NBC'S Heroes

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haha made you look, I agree with Rappy lock the thread till the episode, or everyone (Rappy) will want to post stuff before we see it :p

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I wonder at what point did Isaac start seeing into the adjusted future. The one where Peter had saved Claire vs. the one where Claire wasn't saved. It is obvious that Isaacs final paintings were of the adjusted future and that his assertion that Sylar would be stopped is credible. Sylar will be stopped. Just not in this season. As for the exploding man, it has to be Ted. Cause Peter and Sylar still live in the adjusted future. Or maybe the exploding man, just explodes and does not die?

Another thought is that they've taken a different time line now with reference to the old time line, so any future events could still be unpredictable. Much like having a series of parallel lines and a single line runs across them.

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Awesome. Pure Awesome.

The future Isaac saw could be all jumbled probably because Hiro keeps time traveling. I bet the future he was the original until the point where Sylar killed him. Once Sylar took his power all bets were off because he could change events in his favor. I wonder why Peter didn't try to change things by time traveling.

Edited by Rob2687
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Awesome episode. So Sylar wasn't the exploding man after all. This show is freaking sweet.

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Well, now Hiro knows to wear a Bullet Proof vest on that day he tries to save himself! Then again, if he succeeds in the past (now the present again) he would probably never be in that situation to die.

Although I did figure out Sylar was Nathan pretty early on, this was Seriously without a doubt definitely one of the best episodes yet, if not the best.

So Hiro is back, and is now faced with killing Sylar. He will try, but fail, but not completely. Him distracting Sylar will allow someone else to kill Sylar. However, Peter still explodes, since he still cannot control himself fully. Not sure why I believe this, but I do.

Also something to make note of...

Sylar as Nathan talking to Claire mentioned how meeting the little girl who they showed in the teaser for next week as the only person that could stop Sylar changed his life, or something along those lines. So do not believe the teaser. Although I am sure the little girl plays an important role, just the fact that Nathan (who is actually Sylar) made a reference to her, means she is either past tense or does not play a big role as the teaser would have you to believe.

Just my 02 cents.

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Well, now Hiro knows to wear a Bullet Proof vest on that day he tries to save himself! Then again, if he succeeds in the past (now the present again) he would probably never be in that situation to die.

Although I did figure out Sylar was Nathan pretty early on, this was Seriously without a doubt definitely one of the best episodes yet, if not the best.

So Hiro is back, and is now faced with killing Sylar. He will try, but fail, but not completely. Him distracting Sylar will allow someone else to kill Sylar. However, Peter still explodes, since he still cannot control himself fully. Not sure why I believe this, but I do.

Also something to make note of...

Sylar as Nathan talking to Claire mentioned how meeting the little girl who they showed in the teaser for next week as the only person that could stop Sylar changed his life, or something along those lines. So do not believe the teaser. Although I am sure the little girl plays an important role, just the fact that Nathan (who is actually Sylar) made a reference to her, means she is either past tense or does not play a big role as the teaser would have you to believe.

Just my 02 cents.

I still wonder what the heck Isaac drew/wrote down on how to kill Sylar.

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What I don't understand is if Hiro can travel back in time, why doesn't he go back and kill Sylar when he was still a child? Maybe present Hiro couldn't muster enough courage to kill someone, but i'm sure future Hiro has no problem.

Talk about a major plot hole.

Also, I hope they don't resolve the Sylar/Peter conflict by the end of the season. Prison Break was great season 1, but once they broke out the show went completely downhill.

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Also something to make note of...

Sylar as Nathan talking to Claire mentioned how meeting the little girl who they showed in the teaser for next week as the only person that could stop Sylar changed his life, or something along those lines. So do not believe the teaser.

When Sylar as Nathan was talking to Claire he said Candice gave him all the power he needed Candice is not the little girl... she is the shape changer that work in Benniets organization. Shape shift put him in his place as Nathan the Pres. thus all the power he needs.

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That episode was totally awesome as someone said best ever so far....that end battle would of been awesome to see Nuclear vs Nuclear...just thinking about it Sylar took so many lives DL,Candice,Claire,Ted...

Canadian Preview

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Another excellent episode.

Like I was saying all along, Peter is the bomb, it's the only explanation for his visions. Sylar will either be killed in season two, or each volume (aka: season) may consist of a main story arch that involves stopping Sylar, but this could get old pretty quick. "What's Sylar going to do this season?" I wouldn't put any stock into something like that (maybe for volume two, but not after that).

So Sylar killed Nathan, DL, and Candice. And what was that ice power that he used?!

So, Peter was the bomb, but why and how? I'm not seeing it being the case of him not being able to control his abilities. Perhaps Nathan hid the fact it was Peter before he was killed, that way, one can't say that Sylar covered it up. Sylar likely killed Nathan after this, but the timeline of when that happened is most crucial to a potential plot hole; they're brothers, they would've certainly seen each other throughout the five year period. So the "solution" is that Nathan was recently killed by Sylar, or shortly after Peter and Nathan's last visit.

I'll have to re-watch the comment about Molly by Nathan/Sylar to speculate any further. Nevermind, the comment was about Candice.

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When Sylar as Nathan was talking to Claire he said Candice gave him all the power he needed Candice is not the little girl... she is the shape changer that work in Benniets organization. Shape shift put him in his place as Nathan the Pres. thus all the power he needs.

