NBC'S Heroes

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Good point. It was quick, but important. He didn't reverse time completely, only for the gun. The chick even looked freaked out as it happened. I wonder how they'll develop that aspect of his power.

Yeah I like Hiros ability and hope they focus on it more...I want to know if Linderman has an ability...that would own big time :D

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Who is Mr Linderman?

He owns a Casino in Las Vegas and has something to do with all the Heroes but if you mean who is playing him in the series then thats Malcolm McDowell as far as I know...

Little bit of Cool News if you live in Canada...

The viewers up north may get the scoop about episode 17, "Company Man" at least 24 hours earlier, according to the Global TV listings. Here's the run-down of who gets to see HEROES when:

Global Regina @ 8 pm

Global Saskatoon @ 8 pm

Global Manitoba @ 8 pm

Global BC @ 9 pm

Global Ontario @ 9 pm

Global Quebec @ 9 pm

Global Maritimes @ 10 pm

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About Nikki, i have a theory on her power. I believe she might be able to contact the dead in a very lively way... i think the only reason that she hasn't been able to contact others is because Jessica is forcing herself on Nikki, she just has to find a way to stop that.

This might sound impossible, but thats what about everything in heroes is :p

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I know I'm late, but the last episode of Heroes rocked!

Here's my unfounded prediction: Peter does destroy Manhattan (or at least some of it), but only for the greater good. :shiftyninja:

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About Nikki, i have a theory on her power. I believe she might be able to contact the dead in a very lively way... i think the only reason that she hasn't been able to contact others is because Jessica is forcing herself on Nikki, she just has to find a way to stop that.

This might sound impossible, but thats what about everything in heroes is :p


i never actually thought about that, but i would say its a good guess/prediction.

but why is she so strong that she can rip people in half when shes "out"

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i never actually thought about that, but i would say its a good guess/prediction.

but why is she so strong that she can rip people in half when shes "out"

I'm wondering if she doesn't gain knowledge/skill/power from the ones that die around her..be it killing them or otherwise.

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I don't know if this has been said, but, if no one else noticed this... there's something wrong... :shiftyninja: do you remember Peter's vision of the explosion? Simone WAS THERE and now she's dead? :blink:

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I don't know if this has been said, but, if no one else noticed this... there's something wrong... :shiftyninja: do you remember Peter's vision of the explosion? Simone WAS THERE and now she's dead? :blink:

Because she's not dead or the future has already been changed. But that's a nice catch.

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Here's a theory I've thought about:

Has anyone noticed that all of Isaac's paintings have come true, despite attempts at making it not happen? Look at this list. Almost everything Isaac has painted has happened, with the exception of a few (Hiro vs TRex, Peter a'sploding). I think Peter will blow up, possibly taking a heroe or two with him (including Nathan), only Peter will survive the blast due to regeneration. This explosion will likely be what scars him to the point where future Hiro could not recognize him without it. So I say, Peter will still go boom.

What would cause Peter to blow up? Well, in Peter's vision, the entire city was abandoned. Peter even saw people he never met (DL, Nikki and Micah). Sylar was never in this dream of his, so it's hard to say that he did it as a last resort to kill Sylar. Maybe it's a metaphor in that all of those people won't really be there, but Sylar, having taken all of their abilities, will be? That seems pretty far fetched, but that would certainly tick some people off, having Sylar kill all these main characters like that. The only ones not present besides Sylar are Hiro, Ted, Hana (wireless lady), Meredith, the Haitian, and Sanjon (the I-visit-you-in-your-dreams kid). Obviously this will include characters introduced from this point on, until Peter has this dream again. Could this be a subtle hint that he's not blowing up near his friends, but rather, near his enemey that killed his friends? Maybe I'm reading too much into it. This theory can also fall apart because Simone was in that dream, with Isaac pulling her back. Simone will not have been killed by Sylar, so here's one hole of a possible many. Another hole is that Claire is at the scene, and going with this above thought, Sylar would have killed Claire, and himself have the regeneration ability, so he would possibly survive the blast; it could be said the Peter blows up so that he can survive, just do enough damage so that Sylar is killed and is unable to regenerate. Another far fetched idea. I thought it was interesting at least

