Post pics. of your Xbox 360 setup

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Here is mine!

Here is a pic of my current Xbox 360 games(I am still waiting for DOA4 to come in the mail):


Edited by American Ninja
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Here is mine!


Oh, a 'on its side' person. I think that most use theirs in the verticle postion.

I'll post mine later, its a little messy, lol :blush:.

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not a super set but it does the job... :blush:


Sound: S4 MidiLand 8200 v2.0

Network: Xbox Wireless Adapter MN-740


iPod Mini 6GB

Nintendo DS

Sony PSP

Sega Dreamcast

Microsoft Xbox 360

Microsoft Xbox

MSN TV 2 Internet & Media Player

Nintendo Gamecube

Sony PS2 Slim


Edit: yeah, I know the furniture sucks but I rather waste my money on games than furniture... :blush: :laugh: :rofl: :p

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Sorry how much mess my room is right now I couldn't show you everything in a single shot as then I would have revealed to much mess :x

This is just temp until I move then I'm going to get some cool furniture and paint everything in Xbox 360 style.


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Pretty cut and dry... TV was a floor model, or else I probably would not have a HDTV...


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Here is mine along with my computer..kind of messy.

dresser, computer, tv, alcohol, video games all in one package... now thats compact livin :cool:

all you need is a mini-fridge and a bathroom (or a window) and you can hibernate all the way through summer... So long sun, hello 360 glare!

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Wow... two mighty nice dell screens there! Looking to get a Dell 24" Widescreen LCD myself :)

Any votes?

May post a pic of my 360 later :)


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I just took pictures of my home cinema setup which includes my xbox 360, so ile post them here.

Click the pictures for bigness.


Gamepads, Remotes, Media Center Keyboard, and a view of most stuff.


My fairly recent 40" 16:9 Samsung 720P LCD TV (Recently replaced my Pioneer 4:3 40" Plasma)


Running Media Center 2005


With no flash


2 Cable recievers feeding my dual tuner media center 2005 computer (on the bottom) and controlled by it, note the cardboard so that the media center can control the boxes independantly, ghetto. My Yamaha 5.1 Rcciever / Amp sits in between. Love this amp.


Tannoy MX-10 Subwoofer, pretty loud and pretty low :D. I can see where i miss when dusting now, thanks to the flash. Yeh I knwo the wires are messy.


My Main Front Speakers, made by mission, they are bi wired to channels A and B on my amp and sound amazing, I usualy play music in 2.1 through these and the sub woofer for the best sound. I game in 5.1 of course and watch TV in Pro Logic.


My Rear surround speakers, also Mission floor standers, these sound spretty good and as they are only rear surrounds dont have to work as much, I think they are a bit ugly though and want to replace them some day.


Sony Playstation 2, pretty much retired, i havent played it since i bought my 360, I bet its pretty poo looking on my new TV scaled any way.


The xbox 360, with my media center 2005 remote control receiver to the right of it, and my Gale center speaker above it. It took my weeks to find a center speaker that sounded good, and fitted in that slot, it look snice too, bonus.


xBox Games, Oblivion Guide, Headset.


PS2 Games, cant see these gettign used for a while, if ever.

Im very happy with the setup, the only thingg i will change is the rear speakers and the remote control situation.

I want that logitech harmony remote that does Media Center 2006 and scripts everything else so its integral. Im strugglign to find a UK supplier for that so if anyone knows of one please let me know.

For speakers, im thinking of replacing the front ones with the same model but the 3 woofer version, and putting those ones at the rear.

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I just took pictures of my home cinema setup which includes my xbox 360, so ile post them here.


xBox Games, Oblivion Guide, Headset.

do you have every xbox 360 game out? jesus christ.. i thought I was bad, and i only own 4!

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do you have every xbox 360 game out? jesus christ.. i thought I was bad, and i only own 4!

I only have 16, theres a lot more than that. I geuss I have a problem, lol 16 is a lot concidering how much time i spend on it and my low gamerscore to date.

big upps... post edited... :blush:

did you mean PGR3 or somethign else ?

OMG what is that you have Gears of War and Mass Effect demo?

Its jsut HD video to play on the 360, came with a magazine.

/edit oops looks liek i mixed up teh descriptions on my 9th and 10th photographs.

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An old pic. (very first day I got my 360 :blush: Midnight on New Years 2006)

is that a rearpro ? and/or DLP tv ?

what size/resolution ?

Looks very nice.

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