NBC'S Heroes

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Its obvious that next week's episode is going to show us how Hiro learns to speak better English.

To those of you who are comparing this show to Lost - you cant possibly do that. Lost answers in drips and drabs. If this were following the Lost mantra we would have to wait at least 3 seasons before finding out what "save the cheerleader" refers to. This time we found out what it was 4 episodes (ish?) from when it was first mentioned.

Therefore this show is rapidly becoming my second favourite on tv (next to BSG natch).

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the question is, that the story refers to the same timeline? as hiro travelled back in time, the picture on the wall has changed, just as hiro saw the explosion in manhattan as he daydreamed his way to new york from japan. but think this, for this to be one timeline how would a hiro from the future be able to travel back in time, in perfect good english, and tell the brother that he needed to save the cheerleader?

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If it turns out that way, then cool. Every other male character on that show has had sex with a female so far. The flying guy (got it on with the blonde), the flying guy's brother (got it on with the black girl), the black dude (he has a baby with the white girl, so of course he's had sex), the police guy (got it on with the wife), the latino (had an intimate relationship with the black girl), and even the Indian dude's gotten some flirty playtime and kissy kissies from some female even though she's a spy.

The Japanese dude looks at porn, gets caught in a scene similar to Dateline's Catch a Pedophile/Predator, and then gets rejected.

As for Hiro, he acts like a girl.


How convenient that Hiro and his buddy are from Japan, and cannot speak English because they are foreigners. The producers of the show must of course present Asians as perpetual foreigners unless God forbid anybody in America should realize that there are those of Asian descent in America who speak perfect English and perhaps have lived there all their lives. And of course one of them has to be a pervert, because everybody knows that Japanese men are perverts.

You would think that a guy who could freeze time can have sex with any woman he wants.

Ando speaks poor broken English. And both of them act with nothing approaching dignity. The reason why their fans are so happy, and I am sure most of them are white Americans, is because they uphold every negative stereotype of Asian men that provides comedic relief and upholds the white dominated social structure. Yet another victory for whiteys and another nail in the coffin for Asian males. I'm sure William Hung had plenty of white fans as well.


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cos he learns english in the past, jumps back to where he was when he left and continue from there...

that way they keep the suspense with what happened in episode 9 until episode 11 giving wee tidbits in episode 10...


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How convenient that Hiro and his buddy are from Japan, and cannot speak English because they are foreigners. The producers of the show must of course present Asians as perpetual foreigners unless God forbid anybody in America should realize that there are those of Asian descent in America who speak perfect English and perhaps have lived there all their lives. And of course one of them has to be a pervert, because everybody knows that Japanese men are perverts.

You would think that a guy who could freeze time can have sex with any woman he wants.

Ando speaks poor broken English. And both of them act with nothing approaching dignity. The reason why their fans are so happy, and I am sure most of them are white Americans, is because they uphold every negative stereotype of Asian men that provides comedic relief and upholds the white dominated social structure. Yet another victory for whiteys and another nail in the coffin for Asian males. I'm sure William Hung had plenty of white fans as well.


whoever wrote that is thinking WAY to much into these characters.... ill never get how involved these people get into a FICTIONAL character and pull as much as they can out of what the writers were thinking and whatever other negative thing they can get out of it... this kind of stuff is the last thing i think about while watching a tv show... anyway in case no one else ever saw it.... in the movie Along Came Polly... there is a scene where Paul's(ben stiller) friend is in a community theater and the lead actor in the play is the same guy who plays Hiro...(it was on cable the other day)

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How convenient that Hiro and his buddy are from Japan, and cannot speak English because they are foreigners. The producers of the show must of course present Asians as perpetual foreigners unless God forbid anybody in America should realize that there are those of Asian descent in America who speak perfect English and perhaps have lived there all their lives.

What's the point of that? If they're from Japan, they ARE foreigners to the US. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that.