Ahhh. That makes much more sense. Thanks for clearing that up. I knew he had to have killed her to become Nathan, I just did not know that was her name. (Y)

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So Sylar killed Nathan, DL, and Candice. And what was that ice power that he used?!

Remember when he went for Molly...her dad was iced up and his head sliced open...


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What I don't understand is if Hiro can travel back in time, why doesn't he go back and kill Sylar when he was still a child? Maybe present Hiro couldn't muster enough courage to kill someone, but i'm sure future Hiro has no problem.

Talk about a major plot hole.

It's not as if Hiro can go back to the early 90's and look up Mr & Mrs Sylar in the phone book. Absolutely nothing is known of Sylar, except for what he looks like and that he's incredibly powerful and dangerous. Remember, Sylar isn't his real name. The only person who knew his real name was Mohinder's father, and he's dead, so Hiro wouldn't even know to go back and ask him.

How exactly would Hiro go back in time and stop him before this? Where should he look? Who should he look for?

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Also about Hiro going back in time to fix things... remember the girl who was super smart, at the coffee shop? He tried to go back in time to help her, but he was denied wasn't he? So even though he can time travel, he's on a tight leash

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Remember when he went for Molly...her dad was iced up and his head sliced open...


OH YEAH!! Hrm.... perhaps Molly's ability is to be the ice girl? If so, it would seem Sylar has that ability too when he and Peter battled. He started charging something with his hand and it was getting blue, like ice, while Peter had fire, or nuclear crap.

Anyways, I'm thinking that Molly's ability is to manipulate moisture/ice and Sylar detected something from the house, and killed her dad thinking he had the gift.... hrm.... that wouldn't make sense. He's frozen and his head is cut open. Perhaps the little girl accidentally froze her dad and Sylar showed up when it happened, only he may have thought the father did it to himself...? That seems far fetched too, but I just don't see Sylar being able to process that guy's brain, while he's still fleshy and THEN freeze him as if he's going to eat his dinner. Sylar probably got a frozen gift from someone else in that case.

Can't wait for the finale. I'm hoping the finale isn't two hours so that I can watch 24's finale and Heroes finale without having to tape any of it :D

Pretty amazing episode! I just hope it continues at this pace :yes: How many eps are left until the end of the season?

Three :D

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Hrmm.... I've been thinking about the whole Claire is alive thing. Hiro believed Sylar was the bomb, while the entire time, both in the future and current timeline, it was always Peter. Hiro had a confrontation with Sylar, in which he said he stabbed him before exploding, but because Sylar had Claire's abilities, he regenerated. But that wouldn't make sense because Claire was alive in BOTH timelines, confirmed by this because Mr. Bennet knew she was alive and visited her often in the future at the coffee shop.

So, without further hesitation, theory 1:

Hiro really stabbed Peter as he was about to go boom, however, Hiro couldn't recognize Peter because he was probably glowing, as indicated in the comic. Hiro cuts Peter's face, which leaves a scar, but he still goes boom, and Hiro barely escapes. However, Hiro's sword is covered in blood, which takes more than a serious cut on the face. We also see the comic of Hiro stabbing what appears to be Sylar. I'm sure if it were Peter, it would be all the more clear, so therein lies the fault in theory 1.

Theory 2: In Peter's vision, Nathan is the only one that goes to Peter while everyone else runs away. Perhaps Sylar has taken over Peter and Sylar thinks he can somehow survive the blast and maybe get what makes Peter tick so that he can use those abilities. Only problem is, Sylar can't regenerate and it would take some serious action to 1) survive the blast, 2) have no clear indication that he was injured from the blast, and 3) take Peter's brain (or part of it) and still have Peter survive the ordeal.

Both my theories are probably way off base, but I wanted to share :D

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Another excellent episode.

Like I was saying all along, Peter is the bomb, it's the only explanation for his visions. Sylar will either be killed in season two, or each volume (aka: season) may consist of a main story arch that involves stopping Sylar, but this could get old pretty quick. "What's Sylar going to do this season?" I wouldn't put any stock into something like that (maybe for volume two, but not after that).

So Sylar killed Nathan, DL, and Candice. And what was that ice power that he used?!

So, Peter was the bomb, but why and how? I'm not seeing it being the case of him not being able to control his abilities. Perhaps Nathan hid the fact it was Peter before he was killed, that way, one can't say that Sylar covered it up. Sylar likely killed Nathan after this, but the timeline of when that happened is most crucial to a potential plot hole; they're brothers, they would've certainly seen each other throughout the five year period. So the "solution" is that Nathan was recently killed by Sylar, or shortly after Peter and Nathan's last visit.

I'll have to re-watch the comment about Molly by Nathan/Sylar to speculate any further. Nevermind, the comment was about Candice.

Remember when he went for Molly...her dad was iced up and his head sliced open...


I don't think that was ice. Looked more like Ted's EMP from last week. "Bright but not hot" if I remember correctly.

Awesome episode. Surprising that Sylar killed Nathan, DL, and the rest. Can't wait for the final 3 eps. :D

How cute did Hayden Panettiere look as a brunette? :drool:

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I don't think that was ice. Looked more like Ted's EMP from last week. "Bright but not hot" if I remember correctly.

EMP has vurtually no effect on people so I doubt that was it.... Ice sounds more plausable... Peter using fire and all.... FIRE VS ICE battle of the ages. I think that was used to parrell the epic struggle of good and evil found in Peter and Sylar

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