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Blue and Green seem nice, the white and black seem like a last minute job and are very scruffy looking.

Nice though and not bad at all :)

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Didn't someone else release one just like this? They posted one in pink and no one liked it. :( Anyways, that is like stripe mania. Too much happening.

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Didn't someone else release one just like this? They posted one in pink and no one liked it. :( Anyways, that is like stripe mania. Too much happening.

It's actually the same dude; I think the thread had the exact same name, too. :huh:

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That is truly awful.

Couple of questions (nothing to do with the VS obviously, I've already said my piece)

Is that you on the photo too?

Is this your site also? ->

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Kinda ugly IMO.. but I also think it could be good if a few things were changed. meh

Edited by cloudstrife13
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This skin is way to f-ing busy. I got a headache just looking at the screenshot.

Make it less busy and distracting because it's a good concept.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some people here are really ungrateful. I don't think you should post if all you're gonna say is that it stinks. At least have some suggestions along, not just flaming the person.

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Not a bad first attempt, but I agree with everyone else. There's too much happening. Less extreme gradients would really improve the look.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why are almost all people here complaining? The guy has done a style he think is nice, and people her is cutting his leggs off for sharing it. Well, I don't do styles myself, and I don't think I will ever after reading these comments.

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