When did you lose your virginity?

When did you lose your virginity?  

1,272 members have voted

  1. 1. When did you lose your virginity?

    • 12 or younger
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • 18-20
    • 21-25
    • 26+
    • Still a virgin
  2. 2. If you're still a virgin, how old are you?

    • 12 or younger
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • 18-20
    • 21-25
    • 26+
    • I'm not a virgin

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Boy I love having a nice, mature conversation about something, and then whamo, I get personally attacked for the way I live my life. Amazing. Done with this thread.

Dont leave because of them, I respect what you are saying. Some people just either dont want to, or cant be bothered going out and finding someone. Its just the way you are, whereas some people here cant believe this because they try and get it up anyone.

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What's up with all this "you haven't had sex you don't know what your missing" garbage? Sex isn't everything in this world, like LOC has mentioned. Sure, sex is a great thing, believe me, but its not what matters in this life. If you cannot have a happy relationship with your partner but you have sex, then what's the point? I'd rather have a flawless relationship with someone and not have sex than to have a mediocre relationship just for the purpose of having sex.

Keep the personal attacks to a minimum before action is taken.

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I gave sexual favors to an old man when I was 11. Awesome stuff. Wish I had waited though, he cheated on me with my best friend. :no:

Anyone find this disturbing ?

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I'm 30, and it doesn't bother me in the least that I'm still a virgin. Well, the only thing that does bother me is that I haven't been in love with a woman yet, and that we loved each other enough to make love. But I don't crave sex 24/7 nor do I think about it much anymore. It'll happen eventually, hopefully before they make a sequel to The 40 Year Old Virgin. :p

I find that... intriguing..

This is terribly personal.. but im just wondering.. do you uh.. ...well.. nevermind.

Good luck in finding that special lady..if you're looking. or.. whatever? i dont even know.

good luck though :)

(im not being sarcastic or anything.. i dont know if it seems like i am or not.)

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last month.

Same here! Well, technically it was the end of April, but the fact is that I can finally understand what it's all about! While it wasn't the "hallelujah!" with rainbows and unicorns everywhere type of experience that many made it out to be, it was definately a great experience that both me and my girlfriend (of whom she's my only ever girlfriend since last November) will be doing more of in the coming months/years :)

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Dont leave because of them, I respect what you are saying. Some people just either dont want to, or cant be bothered going out and finding someone. Its just the way you are, whereas some people here cant believe this because they try and get it up anyone.

Yeah, your right. But then again, I don't specifically avoid meeting women, it just isn't a priority right now. I have other concerns such as my own health, my Mother's health, and other such things. Perhaps if things clear up, I'll look for "Ms. Right" down the road.

I find that... intriguing..

This is terribly personal.. but im just wondering.. do you uh.. ...well.. nevermind.

Good luck in finding that special lady..if you're looking. or.. whatever? i dont even know.

good luck though :)

(im not being sarcastic or anything.. i dont know if it seems like i am or not.)

What, do I masturbate? Yes, on occasion I do. Not very often though.

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it is really funny how people say "lose" one's virginity, i think in most cases pople more like "willingly give it away" ;)

with age i have grown to understand people who choose to wait until marriage or to find the right person to have sex, and see nothing wrong in that, it is their personal choice, and who are we to tell them if that's wrong or strange. i know a number of people in their mid-twenties who are still virgins, and they are all quite attractive too, so it's not like they aren't with anyone because they don't look good or anything like that, it is their choice to be like that. Of course, they would prefer to have met the right person already, but waiting doesn't hurt them, and they prefer to wait now even more than before, than to just "do" it, for the sake of sex itself.

but yeah, don't wait for the sequel to the 40-year old virgin;)

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15, at a friends party.

I fail to understand those who await the 'right' girl. I find it somewhat.... moronic. What if she is the 'right' girl, and you suck at sex, (since you wouldn't have had any experience) then she blows you out and never sees you again. Way to go!

Thats pathetic, if you wait for the right girl and invest some time and energy into creating a bond with her she wont toss you to the curb for not giving her multiple orgasms, unlike the shallow drunken bimbo you probably lost yours to.

