Is Apple promoting piracy ?

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Is Apple, through its policy of not selling it's operating system,

promoting or endorsing piracy?

We know that dual booting from an Intel? Core? Duo processor

between a Microsoft Windows XP and an Apple OSX operating system is possible.

If you purchase a computer from Apple, with OSX installed as its native operating system,

Apple has software available (bootcamp) to make dual booting between OSX and XP possible.

If however you own the same Intel? Core? Duo processor which has Mirosoft's Windows XP operating system

installed as it's native operating system, the only way to achieve dual boot capability between

Mac OSX10 and Windows XP is through a pirated and patched OSX10 install Remember, none of this is theory, it is fact.t.

Wake up Apple! Make the money while the market is ripe.

Please don't wait till the market is floodedpirateded, altered and posinfecteded technology.

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No? I don't even like Apple and I know they aren't.

They clearly don't want people installing want OSX on a regular PC. They've said that somewhere so many times.

I think MS is fine with XP on the Apple computers so it's fine for bootcamp but Apple does not want their software on a PC.

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Was just watching a football game, and a commerical came on. It was Steve Jobs promoting OS X on any x86 machine. He said all you need to do is download a torrent, crack it, and its ready to go.


Apple isn't promoting anything. There are no commericals, and there are no newspaper ads.

Oh, and just so you know - there are a lot of people in the world, and most of them couldn't give a crap about OS X vs Windows. Most people in the world don't even realize they are on something different. In fact, most people think that the OS is built into the computer and can't be changed.

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Apple is a hardware company, they have released Bootcamp in a bid to convert users to purchase their hardware with the incentive of being able to boot both OS X and Windows operating systems. OS X will only (legally) run on Apple hardware, it's not Apple's fault if people decide to pirate OS's

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Most people in the world don't even realize they are on something different. In fact, most people think that the OS is built into the computer and can't be changed.

Maybe in america dude, but I've yet to meet a single person that didn't know the operating system could be changed and I deal with a lot of computer iliteate people.

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2 Reasons why they dont:

1) They make their money from the hardware not the software.

2) To enable people to install OSX on any grey box x86 system it would mean having to write drivers for every possible combination of hardware out there, not only would this take too long it would also make the OS unstable due to companies writing their own drivers.

If you want OSX that works, buy a mac mini, they arent prohibitively expensive and they work out of the box. Otherwise you are stuck with the illegal patched OSX dvd thats floating about and all the incompatible hardware and drivers that go with it.

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Maybe in america dude, but I've yet to meet a single person that didn't know the operating system could be changed and I deal with a lot of computer iliteate people.

Interesting. I've never been overseas, but I can vouch that american's are quite dumb sometimes.

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Apple will never sell thier OS for regular hardware for a number of reasons. Here are a couple off the top of my head -

They make more money from the hardware. The reason Windows seems so expensive is because Microsoft only makes thier money through software sales. You could get a similarly spec'd PC for anything between $300 and $800 less than what you'd pay for the Mac equivelant. When you compare that to the Price of Vista Ultimate, all of a sudden things don't seem too different, do they?

Apple would have to deal with a lot of hardware compattibility issues. The reason Macs seem so unstable is because a lot less hardware is likely to run on it. The biggest cause of BSOD's on windows are poorly written drivers. This isn't specifically Microsoft's fault and they have tried to fix it with their Digitally signed drivers scheme, but only when this becomes compulsary (probably in the version of windows after Vista, not including 64bit) will you really see the benefits of it.

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Is Apple, through its policy of not selling it's operating system,

promoting or endorsing piracy?

We know that dual booting from an Intel? Core? Duo processor

between a Microsoft Windows XP and an Apple OSX operating system is possible.

If you purchase a computer from Apple, with OSX installed as its native operating system,

Apple has software available (bootcamp) to make dual booting between OSX and XP possible.

If however you own the same Intel? Core? Duo processor which has Mirosoft's Windows XP operating system

installed as it's native operating system, the only way to achieve dual boot capability between

Mac OSX10 and Windows XP is through a pirated and patched OSX10 install Remember, none of this is theory, it is fact.t.

Wake up Apple! Make the money while the market is ripe.

Please don't wait till the market is floodedpirateded, altered and posinfecteded technology.

:p Glad that's cleared up.
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Apple doesn't care for anyone but themselves. So if you pirate their software - good luck to you.

You won't see them offering MacOSX to Windows customers because we all know that MacOSX couldn't handle the thousands of devices they'd need to support.

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I don't think Apple are promoting piracy at all. In fact, Apple have gone to great lengths in order to make it as difficult as possible - reliance on TPM chips, introduction of EFI....

At the end of the day, Apple are never going to make their OS available to all x86 processors. One of the many reasons OS X is so popular is because everything "Just Works" in it. Making it available to all systems introduces untested hardware configurations, and the necessity for hardware drivers not thoroughly tested by Apple before hand - they would instantly lose the "It Just Works" feature of their operating system.

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Apple doesn't care for anyone but themselves. So if you pirate their software - good luck to you.

You won't see them offering MacOSX to Windows customers because we all know that MacOSX couldn't handle the thousands of devices they'd need to support.

No need to knock Apple coz you can't get OS X on a PC. And OS X could handle the thousands of devices, but if Apple made it for PC, everyone would have to THEN make drivers for it, and it would be far less stable, hardware-wise.

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And OS X could handle the thousands of devices, but if Apple made it for PC, everyone would have to THEN make drivers for it, and it would be far less stable, hardware-wise.

Does this not contradict itself?

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I don't think Apple are promoting piracy at all. In fact, Apple have gone to great lengths in order to make it as difficult as possible - reliance on TPM chips, introduction of EFI....


EFI isn't really an anti-piracy method, it's just because the BIOS sucks (Linux supports it as well)

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Maybe in america dude, but I've yet to meet a single person that didn't know the operating system could be changed and I deal with a lot of computer iliteate people.

Your grandma knows that Windows <> Computer? You must live around alot of smart people, cos as far as I'm aware, Windows == Computer is a pretty common understanding amongst most illierates. ;)

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