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Bitmap to vector


Hey, I have a few b/w bitmap images of tattoos that i'm wanting to convert to vector. They're not the most complex images but i dont really have time or the skill to do them by hand. Is it possible there's a program that'll follow the outlines of the image and return me a nice pretty vector? Thanks :)

For example:


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I just went ahead and used GIMPs "selection to path" feature, and it was able to do it just fine, and here is a path trace:


Exported the outline trace to .SVG and attached here (had to append .txt to allow uploading):

tattoo.svg.txtFetching info...

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By request, here is a quick how-to on using GIMP to do what I just did.

  • Have GIMP open up (using File > Open Location) the sample grayscale image posted here: https://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?act=...=post&id=158367 (or save it to your local hard drive and work on it from there)
  • Since sample is Grayscale, I switched it to RGB (where it seemed to work better on this image) using Image > Mode > RGB
  • Use the "select by color" post-36818-1147656334.png tool to select the black tattoo. It will select the entire black tattoo (if not, check your threshold slider, etc.)
  • In the GIMP area normally where you work with Layers, there is a "Paths" tab post-36818-1147656552.png Click that.
  • At the very bottom of the "Paths" window, you will see the "selection to path" post-36818-1147656647.png button. Click it to create the outline of the tattoo.
  • The paths window will now have a path in it, that looks like this:
  • Right click that, and select "Export Path...", and it will pop up the dialog that saves it as an .SVG


Hope that helps.

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