anyone say, PC games will thrive simply because not all of us can afford buying a console or having time playing one. For me, after completing a part of my assignment, I decide to play a game for one hour just to rest my mind. I'm sure many business users rest by playing a simple game such as The Sims or Monopoly Tycoon. There will still be hardcore gamers but only a select few, while the casual gamer will still number a lot. PC games are here to stay :yes: .

As for the Vista games, I can't wait to see them in action. Here's to next year (unless Vista gets delayed again :p )


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lol, that screenshot of Halo 2 looks like so much ass compared to the new 360 screenshots of halo 3

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^^^ finally ! someone who thinks taht Halo isnt all that it seems. If you wan ta good game, try Unreal Tournament. cant wait for 2007!

finally? i been saying that from day one

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^^^ finally ! someone who thinks taht Halo isnt all that it seems. If you wan ta good game, try Unreal Tournament. cant wait for 2007!

i'm not saying it isn't all that, i'm saying that for a 2006 /2007 game on the new upcoming operating system from microsoft it looks like ass, now thats not to say it doesn't look great on the Xbox. I'm just saying it isn't doing much to show off the graphical capablites of a 2006 vista computer when compaired to a 2006 xbox360, but for the xbox it looked fantastic.

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