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my emotion sound s dont play no more .on msn plus


my emotion sound s dont play no more .

hi i have windows xp .amd 3000. 200gig hdd .all windows updates. from today on none of my emotion sound s dont play no more . i have the updateing msn 7.5 and have removed and re installed it on my pc same prob i backed emotion sound s up to still dont work can some one please help, my buddys work but not myn.and have updateing Messenger Plus.a box pops up saying please try later and stuff. sorry for spallings.NOT VOICE CLIPS THAY WORK FINE . JUST sounds. i used to play music clips i made in msn messenger sounds and play them to my buddys , i just dont know why that dont play no more , just the same box pops up and says saver mite be down and to check my s settings . but all the rest of my buddys made sounds still work.and ive tred to make new sounds but still dont play and the same box pops up.thanks all

u know the ones u can make then play them to your buddys .not voice clips. .msn plus emotion sound s

.get this allways an error occurred while contacting the server,

please try again later if the problem persists, check

your security settings.

ive sorting it it was a proxy prob. thanks for letting me post

Edited by lethalman

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