NBC'S Heroes

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that whole episode i was like OMG OMG OMG!!!!

i was kinda thinking that nathan was still alive and slyer got there first, looking like him then killed claire....but nope :s

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Can't Peter just teleport to somewhere like Nevada at the moment he explodes?

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The previous episode kinda gave it away when he painted that distorted version of Nathan in the oval office.

yah, despite that, i still didn't see that coming though. though i did thought that nathan was saying things out of his character early on, but still didn't suspect it was sylar. probably because i didn't think about the possibility of him getting to candice. at the same time though, makes me wonder how it's even possible to do her in cuz she can 'in a sense' disappear by creating an illusion.

also, the sylar's blue power at the end looked more like some kind of nuclear power to me too.

and Mathachew: about your first theory... i believe that the future hiro actually went into a different timeline to try to kill sylar. after he failed (because sylar could regenerate), he realized that claire needed to be saved so he wouldn't be able to regenerate. he then went back into a different timeline to warn peter.

since the present hiro traveled into the future, from the past of where claire was saved, of course claire would be still alive. i think basically the order of things goes like: future hiro stabs sylar (in the original future), no dice -> went back to warn peter -> claire is saved, sylar no regen -> present hiro travels into the different future (of which the future hiro does not know claire was saved)

with that explanation, there's no contradiction i think.

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Quite possibly the best episode of TV ever... Heroes never ceases to amaze me with the quality of its writing and production.

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So, without further hesitation, theory 1:

Hiro really stabbed Peter as he was about to go boom, however, Hiro couldn't recognize Peter because he was probably glowing, as indicated in the comic. Hiro cuts Peter's face, which leaves a scar, but he still goes boom, and Hiro barely escapes. However, Hiro's sword is covered in blood, which takes more than a serious cut on the face. We also see the comic of Hiro stabbing what appears to be Sylar. I'm sure if it were Peter, it would be all the more clear, so therein lies the fault in theory 1.

Theory 2: In Peter's vision, Nathan is the only one that goes to Peter while everyone else runs away. Perhaps Sylar has taken over Peter and Sylar thinks he can somehow survive the blast and maybe get what makes Peter tick so that he can use those abilities. Only problem is, Sylar can't regenerate and it would take some serious action to 1) survive the blast, 2) have no clear indication that he was injured from the blast, and 3) take Peter's brain (or part of it) and still have Peter survive the ordeal.

Theory 3: Sylar (as Nathan) goes to Peter trying to take his power before he explodes; Hiro stabs Peter when he is going nuke but he can't stop him, then he teleports taking Nathan (Sylar) with him; both Hiro and Sylar are ok from the blast and Pete survives the nuke as he can copy Claire's power.

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Theory 3: Sylar (as Nathan) goes to Peter trying to take his power before he explodes; Hiro stabs Peter when he is going nuke but he can't stop him, then he teleports taking Nathan (Sylar) with him; both Hiro and Sylar are ok from the blast and Pete survives the nuke as he can copy Claire's power.

That sounds plausible. Hiro could have still possibly seen Peter as Sylar because it was an attack. Basically, he could've been thinking, "Sylar is trying to blow up the city!" and "Peter would never do that!". So I think this is a possible avenue for the story.

Linderman seeing Petrelli as President, but it was in fact Sylar, and then Sylar painting himself as President (the picture looked like crap so it's hard to tell if it was supposed to be Nathan or Sylar), that's an interesting twist! Sylar saw the future, and it was him as President as Nathan. Wicked.

I'm all too anxious to see the final episodes and see how this story unfolds. One reassuring fact is that it WILL be laid out in the end. I'm just hoping it makes sense, but with the way things are going, I'm sure it will :D

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I wonder what happened to Linderman, he was never mentioned (to my knowledge) in the episode.

Also, when Nicky threw something at the TV, was she throwing it at the president or at Sylar, did she already know?

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I wonder what happened to Linderman, he was never mentioned (to my knowledge) in the episode.

Also, when Nicky threw something at the TV, was she throwing it at the president or at Sylar, did she already know?

When Nathan was reading something out on telly he mentioned "Lindermans Law" coming into society 4 years ago...thats the only time I heard him in the episode tho...

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That was the best episode of anything ever written!! I'm still OMG.

And yes, there's still something unclear. "Present Hiro" still stabbed someone! Future hiro thought that it was Sylar who exploded. He prevented Sylar from ever getting claire's power, thinking that present hiro would kill sylar and stop the bomb. But the bomb still went off because it was Peter the one that explodes.

Now, Claire is a live, and up until the ending of this episode, Sylar doesn't get claire's power. So, if it was Sylar the one that hiro stabbed, the bomb would still be there, but Sylar would not be the president, he would not be alive.

My guess is, Hiro stabbed whoever was exploding (peter) and he regenerated and couldn't stop the bomb.

1) Peter is alive in the future because the explosion thing is not internal. We've seen Ted (is that his name?) burning things and stuff without hurting himself. That's why peter managed to blow half of NYC and still be a live. I had not though of that.