One other bit I'm curious about, that has never been addressed on the show, is Peter's ability to dream certain things. Remember, he kept seeing himself standing on a building, trying to fly. This occurs before he ever came across Isaac. He also dreamed the New York scene, in which it was revealed that he was the bomb. Also, long before he knew he had a gift, he had a dream about Nathan flying, getting into an accident, which he was trying to explain to Nathan and his mother. So I say Peter has always had two gifts, absorption and precognition through dreams, not through visions like Isaac. It was also through this dream that he first saw the invisible man, Claude, in which he later came across and was being mentored by.

I think I'm done :D

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Here's a theory I've thought about:

Has anyone noticed that all of Isaac's paintings have come true, despite attempts at making it not happen? Look at this list. Almost everything Isaac has painted has happened, with the exception of a few (Hiro vs TRex, Peter a'sploding). I think Peter will blow up, possibly taking a heroe or two with him (including Nathan), only Peter will survive the blast due to regeneration. This explosion will likely be what scars him to the point where future Hiro could not recognize him without it. So I say, Peter will still go boom.

What would cause Peter to blow up? Well, in Peter's vision, the entire city was abandoned. Peter even saw people he never met (DL, Nikki and Micah). Sylar was never in this dream of his, so it's hard to say that he did it as a last resort to kill Sylar. Maybe it's a metaphor in that all of those people won't really be there, but Sylar, having taken all of their abilities, will be? That seems pretty far fetched, but that would certainly tick some people off, having Sylar kill all these main characters like that. The only ones not present besides Sylar are Hiro, Ted, Hana (wireless lady), Meredith, the Haitian, and Sanjon (the I-visit-you-in-your-dreams kid). Obviously this will include characters introduced from this point on, until Peter has this dream again. Could this be a subtle hint that he's not blowing up near his friends, but rather, near his enemey that killed his friends? Maybe I'm reading too much into it. This theory can also fall apart because Simone was in that dream, with Isaac pulling her back. Simone will not have been killed by Sylar, so here's one hole of a possible many. Another hole is that Claire is at the scene, and going with this above thought, Sylar would have killed Claire, and himself have the regeneration ability, so he would possibly survive the blast; it could be said the Peter blows up so that he can survive, just do enough damage so that Sylar is killed and is unable to regenerate. Another far fetched idea. I thought it was interesting at least

One other bit I'm curious about, that has never been addressed on the show, is Peter's ability to dream certain things. Remember, he kept seeing himself standing on a building, trying to fly. This occurs before he ever came across Isaac. He also dreamed the New York scene, in which it was revealed that he was the bomb. Also, long before he knew he had a gift, he had a dream about Nathan flying, getting into an accident, which he was trying to explain to Nathan and his mother. So I say Peter has always had two gifts, absorption and precognition through dreams, not through visions like Isaac. It was also through this dream that he first saw the invisible man, Claude, in which he later came across and was being mentored by.

I think I'm done :D

Hiro was by a T-Rex. It was in a museum and the T-rex was made of bones. It turned out to be just a statue of T-Rex, remember?

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Hiro was by a T-Rex. It was in a museum and the T-rex was made of bones. It turned out to be just a statue of T-Rex, remember?

ooooo yeahhh. Ok, then scratch that off the list :p

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i never actually thought about that, but i would say its a good guess/prediction.

but why is she so strong that she can rip people in half when shes "out"

These abilities run in the family right? So maybe Jessica has always had the superstrength.

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I figure, Peter goes back in time with hiro to the time of the dinosaurs. Hiro fights a dino, then comes back to the present. Peter explodes, and dinosaurs mysteriously extinct....

that made me laugh out loud

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Dont forget Canadian Viewers its on tonight at Various time...all been posted here :D

Episode 18 promos look amazing

Sylar meets Peter and Peters covered in blood in Mohinders Appt


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