Lamest sport ever?

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Yeah, that always bugged me about soccer. I mean, you don't want to encourage goal sucks and cherry pickers but I prefer the way hockey goes about it (a line on the ice rather than being relative to a defender).

:blink: That would just encourage attackers to stand on the line and wait for the ball rather than having to work for a chance on goal

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:huh: Thats wrong, the attacking (offensive) player cannot be between the last defender and the goalkeeper when the ball is played to him otherwise he is offside. If he's in that position and ball hasn't been played to him then he's not offside. If you time it right you can make a quick breakaway ;)

Quite the contrary, this can produce counter attacks, because of this offside rule defenders can push forward on attacks and set pieces leaving the defence open to a counter attack which is much more interesting to watch. A striker beating 2 defenders and then dummying the keeper is more fun than him running and sliding it past the keeper no?

And the comments about Americans being generalised...hmm. Bit hypocritical I think, saying that all football players fall to ground after contact. Not true, there are plenty of players that stay up and fight there way through players just to get the perfect pass through the opposition. Of course there are cheats who dive and whine *cough*C.Ronaldo *cough*, but the player who play 'properly' are the ones that make football so exciting.

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Quite the contrary, this can produce counter attacks, because of this offside rule defenders can push forward on attacks and set pieces leaving the defence open to a counter attack which is much more interesting to watch. A striker beating 2 defenders and then dummying the keeper is more fun than him running and sliding it past the keeper no?

:huh: Whats that got to do with a basic explanation of the offside rule? Having to beat 2 defenders means the attacker wasn't in an offside postion when he received the ball anyway. I'd say beating the offside trap and sliding it past the keeper is just as fun!

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A lot of skill goes into Formula 1, Rally Driving etc. maybe not NASCAR though you only need a brick on the accelerator for that!

Oh, I won't deny that a lot of skill is needed, but I wouldn't classify it as a sport, nor would I ever watch that. I live five minutes from a highway, which I can watch for free.

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How is everbody noit metnioning baseball. All yo udo is wait around for the pitcher to throw the ball and the possibility of the batter hitting it.

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Baseball is said to be the most difficult sport (here come all the people to argue it) yet many people just seem to think its so boring. I dont get why so many people dislike the sport its absolutely amazing if you know what the hell is going on. If you go to a perfect game, the non-fans would find it boring yet the fans would be in astonishment.

I also like soccer and hockey so dont go calling me a one-sided american.

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The only reason more injuries may occur in football (soccer) is because in American football the players go round wearing body armour.

Soccer isn’t rough. These guys get a little kick on the leg and they act like they have been shot. American footballs need to take off there padding too.

Australian Football is rough.

Watch is and let me know what you think!

These guys play without padding, it's got to be the fastest ball sport in the world. These guys run nearly 20K's or 12 miles a game. That's half a marathon!

Edited by Alphanumeric
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lamest sport...

cricket is up there, but it's not as boring as SOCCER.. dear god how boring is that. couple of guys diving, pretending to get hurt, and the fact they can run around for 90 minutes, and go scoreless! how god damn boring!

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lamest sport...

cricket is up there, but it's not as boring as SOCCER.. dear god how boring is that. couple of guys diving, pretending to get hurt, and the fact they can run around for 90 minutes, and go scoreless! how god damn boring!

I've played cricket for over 20 years :whistle:

It does get boring, but that's one of the skills of the game. You can be fielding all day and only get to field the ball a handful of times, then all of a sudden you can get the ball whacked at you and you have catch it. If you not ready or concentrating your going to drop it. And cricket is all about taking you chance when they come. You can drop a guy when he was only on 5 runs, but he could end up making 85 runs.

I think a lot of people cant appreciate the skill, patience and concentration of cricket cause they haven?t actually played it. Which is fair enough.

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1. Croquet (NOT cricket)

Croquet is an awesome "sport" to play in the backyard with a bunch of friends over.


a) You can hold an alcoholic drink while playing (this is very important)

b) Girls and guys are fairly equal (although guys can do a big testosterone roquet shot at times)

c) You can play on teams.

d) Nobody takes it seriously.

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Croquet is an awesome "sport" to play in the backyard with a bunch of friends over.


a) You can hold an alcoholic drink while playing (this is very important)

b) Girls and guys are fairly equal (although guys can do a big testosterone roquet shot at times)

c) You can play on teams.

d) Nobody takes it seriously.

Haha, just like lawn bowls :)

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^ Horseshoes is a better game that fits those reasons :p

Croquet is a little more sophisticated. It depends whether the girls come from the truck stop or the art gallery.

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Nah... I'd say the honor goes to one of the following...


i'd agree with curling, how glorified ice darts made it into the olympics.. ill never know

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Yeah, that always bugged me about soccer. I mean, you don't want to encourage goal sucks and cherry pickers but I prefer the way hockey goes about it (a line on the ice rather than being relative to a defender).

The american league in the 70/80 used that system of offsides.......the time pele used to play with the cosmos (i think :blink: )...waaaaaaayyyy bac then

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Well their is the up and coming sport of Cornhole. Yeah, kind of a strange name. It started here in ohio, and is starting to spread, and is getting pretty popular. It's pretty much horseshoes, but with 1lb bean/corn bags that you throw in a hole, but with a few somewhat confusing rules, which would be why a lot of people wont like it, but once you figure it out it can be pretty fun. I'm actually proud to say I'm quite the cornholer though.

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i'm sure you are aware that rugby, football (soccer), and hockey are all more dangerous than american football, right?

Wow, is that a joke? Seriously, it blows my mind how you could say such a thing. Why don't you ask a professional running back what it feels like to have a 250 lb. linebacker come and plow you to the ground with like 3 other 200+ lb. people jumping on top of you? Football is a great sport, fun to watch, especially the Super Bowl and other games. Even better if you're actually at the stadium.

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