NBC'S Heroes

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And whats up with the policeman who can hear peoples mind???? Is he going to be added as a main character?

he's always been a main character...he just wasn't introduced in the first episode....

the pilot was originally 2 hours but they split it up....had they kept the original pilot we would have seen him in the first episode....

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Who reads comics?

Anyone ever read Rising Stars? This show reminds me of that, in a way.....

Well, maybe not totally, but....I give it two thumbs up!

So far we've seen a psychic, time manipulator, telepath, super-reg, split personality person, and two people who can fly.

Anyone else with powers I am missing?

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I saw the show for the first time last night. I think the show has promise but it was much darker than I thought it would be. Some of the gorier scenes were a bit of a turn off. Whats up with removing people's brains? Whatever happened to letting the viewer use their imagination?

How exactly do you depict a brain removal without showing it, besides just having some cop walk out of a room and saying "his brain is gone".

In the age of CSI:, Law & Order, 24, etc. that just won't fly. It's not really gory, either. Pretty standard for TV corpses. I quite liked the frozen dude. His head reminded me of those frozen scooped out oranges they use for sorbet at fancy restaurants.

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I liked it and it's keeping me interested. Like someone else said, it's a lot darker than I expected. I keep thinking about the brain thing and then the explosion at the end was unsettling.

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veeerrry boring. Too much going on with everyone to concentrate on each individual enough.

The second show was worse yet. snore

Too cut up. Not enough explanation as to when they developed thier powers.

Claire Bennet

They start her out showing her falling from a bridge and living. ok,

that's cool but what lead up to that point in the first place? I mean,

why didn't they show her first encounter with this power? It seems that

the writers/producer had to cut something out and unfortunatley it was


Who's that guy she's with and why does he know? It's not like they are

a couple so what lead up to her telling him about her powers?

This portion juts seemed to be spliced together from a bigger portion. Very mumbled.

Hiro Nakamura

Another cut up piece of filming. One minute you have him staring at a

clock and the next he's transported to NewYork. Sure didn't take him

long to figure out his powers. One minute he's talking about how

eventually he'll be able to teleport and the next he is teleporting. I

mean, seriously, let's have a little development of thier abilities and

how they struggled to fine tune them. He seems to have just went from

stopping a second hand clock which took tremedous effort to

transporting across the globe just by closing his eyes.

I give this show the standard 13 episodes before it goes off the air.

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Loved last night's episode. Did anyone else notice the typo when Hiro was talking to his friend over the phone. They had everything spelled as "everthing".

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What I am confused about is Hiro. It looks like he transported to NY 5 weeks later, and he went back to where he started when the explosion was coming, meaning everybody is a live again. Doesn't that turn back the clock on everyone else's plot development so far? Or is his scenes not taking place in the same time period.

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Yeah...Hiros storyline jumped ahead when he was in New York. Presumably everbody else is back in the same timeline as when he was on the subway.

Did anyone watch it in HD? The newspaper article at the end about with the headline about the guy winning the election was a bunch of repeated text about some collision involving a comet.

Anyways...After two episodes I'm hooked.

This show will last more than one season. I bet they're just gonna throw out all this stuff now and get people wondering wtf is going on then possibly go through the back stories LOST style.

Edited by Rob2687
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I'm loving this show...just watched the second episode...its so good...I like the way we get to see every power in the episode and that ending wow...pretty cool stuff :D

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Hiro has the ability to bend the space-time continuum. That gives him the power to teleport and go back/forth in time. The dude with the brother can levitiate. And the girl has tissue regeneration powers. The indian guy pretty much sums up the abilities we've seen so far in the first episode. Oh, and the cop has the ability to hear people's thoughts. I almost forgot.. another guy can predict the future through paintings.

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It's drawn by Isaac, the guy who can draw the future.

Didnt he die tho? the artist...or was this in the future :unsure:

He died like that bloke did with his skull cut open (which I thought was gross) :wacko:

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It's drawn by Isaac, the guy who can draw the future.
So the guy goes from going crazy and painting the future while high to publishing his own comic book in, what was it, 5 weeks? :huh:

My prediction is

The guy is eating their brains to gain their powers

What? :D They already showed just how dark the show is...

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veeerrry boring. Too much going on with everyone to concentrate on each individual enough.

The second show was worse yet. snore

Too cut up. Not enough explanation as to when they developed thier powers.

Claire Bennet

They start her out showing her falling from a bridge and living. ok,

that's cool but what lead up to that point in the first place? I mean,

why didn't they show her first encounter with this power? It seems that

the writers/producer had to cut something out and unfortunatley it was


Who's that guy she's with and why does he know? It's not like they are

a couple so what lead up to her telling him about her powers?

This portion juts seemed to be spliced together from a bigger portion. Very mumbled.

Hiro Nakamura

Another cut up piece of filming. One minute you have him staring at a

clock and the next he's transported to NewYork. Sure didn't take him

long to figure out his powers. One minute he's talking about how

eventually he'll be able to teleport and the next he is teleporting. I

mean, seriously, let's have a little development of thier abilities and

how they struggled to fine tune them. He seems to have just went from

stopping a second hand clock which took tremedous effort to

transporting across the globe just by closing his eyes.

I give this show the standard 13 episodes before it goes off the air.

en medias res.

that is all.

What I am confused about is Hiro. It looks like he transported to NY 5 weeks later, and he went back to where he started when the explosion was coming, meaning everybody is a live again. Doesn't that turn back the clock on everyone else's plot development so far? Or is his scenes not taking place in the same time period.

Hiro's scenes in the second episode take place 5 weeks after everyone else's scenes. You'll notice that the newspaper shown to Hiro just before the explosion shows that the politician brother (who can fly) had won the election, meanwhile the brother, in his scenes, is still preparing for the election.

Hiro had teleported through both space AND time, from Tokyo on October 2 to NYC on November 8. He then teleported back. Everyone else's stories took place on October 2.

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^jack is right. hiro was ahead of everyone by 5 weeks.

i like this show, lots of stuff is going on. but it knida sucks how there's only enough for like 5 mins of each character per episode.

i still don't get what is going on with the mom tho, what is her power?

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^jack is right. hiro was ahead of everyone by 5 weeks.

i like this show, lots of stuff is going on. but it knida sucks how there's only enough for like 5 mins of each character per episode.

i still don't get what is going on with the mom tho, what is her power?

She seems to be a bit like Jekyll and Hyde...one moment shes alright the next shes a crazed monster :shifty:

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She seems to be a bit like Jekyll and Hyde...one moment shes alright the next shes a crazed monster :shifty:

I kind of agree with the Jekyll and Hyde theory as well. I think there are two of her somehow.

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Blonde stripper mom/mum can be at 2 places at once if she wants. Jekyll and Hyde pretty much.

Love the gore, the guy body chopped in half and

nuking New York?

:o :blink:

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