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What's the point of that? If they're from Japan, they ARE foreigners to the US. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that.

It means we cannot automatically speak english. Hiro speaks perfect english in real life so they gotta have him with a bad accent.

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What's the big deal about that? Not everyone can speak perfect English outside of the US. In fact, most don't... why is that such a problem?

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It means we cannot automatically speak english. Hiro speaks perfect english in real life so they gotta have him with a bad accent.

and what's the problem with that? :blink:

he's playing someone from another country...a country in which he doesn't speak English...he is currently learning english....

what's the problem?

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How convenient that Hiro and his buddy are from Japan, and cannot speak English because they are foreigners. The producers of the show must of course present Asians as perpetual foreigners unless God forbid anybody in America should realize that there are those of Asian descent in America who speak perfect English and perhaps have lived there all their lives. And of course one of them has to be a pervert, because everybody knows that Japanese men are perverts.

You would think that a guy who could freeze time can have sex with any woman he wants.

Ando speaks poor broken English. And both of them act with nothing approaching dignity. The reason why their fans are so happy, and I am sure most of them are white Americans, is because they uphold every negative stereotype of Asian men that provides comedic relief and upholds the white dominated social structure. Yet another victory for whiteys and another nail in the coffin for Asian males. I'm sure William Hung had plenty of white fans as well.


Convenient? How convenient WHAT? The point of whatever Mohinder's father was researching is that heroes are EVERYWHERE. "All around the globe!". It would have been "convenient" if all the heroes had been just in new york, and not anywhere else!!

Hiro and Ando are foreigners, yes, because they LIVED in Japan!!! That was the WHOLE point! This doesn't mean asian-americans doesn't speak english. Come on, you think they chose hiro and ando characters to be from japan because they are AS DUMB as to think that there absolutely no asian-americans who speak english? Absolutely not.

Hiro's story makes more sense with him travelling from Tokyo to NY.

HIRO's name makes A LOT more sense if he's japanese. Hiro is pronounced Hero, although it was explained in one of those comes that he was named after Hiroshima! And he's there to prevent that from happening again (Nuclear explosion rings any bell?). Makes more sense if he's Japanese, of course.

And the reason why HIRO fans are so happy, is because he's THE BOSS and has a katana. Yup. He's right up there with Jack Bauer and Chuck Norris.

It always amaze me how some people make a big deal out of EVERYTHING race/procedence related. I would understand it if it was something like: black and/or immigrant people beeing criminals, and white people beeing the good guys. Which is NOT the case.

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By the way. GREAT episode. Although I felt like the whole "Save the cheerleader, Save the world" was hyped up through the whole episode (and the promos) that it became less exciting.


- Next episode is called "Six months ago". I already knew what the next episode was called, so it was obvious to me that Hero went back six months in time. Some other things also happened at that time: the Niki/Jessica thing, and Niki's husband beeing sent to jail.

- "Jessica Sanders"! What is she? Her evil-twin-trapped-in-the-same-body? Or they just added the last name to make it look cool?

- Micah knows about Jessica, but apprently she has NO idea how dangerous she can be?

- It was SO cool when Peter healed himself. I kinda didn't see that coming, I realized it after he fell. For a moment, I thought we has dead. I wonder about Niki's husband though...

- I don't think Hiro going back 6 months explains how he learns english. Unless of course you mean the english future-hiro spoke. The english Present-hiro speaks doesn't make much sense, though.

- There was one cheerleader that was not saved!!! The theory is that Sylar steals powers by killing these people, and by keeping him from killing Claire, they are preventing him from becoming absolutely invincinble. But one can never be sure!! Also, when HRG saw that it was not claire that was killed, he just left? Because Claire approached him when he was just "walking" right? I think I'm gonna watch it again. But I think he left because he thought that Sylar killed the wrong one and that he wouldn't touch claire and just leave.

- I love EDEN now, for some reason :p

Edited by Julius Caro
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