When did you lose your virginity?

When did you lose your virginity?  

1,272 members have voted

  1. 1. When did you lose your virginity?

    • 12 or younger
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • 18-20
    • 21-25
    • 26+
    • Still a virgin
  2. 2. If you're still a virgin, how old are you?

    • 12 or younger
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • 18-20
    • 21-25
    • 26+
    • I'm not a virgin

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At least 8 people didn't take this poll correctly as the numbers don't add up. We have virgin/non virgins. :wacko:

Yes it would be much better if the polling options were a little more robust. I doesn't take an idiot to write an if statement ie:



option 10.unSelectable();


some stupid crap like that would be easy to do, and would make perfect sense for more complicated polls.

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What was your roughest experience with a hooker?

Well, there was this one girl in SoHo who played an amazing game of pingpo...

Just kidding. The day I pay for it is the day I give it up!

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What was your roughest experience with a hooker?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Does it count if I'm the hooker? lol

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:whistle: eh oh well i lost it last summer. i was 18. not discussing details but that was one interesting weekend. :blush:

wish i didnt tho (at least not with her). its not anything like premarital sex bothers me or anything... its just i wish i saved it for someone better.

a girl who truly loved me. eh oh well. it happened. happens 2 lots of ppl i guess

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I was 18... been together 6yrs, getting married next year :D :blush: :cool:

poll not working for me, anywho

I think you need to cast a vote in both questions ? :)

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I don't know why so many people have regrets about the way they lost their virginity and who to. If it was right at the time, then why worry about it now? I lost mine to a complete and utter muppet - but at the time I didn't think that, so I don't beat myself up about it.

I guess if you thought at the time "I'm going to regret this/already hate him/her" then you could be excused (and also deserve no sympathy).

Edit: and where does "anywho" come from? It does not make sense to me, should it not be "anyhow"?

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Edit: and where does "anywho" come from? It does not make sense to me, should it not be "anyhow"?
"Anywho" is, I guess, American slang for "whatever," "anyhow," "anyways," etc.
I lost mine to a complete and utter muppet - but at the time I didn't think that, so I don't beat myself up about it.
What does a "muppet" mean in the UK? When I think of what it means, I think of Kermit & pals.
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"Anywho" is, I guess, American slang for "whatever," "anyhow," "anyways," etc.What does a "muppet" mean in the UK? When I think of what it means, I think of Kermit & pals.

Hmm, ok, I still find it irritating though! :p

A muppet, is, well a muppet lol. I generally use it to describe someone who is a bit of an idiot/tw*t.

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I'm 20 and still a virgin

Never had a gf, or any offers

and I don't plan on losing it before I'm married

...oh what a sheltered life I lead

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WTF ? She was 12 !

Sex with 12 year old girl ! ?

This isn't unusual for people in some countries. And don't forget, he was only 14 at the time.

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"Anywho" is, I guess, American slang for "whatever," "anyhow," "anyways," etc.What does a "muppet" mean in the UK? When I think of what it means, I think of Kermit & pals.

He means an actual muppet.

Good poll, disturb3d. We have several good polls here, but this one is very intriguing. Aweome set-up, dude.

Thanks :D

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15, to a friend really. It was at a house party and everyone was very drunk.

Ironically the girl I lost my virginity to, is now pregnant (and about to have a baby) with my best friend.

ok wait...

the way you structured your sentence is:

Ironically the girl I lost my virginity to, is now pregnant with my best friend.

are you english or retarded j/k :D

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No doubt I will place first on the pathetic-scale. I'm 28 and still a virgin.

Granted, there's been opportunities, but never underestimate the damaging effects of religion on one's life. I just hope that my life story doesn't become a movie starring Steve Carrell.

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^ i'm sorry but i find the real sad thing is that you "blame" your virginity on the effects of religion.

cmon now folks. have some conviction and guts here.

if you value sex as a sacred thing between husband and wife, then you should be proud and happy that you're still waiting or that you did wait.

if you don't, then don't complain that you haven't "gotten any" and blame it on your beliefs. it doesn't make any sense.

granted, i sympathize thats its not easy to wait, especially in today's societies and cultures. i believe God intended us to share it with our spouse and you get the most out of sex and bless your marriage that way... thats why i've been trying to stick to that.

Edited by spacey
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I'll be 24 in three weeks, a virgin and proud to be one. The reason to remain is not religious, but it is because (1) I want to find that right person to share the experience with (2) I am not attracted to anyone right now. I've been somewhat traumatized (not raped or anything bad lol) but I see it as a good thing. (3) I don't know why but I like being "innocent." :yes:

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*to cratylus* Man, dont worry about it sex is probably awesome but is isnt everything and the most you wait probably the best it will feel. :)

Im 16 and im also waiting for the right girl, i feel ready yeah, i could have sex but only with a girl id really love..

Unfortunately the girl i love doesnt like me, and she will probably never be my GF but heck yeah.. if i lose my virginity it will be with someone i love as much as her..

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At 15. No comments.

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^ i'm sorry but i find the real sad thing is that you "blame" your virginity on the effects of religion.

cmon now folks. have some conviction and guts here.

if you value sex as a sacred thing between husband and wife, then you should be proud and happy that you're still waiting or that you did wait.

if you don't, then don't complain that you haven't "gotten any" and blame it on your beliefs. it doesn't make any sense.

granted, i sympathize thats its not easy to wait, especially in today's societies and cultures. i believe God intended us to share it with our spouse and you get the most out of sex and bless your marriage that way... thats why i've been trying to stick to that.

Actually I have to agree in part with Cratylus about the damaging effect that religion has on a persons life.

In the wrong hands, a negative, tryannical religious upbringing does not bode well for a persons self confidence, as they are shoe horned into an existence that denies the pleasures / normal side of life all because they contradict what is taught on a Sunday by some old guy in a dog collar etc...

Fortunately people in these situations can and do wake up and break free from the grip, however it costs them an awful lot to do this, in financial and emotional terms. Its those that dont that I feel a sense of sadness for. However, people can be brought up in an "adult" household and still have a religious faith, one that does allow them to enjoy life etc.. so this is by no means a blanket rant against religion.

That said, I'm 25 and still a virgin, in the past due to religious reasons, now its for personal reasons.

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