Lamest sport ever?

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If you are talking about the lame lets drive in a circle american variety then I agree.

:yes: :yes: :yes:

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is scranised swimming a sport coz if it is its gotta be that. however it could be made more interesting if sharks were in the pool. Just a suggestion

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AFL. Worst, sport*, ever.

* Can you even call a fumble, four or so people jumping on each other, another fumble, maybe a goal and then another fumble a sport?

The world needs a sport like Unreal Tournament. Criminals, or just plain stupid people get put in an arena with big guns. 1st place wins 50% off their sentence, 2nd 20% and 3rd 5%. :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

#1 soccer is it a sport to stand for your in for 5 mins. i was watch the fiffa(or what ever) and every game, 5 or people stan in the same spot for 5 mins., 30 secs. of running , 10 mins. of walking then it never ends they do that for 45 mins. then they do it again

#2 Auto Racing its like saying a video game is a sport

#3 Golf i love golf it helps me sleep

#4 Baseball omg its kinda like soccer people stand for over 5 mins. for most of the game

#5 AFL omg plz dont get me going

#6 CFL ^^^^^

ok let me just add

#1 soccer- its kind fun to watch but look times of nothing

# 2 it takes more talent then i have to do

#3 golf ^^^ same

#4 baseball ^^^ same but they do nothing

#5 AFL it football mix with basketball

#6 CFL its double the with and thats it

i'm sure you are aware that rugby, football (soccer), and hockey are all more dangerous than american football, right?

lol 1st you cant say soccer is = or more dangerouse then rugby or hockey or football. because you have to hit people in the other ones.

and all the big hits in hockey is because of speed with some gliding like this kwan-purple-masterfs01-6x10-150pxl.jpg

well with american football they were made to put helmets on because people died in the game

Edited by rap4life
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.......Dog shows are the lamest ever. Not a sport? Tell that to ESPN who feels they need to broadcast it.

:laugh: Totally agree, tell them to move it to animal planet

I wouldn't say so

Rugby, Cricket, Football (Soccer) - Played all over the world, not very popular in the US

American Football, Baseball, Basketball - Played all over the US, not very popular anywhere else

FYI Baseball is very popular on Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and many more countries on this continent.

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if sould make soccer with hitting that would be fun and 1/2 the size , 1/2 the time and it will be fun to watch.

can you drop the ball in rugby

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can you drop the ball in rugby

You can drop the ball in rugby but you cannot move/play the ball once you and/or the ball are down. You are supposed to let a scrum form. Or something like that, it's been a while since I played rugby and I'm not sure my ribs ever did fully heal.

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Best sports to watch:

Football (Soccer)

Formula 1




Swimming, Basketball, Tennis, Athletics and Boxing are also nice...

Others are pretty lame... and Cricket is one of the lamest I think.

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How can driving around a circular track with your foot down require any skill? The angle of the track means they don't need turn much if at all, even if they do need to turn its always gonna be a slight left. They don't even need to brake as there's no tight corners, they just go round and round and round......

Comments like this just shows you don't know what you are talking about and don't know the sport

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High school soccer (in a 90 minute game, maybe 2 points are scored.. its soo boring)

Hockey - unless theres a fight

Did you watch the world cup? Even pros barely get above 2 points.

Eh for me it would have to be curling.

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if sould make soccer with hitting that would be fun and 1/2 the size , 1/2 the time and it will be fun to watch.

can you drop the ball in rugby

I seriously have no idea what you are saying :blink:

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I'm a few days old on this one but my top three go:

Baseball for sure first (hit the ball with a stick, run around for a few seconds then wait 5 minutes and do it again)

Basketball (I just hate how half the point of the game is who can be the best actor at pretending that being bumped into made them fly 10 feet acrosst he court)

Then probably.... Hmm I don't know I have any other sport that I dislike. Some are boring to watch (like Golf) but they aren't bad to play still.

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I take no offence when americans/canadians go on about hating this game called "soccer"- whats that??

anyways FOOTBALL is the beautiful game, always has been, always will be and people who don't like it have something wrong with them. Its the most popular Sport in the world by a long margin. I know Baseball's popular in Latin America but Football is a religion there!!!

-some Other sports are good but none come close to the great game of Football: skill, beauty, elegance, the tactical battle, the drama football has it all. IMO only basketball has athletes with the technique, pace and skill to match football- but thats annoying cos theres a basket every 5 seconds. and Football certainly isn't a pansy game. if u think it is u aint playing it right in America. when u come off the field u usually have 2 or 3 cuts and bruises and have usually been barged about a fair bit aswell. Theres a large battling element to Football, which might not appear to be the case. Anyway its a contact sport- if u wanna call something pansy it would make more sense it be a non-contact sport like BASEBALL!

Lame sports:

-Golf!!!! (Boring)

-Athletics (maybe with exception of 100m- sorta exciting)


-Car/Bike racing

-Ice Hockey. who can even see the puck? (or whatever its called)

Good Sports:

-FOOTball (the beautiful game)


-Rubgy (Lge' & Union)


-The U.S sports aren't too bad but the most annoying is NFL. it has the potential to be a good game but the whole play 10seconds then pause for 30 drives me CRAZY, and this is excerbated by constant adverts. I dont understand why they don't pass either. The play starts with a quality 40/50-yard distribution by the quater-back and then after that its head down and run and (USUALLY) hope for the best before everyone piles in. Why cant they pass more than once in the move- make the game more expansive and dynamic. and whats with the whole change of teams for attack and defence- BIZARRE!!!

Edited by fat richard
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