2) In peter's vision, remember nathan was all weird? We are not sure if it was nathan OR sylar. If it was sylar, then peter automatically acquired the shapeshifting ability. Without knowing it, there's a chance he started shapeshifting into whoever was around him.. maybe sylar?

3) Isaac is a damn Hero. I knew that whatever he gave to that comic guy, was the key for the heroes to stop sylar.

4) My guess is that that final battle between future peter and future sylar completely destroys the world or something. Neither can be killed, but peter has more abilities.

5) We still don't know linderman's part in all this. :(

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Just been reading the blog of the writer Greg Beeman he talks about how he made the set for the Ground Zero...its weird I thought it looked alot like the World Trade Center Site especially with the eternal flame...


^^ Hot :shifty:

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Sylar said "When I killed Nathan he had already turned against his own kind".

And that's what the promos show for next episode, nathan going nuts.

Did anybody find interesting that Jessica slept with Nathan and Peter was with Niki? :p Evil-evil, good good?

And I'm sure Niki finally got Jessica's power (being a superwoman), I think Hiro believed her when she threatened them.

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Sylar said "When I killed Nathan he had already turned against his own kind".

And that's what the promos show for next episode, nathan going nuts.

Did anybody find interesting that Jessica slept with Nathan and Peter was with Niki? :p Evil-evil, good good?

And I'm sure Niki finally got Jessica's power (being a superwoman), I think Hiro believed her when she threatened them.

Yeah I had to re-watch that bit because at first I thought he said Nathan told him but then I heard he killed Nathan...he must of gone on a massive killing spree...also silly question but if he sliced Claire's head open...she can't die?...or can she...wouldn't it regenerate?

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Well, now Hiro knows to wear a Bullet Proof vest on that day he tries to save himself! Then again, if he succeeds in the past (now the present again) he would probably never be in that situation to die.

Although I did figure out Sylar was Nathan pretty early on, this was Seriously without a doubt definitely one of the best episodes yet, if not the best.

So Hiro is back, and is now faced with killing Sylar. He will try, but fail, but not completely. Him distracting Sylar will allow someone else to kill Sylar. However, Peter still explodes, since he still cannot control himself fully. Not sure why I believe this, but I do.

Also something to make note of...

Sylar as Nathan talking to Claire mentioned how meeting the little girl who they showed in the teaser for next week as the only person that could stop Sylar changed his life, or something along those lines. So do not believe the teaser. Although I am sure the little girl plays an important role, just the fact that Nathan (who is actually Sylar) made a reference to her, means she is either past tense or does not play a big role as the teaser would have you to believe.

Just my 02 cents.

Sylar said "specially this girl ____ who allowed me to become president". He's talking about the shape shifting power, that allows him to look as Nathan. He's not talking about that little girl from the teaser. Sylar took the powers of that little girl's family, if she's in fact that little girl. He tried twice to take her powers. I wonder if her powers can actually still sylar of it is something else.

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Yeah I had to re-watch that bit because at first I thought he said Nathan told him but then I heard he killed Nathan...he must of gone on a massive killing spree...also silly question but if he sliced Claire's head open...she can't die?...or can she...wouldn't it regenerate?

Claire and Peter both "died" because their brains weren't being told to regenerate the damaged parts of their bodies. If Claire's brain was removed, she is unable to heal. Therefor, even though someone has a healing ability, if the brain is destroyed/removed, they can die. Peter and probably Sylar are just assuming they can't.

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Sylar said "specially this girl ____ who allowed me to become president". He's talking about the shape shifting power, that allows him to look as Nathan. He's not talking about that little girl from the teaser. Sylar took the powers of that little girl's family, if she's in fact that little girl. He tried twice to take her powers. I wonder if her powers can actually still sylar of it is something else.

I think she can stop him...like a stopper pretty much like the Haitian that or she can drain the powers...dunno what else can in theory stop Sylar?

Yeah good point...Mathachew

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When Nathan was reading something out on telly he mentioned "Lindermans Law" coming into society 4 years ago...thats the only time I heard him in the episode tho...

Yep, that was the only mention of Linderman. Possibly he's dead or is hiding.

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I thought that Sylar got his shape-changing powers from that woman who worked in the organization that Claire's father worked in, not from that little girl. I might be wrong, but that does sound like a possibility.

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I thought that Sylar got his shape-changing powers from that woman who worked in the organization that Claire's father worked in, not from that little girl. I might be wrong, but that does sound like a possibility.

Yeah, that's what we've stated before. Her name is Candice and she was actually a good guy, er, gal from what it seems.

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I thought that Sylar got his shape-changing powers from that woman who worked in the organization that Claire's father worked in, not from that little girl. I might be wrong, but that does sound like a possibility.

Yeah it was Candice he acquired from...

Did anyone see what powers Matts son had?...I think I heard them say he has an ability...

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