Halo 3 6400x3600 Screenshots!

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As a non-owner of an XBOX, am I supposed to be inspired to buy a 360 after viewing this trailer? I was a little disappointed after reading the comments in this thread. Would someone please show me what I apparently missed.

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I wasnt too impressed with the trailer (but I did watch is non-HD on my TV) it looked pretty much same gfx as Halo 2.

Downloading this image pack though! Thanks Spartan X!

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I'll wait for the normal size re-ups.

watching resized images it?s like having sex without an orgasm...:laugh:h::rofl:l::p:p;);):whistle:e:

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I just watched the high definition trailer and I was forced to change all my clothing, due to orgasm, sweat, and tears.

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Is it just me, or does anyone else not care about non-gameplay scenes? I want to see the game play, not the cinema scenes. :(

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Is it just me, or does anyone else not care about non-gameplay scenes? I want to see the game play, not the cinema scenes. :(

It's just been announced, and will be released in 2007. Don't think we'll be seeing much gameplay soon :(

I just watched the high definition trailer and I was forced to change all my clothing, due to orgasm, sweat, and tears.

Same here, same here :D

I took one of the pics in the high-res pack and made a wallpaper out of it. I posted it with the other wallpapers I made before, which I took from the HD trailer.


Maybe I'll make some more from the high-res images later. For now I'm pretty satisfied with the latest one :)

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watched the trailer... looks ok I guess, but not the most impressive in the E3

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any alternative direct link? The original link is really slow.

really im on cable and with IE7 it says Transfer Rate: 945 KB/Sec

as far as halo 3 goes, it looks alright but in my opinion its not a "buy the console for this game" kinda game for me. i has very dissapointed in 1 and 2 and i dont see 3 turning me into a halo lover.

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Is it just me, or does anyone else not care about non-gameplay scenes? I want to see the game play, not the cinema scenes. :(

This is 'gameplay' screens (I'm talking about the trailer here). If you have played any of the other two Halo titles you would know that the cut-scene graphics are exactly the same as the gameplay graphics, the only real difference is that the camera angles are orchestrated in the cut-screens. Yes, Halo 3 will look as good (and most probably even better as there's still a lot of time left in development) as you have seen in this trailer.

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As a non-owner of an XBOX, am I supposed to be inspired to buy a 360 after viewing this trailer? I was a little disappointed after reading the comments in this thread. Would someone please show me what I apparently missed.

Let's see

1) The fact that you don't own an Xbox

2) The fact that you probably haven't beaten Halo

3) The fact that you probably haven't beaten Halo 2

Maybe thats it.... I'm not trying to flame or anything.

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Let's see

1) The fact that you don't own an Xbox

2) The fact that you probably haven't beaten Halo

3) The fact that you probably haven't beaten Halo 2

Maybe thats it.... I'm not trying to flame or anything.

I think what he was getting at was: is the trailer supposed to inspire a non-Halo fan to go out and buy the first Xbox 360 they can find? And that answer to that is a most definite "no."

Now, as someone who as played though both versions of Halo (Xbox and PC) and Halo 2 numerous times, I won't deny that I am super-psyched about Halo 3. The problem with the trailer is that it was exactly what I was expecting: a short, quick teaser, whose entire purpose is to show how Master Chief looks in high-definition. If you're a non-Halo fan, it is meaningless. If you are a huge Halo fan, it is still meaningless since everybody already knew Halo 3 was coming out anyway. The graphics are nice, but no better looking then any other Unreal Engine 3.0-powered game. And by the way, for those of you that did not watch Microsoft's press conference, Bill Gates did say right before the trailer started that it was comprised of in-engine footage.

Could an Xbox 360 be worth buying just to play Halo 3? Quite possiby, yes. But Bungie's track record with releases isn't exactly great, and I would learn towards a fall 2007 release rather then the March '07 date currently rumored. There is still nothing at this point in time that makes me want to have an Xbox 360 (Gears of War included) or a PlayStation 3 (Heavenly Sword looks good...but not $600 good).

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If you're a non-Halo fan, it is meaningless.

No, that is not quite true. I was very underwhelmed when I played the original Halo on a friends XBox and never bothered to get into the story or the series, but now I am totally hyped for this game after seeing the E3 trailor.

I am a first time XBox-er with the 360, and I think there will be quite a few other people like myself who were never into the original Xbox so missed out on 1&2, but are now going to be introduced properly to the series with the 360.

The trailor had enough there to get me hooked. It instantly evoked questions in me. Who is the female? What the heck is she going on about? What the heck are all those ships? What is in that crator? Why is the world about to end?

