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I went through the hole process but when I get to

>Paste to address bar, then your can change your passport to

I get a Page not Found error:

The page is unavailable or no longer exists

The page you're trying to find is either temporarily unavailable or no longer exists.

Please do one of the following:

- Click your browser's Refresh button to try reconnecting to the page.

- Check the spelling of the web address in your browser's address bar.

- Click your browser's Back button to go to the previous page.

- Go to the Windows Live Account home page, and navigate to the page from there.

what should I do? is there another way to do this step? :cry:

If you read the posts before you, Microsoft has "rectified" this trick.

You have to wait till 20th June or something when you can register for a @live/ addy. ;)

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awww....i got mine finally...but was trying to register for a friend,but got this error msg...hopefully sumthing comes up! :cry:

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what a pity guy, I have got my 5 names :)

Yeah, idiots like you ruin it for everyone else who want a legitimate name for one email address.

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After they changed stuff I went to log back into my new account and they said it had been inactivated. I had to reactivate it.

Thank goodness I still got it too. I got my first initial and last name at live dot com. :D

Yippie. :D

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What is the reason that you need 7 names?

one for me, two for my friends, one for my team, one for the girl i love and one for my favourite band..

and 5 of them are turkish, so i don't believe i prevented someone from getting an adress he/she wants :)

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Yea, for the billionth time...If people would just read prevous posts, You'll get an error..Because Microsoft removed the page.

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I heard that when you have a live account you can send 50 invites to friends. Could someone give me one?

pm me:

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Well no 5 doesnt work

The page is unavailable or no longer exists

The page you're trying to find is either temporarily unavailable or no longer exists.

Please do one of the following:

- Click your browser's Refresh button to try reconnecting to the page.

- Check the spelling of the web address in your browser's address bar.

- Click your browser's Back button to go to the previous page.

- Go to the Windows Live Account home page, and navigate to the page from there.

Yea, for the billionth time...If people would just read prevous posts, You'll get an error..Because Microsoft removed the page.

Urm i'm not going through 9 pages of people saying "i got..." bah not got the time i wish the thread maker or a mod would change it to say this error so people like me and other don't need to post the error. good night.

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Yea, for the billionth time...If people would just read prevous posts, You'll get an error..Because Microsoft removed the page.

I agree with orange on this.

I too am not gonna go through the last 9 pages to find whether or not its going to work or not.

The main page still has the news on this and the first post in this thread HAS NOT BEEN EDITED.

I was simply trying to inform others the page is not available anymore.

So really man, if you have no more need for this thread and got your lil liveID addies, then why you still posting in here.

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I am so so p****d off, there where two live mail addresses i really wanted:

julian @ live .com

theonly1 @ live .com

but now they are probably taken. Grrr

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Um, it's not like you can't try and register these email addresses on Tuesday!

Is the next time we can try this midnight of the 20th Seattle time? (3 am EST?) Can someone confirm this so I can set my alarm to wake me up?

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yea I got one .. but my live account is a hotmail account.. so wtf

Only seems to have the new mail system set-up. I didn't get my name on so I did and got it but I have the old hotmail system there as well.

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Only seems to have the new mail system set-up. I didn't get my name on so I did and got it but I have the old hotmail system there as well.

yea but pls look at my screenshot.

there you can see i?m logged in with

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