NBC'S Heroes

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Hmm. Well I think the above picture shows that the black guy with Claire's dad is not the guy who tried to kidnap the girl from the police station. I don't think they would have used a different actor to portray Sylar in the scene where you aren't supposed to see his face, so I'm going to say they are two different characters.

I would have to say that the guy who tried to kidnap the girl is more likely to be Sylar, all things considered. So that raises the question, who's the black guy with the apparent uber powers?

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saw it once. it's a good show.

All I got to say it was awesome

my type of show!!


P.S Sorry if it is wrong section... admin can change it to right one if they wish.. just had to give my 2 cents on the show :)

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I think you have a point there. I also think the problem is that the pilot was filmed as a two hour pilot, but was later broken into two one-hour episodes, spaced out over a week.

Ah, that explains a lot. I know when the first episode ended I was left with somewhat of an empty feeling - kind of like this season's first episode of Lost which I presume was also broken up.

As far as giving a little bit of each character, I think it works, because as you say, the characters are starting to meet, and eventually they will all band together, so that won't happen anymore. I don't think it would have worked if they dedicated each show to only one or two characters, because you'd lose the feeling that everything was happening at the same time. I guess they had to choose the lesser evil, and I think they did ok.

After seeing how things are beginning to pan out, I have to agree with you. (Y)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how much I loved the end of the last episode where Hiro came back from the future. I was like "Oh ****! This dude is hardcore!" :laugh: I can only imagine how bad-ass Sylar will become if he's going to be taking on all of the heroes basically by himself. :o

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This last episode was awesome. Right when Hiro said he had something to tell Nathan I looked at the clock and just screamed NOOOOOOOO!!! Knowing that I would have to wait until next week to hear what he was gonna tell him. By far the best show on tv right now.

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i suspect he'll say to Nathan what he was trying to learn in English: was it: "you're going to die in 5 weeks and then NY will explode"

or something.

totally loving it though!

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I am from the future...:cool:l:

Seriously, the ending of that episode was amazing and it was also great to see the other side of that women who has got two personalities. Hiro looked so sick with his ninja costume and sword! Woot, it's beggining to become like lost.

With the only difference that in lost nothing happens, and this last one episode was AMAZING! It is like the stories told in the flashbacks, but in real tim:p:p

So we can assume that the cop had his brain taken out?

I don't think that Nikki is going to end up like that. Some theories/spoilers say that they are probably use Nikki's "bad" side for bad purposes.

This episode's "flow" was better than the previous ones. I didnt get that "too many characters" feeling this time. And the ending was great. Hiro is the BEST. I was expecting a "... from you" at the end, hehe.

I wonder how far in the future this Hiro is. I mean, he knows English now! But you never know if he stopped time and learnt english "instantly". And the scar he talks about...

It's so exciting! Screw lost and its "you are never going to get answers" philosophy... what people want is super heroes, hot chicks and time travel.

(j/k, I love lost!)

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Although i live in the UK (heh..) I still love this new series, and the ending of Episode 4 was awesome. Looks like Super-Hiro now, Samurai and everything. Cant wait til next monday, its gonna be a great season i cant tell.

Btw heres a nice high res image of Super-Samurai-Hiro


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The ending was the best. It looked funny how Mohinder just slowed down. The way he talked with the slow-mo voice was even funnier. Oddly, I didn't think it was Hiro. I thought it would be some other person with special abilities. Heck, I expected a sword or blade to come through the ceiling of the subway cart. :laugh:

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I loved Hiro's line "I didn't recognise you without the scar".

Such a cool line. So much is said, with so little. So, you know they became a team, and there is a big fight, etc.

Anyway, it reminded me of old xmen comics, like, Days of Futures Past.

Good stuff.

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Anyone have any thoughts on Nikki's powers?

For some reason it seems like she won't ever be able to control her "powers". Seems like she might become a "bad" hero. It would make things interesting.

Also, I might have missed it, but I didn't see anyone bring this up... Did anyone catch the part about Peter (the younger brother) only being able to do anything special when he's around another person with abilities? When talking to Mohinder at the apartment he says he can only fly when his brother is around and that he drew the future when he met Isaac. I'm guessing his special power really isn't flying, but rather being able to use others' powers?

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So a quick review of the powers that people think others have got:

Matt Parkman - Cop. Ability to read other people's minds. Is not able to control this ability at the moment.

Niki Sanders - Single Mom, Internet Babe :p Seems to have some sort of violent alter ego, not really sure

Micah Sanders - (Apart from being a boy genious i swear this kid has got some other ability we dont know about yet)

Claire Bennet - Cheerleader/Student Rapid Body Regeneration

Nathan Petrelli - Politician. Ability to fly

Peter Petrelli - Nurse. Not really known yet, but believed to have some sort of rogue-like ability to use other people's powers

Hiro Nakamura - The ability to be awesome. Can break the space-time continuum. Time-Travel/Stoppage/Slowing down

Isaac Mendez - Ability to draw or paint the future (but has he done that when hes not on drugs yet?)

Siler - Unknown, posssibly similar to Peter's mimicing powers but more permanent.

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