I read up the story on Wikipedia and everything!

The trailor wasn't meaningless by a long stretch. The story is great and I'm even looking forward to the movie now.

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Another reason why the trailer was so impressive:

Well we got back from E3 yesterday, or at least Sketch and I did, and to be honest, we didn't see anything of the actual show. We were actually just there to do set up for the trailer and a little surprise afterwards.

The event took place at the fabled Chinese Theater in Hollywood. We were there a couple of days before to do dress rehearsals and make sure audio and video were hooked up correctly. We also had to install a 360 debug kit with the teaser on it. The entire thing runs in real time, so there was plenty of opportunity for things to go wrong, and practice makes perfect. So we practiced.

We actually had six debugs all told. Three for the E3 briefing at the theater and three for something we did later. The three at the conference were the main unit - Harold Ryan our studio manager sat patiently backstage, waiting to press "A" after Bill Gates' speech. A dirty little secret was that he pressed "A" on two controllers simultaneously. That way if one of the boxes was accidentally unplugged, or broke, or gasp - crashed, the projector would switch seamlessly to the second Xbox and hopefully nobody would notice.

That didn't happen - we'd stress tested the Xbox systems and the game code very robustly before we left. After it ran though, we were all able to breathe a sigh of relief. We didn't want to run a video of the demo - we wanted the crowd to see it in realtime, on a real 360.

The buildup to the trailer was not without its gaffes. We spotted one of our own staff wearing his Halo 3 t-shirt before the announcement and quickly told him to zip up his jacket. Amazingly, in that 20 second window - a Kotaku reporter spotted him and actually blogged it.

The other blog-related mini-disaster was the fact that the Halo 3 trailer appeared on Xbox Live at around 12:15, before it had appeared at the conference (which was running a little late). A few members of the press in the crowd probably sooted that on their wireless devices - but thankfully they kept quiet.

We were hiding in the back out of sight - primarily to see what the crowd reaction would be like. We started sweating when Gears of War got immediate rapturous applause, and the crowd went positively nuts when Peter Moore revealed that Grand theft Auto 4 would be released for 360 (my bet - set in Tokyo and starring Beat Takeshi as a Yakuza boss).

Eventually the conference started to wind down towards what we knew was the Halo 3 announce. We basked in the applause and then literally ran back across the street to set up a little behind the scenes thing for the press. Again, we wanted to stress that the thing was in realtime.

Our pals at Pioneer loaned us one of their sweet new 360 audio systems - a 5.1 surround system with a 360-themed industrial design and an awesome form factor - and a couple of 50 inch plasmas to match. Hao Chen, our graphics guy, spent two days calibrating them with his all-new custom-built HD video calibration software. We've begged Hao to maybe work a consumer version into the game. We just have to be really, really nice to him all year.

We used the TVs and audio to demo the fact that the game was realtime to an assortment of press. Basically CJ Cowan (or TJ Cohen as he's now known) and Marcus Lehto, our cinematic and art directors respectively, flew around our environment.

There wasn't much to show at the moment, since we're keeping things under warps for now, but CJ clued everyone in on the 3-mile wide Forerunner artifact, Cortana's state of mind and the Chief (no it's not Linda, or Kelly?) battered Mjolnir armor.

Marcus showed off the new engine's lighting system, the self-shadowing and realtime reflection on the Chief, and the fact that we can draw geometry out to about 13 or 14 (game) miles. There was other stuff, but we'll talk about that later.

I think we had a great showing and we certainly had fun doing it, but getting the announcement out there was a huge weight off our minds. Lots more coming soon kids.

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Let's see

1) The fact that you don't own an Xbox

2) The fact that you probably haven't beaten Halo

3) The fact that you probably haven't beaten Halo 2

Maybe thats it.... I'm not trying to flame or anything.

I used to have an xbox

I finished Halo 1. Rather boring.

I finished Halo 2. It was ok I guess.

Still I dont feel that this will be anything special.

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I used to have an xbox

I finished Halo 1. Rather boring.

I finished Halo 2. It was ok I guess.

Still I dont feel that this will be anything special.

Halo and Halo 2 start off great then they really do get boring, especially the flood bits. Its the multiplayer i love its honestly the best multiplayer experince on xbox :) and its gonna be 10 times better on the 360! :D

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These are still renders, and that is the bottom line.

We didn't want to run a video of the demo - we wanted the crowd to see it in realtime, on a real 360.

Without knowing the details of what exactly was run, it could have been just the engine and the sequence rendered in real-time using all of the CPU and graphics with the HD running at max speed. Once actual gameplay is introduced, the available CPU would drop as well as the available HD bandwidth.

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