& 18, current girlfriend

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I'm 30, and it doesn't bother me in the least that I'm still a virgin. Well, the only thing that does bother me is that I haven't been in love with a woman yet, and that we loved each other enough to make love. But I don't crave sex 24/7 nor do I think about it much anymore. It'll happen eventually, hopefully before they make a sequel to The 40 Year Old Virgin. :p

Same here, except I'm 23.

I'm not having sex till I'm married, and I'm not getting married until I find a girl I truly love.

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oh. sweet.

...lol.. well. this is ..awkward.

Why is it awkward? I mean, if your 15...and you might be :D I don't see why adults can't discuss sex or subjects related to it without feeling all "icky" or odd.

Oh that's right sex is treated like some sort of horrible disease in the US, can't talk about it, might make people uncomfortable...or worse...might make those religious zealots angry! Sorry, just had to say it :)

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I don't understand the "waiting till marrage" thing but for a different reason to everyone else, you know that when you get married nothing has physically changed, you are the same people and you feel the same way, sure it may be more novel to look back and remember you did it on your wedding night but it seems asif going out of your way to wait untill that night will not make the slightest bit of difference. and waiting for the right girl could also go horribly wrong ... in november of last year i met a girl who i thought was the see-all end-all show stopper, we'll be together for the rest of our lives girl and i was crazy about her (very much in love) but she left me last month for her x, its not as harsh as it sounds but just for instance lets say i had waited for 'the right girl' ie her then i would be feeling alot worse than i allready am. but i guess thats just bad luck .... well i wish everyone who hasn't yet indulged the best of luck, you may need it on that wedding night :p

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Lost mine two weeks ago. Best day ever :D was my final day at school, got to leave early for study leave, and came home and met up with a 'friend'. Had never done anything with her before, and before I knew it, we were in bed, am still confused as to how it all happened, can't seem to remember everything as clearly as I would have liked, but anyway, who cares lol :jump: :uberhump: :hump:

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Why is it awkward? I mean, if your 15...and you might be :D I don't see why adults can't discuss sex or subjects related to it without feeling all "icky" or odd.

Oh that's right sex is treated like some sort of horrible disease in the US, can't talk about it, might make people uncomfortable...or worse...might make those religious zealots angry! Sorry, just had to say it :)

Well, at that point.. we were talking about masturbation. and come on! i dont care how u look at it, talking about masturbation with some random man on the internet has got to be at least a little awkward! :p

if not, then i guess you were right about people in the united states. lol.

oh, im 21 by the way. :beer:

Lost mine two weeks ago. Best day ever :D was my final day at school, got to leave early for study leave, and came home and met up with a 'friend'. Had never done anything with her before, and before I knew it, we were in bed, am still confused as to how it all happened, can't seem to remember everything as clearly as I would have liked, but anyway, who cares lol :jump: :uberhump: :hump:

thats pretty awesome dude. lol, congratulations! :D Still talk to the chick?

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Well, at that point.. we were talking about masturbation. and come on! i dont care how u look at it, talking about masturbation with some random man on the internet has got to be at least a little awkward! :p

if not, then i guess you were right about people in the united states. lol.

oh, im 21 by the way. :beer:

Well that's what I mean exactly. In the US, talking to someone about masturbation is "akward" to say the least. Hell in some instances, the police would be called in, seriously. Because sex is treated like some sort of horrible disease or something that can't be discussed rationally because you might get infected by it!!!

GG religious right. :)

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Lost mine two weeks ago. Best day ever :D was my final day at school, got to leave early for study leave, and came home and met up with a 'friend'. Had never done anything with her before, and before I knew it, we were in bed, am still confused as to how it all happened, can't seem to remember everything as clearly as I would have liked, but anyway, who cares lol :jump: :uberhump: :hump:

way to go man (Y) :cool:

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i'm 13 and i don't believe in fornication

i'm 13 and i don't believe in fornication

Trust me you will BELIEVE,

When the hormones kick inyou wil become a believer...if its wrong

...well ima sinner, a serial one :)

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thats pretty awesome dude. lol, congratulations! :D Still talk to the chick?

lol,unfortunately not much. sort of finished it yesterday. i said i didn't have enough time as i was hoping for with her and that my exams were really stressful. anyways, i think she took it the wrong way lol :blush: which is a shame really. how come guys never take it the wrong way? :huh:

way to go man (Y) :cool:

thanks (Y)

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