What makes something 'real'?

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there is no proof anything is real. the only way to prove the existence of anything is to know for sure. but only you can be sure you yourself exist.

how? simple if you think you must exist. now, theologically (i think im tired) its impossible to prove everything else exists. it could all be a seemingly lifelike realistic dream u have while ur suspended in nothingness.

thats technical, realistically? of course its real lifes real. lol goodnite.

edit: defintion: being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory

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Morpheus, from the movie The Matrix: "If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."

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Morpheus, from the movie The Matrix: "If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."

Regarding that, yeh, different materials could simply just be creating a reaction by your brain. When combined creates a different reaction.

Think of it as a scripting language. You have your basic commands.(raw materials) Then you can make variables.(combination of materials) Lastly the interpreter/compiler (your brain)

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Something exists if it has energy. If it doesn't have energy it doesn't exist.

example: Rocks are made up of subatomic particles which have energy. All subatomic particles, even if they have no mass, still have energy.

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Google Defination: Real

being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory; "real objects"; "real people; not ghosts"; "a film based on real life"; "a real illness"; "real humility"; "Life is real! Life is earnest!"- Longfellow

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Something is real when you can feel, touch, taste it, etc. Something that gives your brains an electronic jolt is real.

That makes virtual reality reality but hey.. Software exists! :)

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Morpheus, from the movie The Matrix: "If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."

Exactly what I was thinking.

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Real = whatever you believe.

See, "real" is a tricky term. 100s of years ago, it was "real" that the earth was flat

To some people it is "real" that God exists. To others it is "real" that it doesn't.

Reality is only a perception.

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Real = whatever you believe.

See, "real" is a tricky term. 100s of years ago, it was "real" that the earth was flat

To some people it is "real" that God exists. To others it is "real" that it doesn't.

Reality is only a perception.

My thoughts exactly.

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Reality is the observation and therefore the manipulation of the 'physical' world. Reality isn't personal aswell, it's shared. You might find reading some quantum mechanics and super-positioning interesting.

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Real = whatever you believe.

See, "real" is a tricky term. 100s of years ago, it was "real" that the earth was flat

To some people it is "real" that God exists. To others it is "real" that it doesn't.

Reality is only a perception.

Now go cut your hand off and tell me that's not real :p

Reality is slightly perception because everyone views it a little differently. But that doesn't make it only perception.

While were at it might I add, "it's all relative."

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Correction, Time doesn't exist. It is just our way to perceive before and after a current event.

Which is why it exists. It isn't a physical thing, no. But since we perceive it, it therefore exists.

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my penis is real then :rofl:


we have no proof that anything is real. real is something that we believe exists. we usally determine "real" by comparing with other people. for example, if you see something that i do as well, then it is considered real (society confirms if its real if a large amount of people see it). if one person sees something that the rest of us see, then they are classified as schizophrenic. but who knows, they might see something that is "real" but we dont.

i can go deep into this subject, but philosophy is one of those subjects that people can keep going and going into.

Edited by fAlCoNNiAn
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Something exists if it has energy. If it doesn't have energy it doesn't exist.

example: Rocks are made up of subatomic particles which have energy. All subatomic particles, even if they have no mass, still have energy.

Today I dreamed of a purple rock. Does it mean it exists?

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