NBC'S Heroes

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I also felt a lil bit of disappointment, but come to think of it, a bunch of people flying and using powers would have been too X-Men. What I didn't like is how the built up the climax,... all of a sudden, all of them are just "there". I LOVED how niki hit sylar with that thing and the music in that precise moment had my heart bumping out of chest, lol. But then micah calls her and she's "gone". I would have liked a lil' more "group" thing, everybody vs sylar or something. But the episode was GREAT though.

That said, I didn't expect peter to use his arsenal of powers against sylar either. Although fighting sylar with HIS own powers would have been amazing. Peter had a hard time controlling the bomb, and you have to have in mind that all the other heroes where there, so peter was absorbing too much powers for him to be able to control any of them (well, niki, DL, micah and molly, I suppose).


Kristin mentions that one of the heroes is gonna be amnesic? That has to be peter, that would leave him powerless for a while. The use of his powers mostly relies on remembering what he felt around the original person with the power right? If he's amnesic he isn't gonna remember those powers then. Although that wouldn't explain why he would be able to resurrect ... no brain functions, no remembering! But I guess that's what they could do.

I liked how molly was with the Saunders family. I hope she stays there... or maybe Suresh can adopt her, hehe.

Things I liked:

- "The future is not written in stone" - This time around they changed the future "big time". Until now, everything or almost everything isaac had drawn, HAPPENED. But Nathan changed it. The explosion didn't blow up NY, and there was no scene of micah in a window surrounded by fire (I suppose this was one of those paintings Linderman had).

- Niki/Jessica - She was my favorite in this episode, even though she didn't have a big role.

- "Call me Noah"

- The cockroach. Remember there was an episode where sylar is referred to as a parasite?

- Molly introducing a new villain out of nowhere :p

I guess season 2 will explain the whole group of senile weirdos who thought it was a good idea to blew up NY.

I never thought of it.... but no doubt the fact that Nikki, Molly, DL and Micah were there all together caused the already unstable powers inside Peter to go extreme, he probably absored all their powers at the time of the fight.

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Did they just kill Wireless offscreen just like that? Too many "dead isn't that bad" references for a day, lol. Peter saying that to Simone, and Hana saying that to... weird weird

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I am one of the disappointed viewer. The hand-to-hand combat was pathetic. Tim Kring probably use that action as an excuse for Peter to have a physical break-down so that he would not have been able to use other abilities. I would expect Peter to use his head than his physical strength. Sylar was able to utilize what he'd extracted from other heroes and Peter shown as useless morron was a bit stupid. It's not about making this movie into an X-Men show but it's more about having these so called "heroes" use more common sense. At least use the ability that you've got!

This episode, to me, reveal the limitation of the director and producer creativity. There was no huge fight. All I see in that last episode was a the heroes seems to gather up in one area. The only fight and ability usage was only from Hiro and Sylar; probably a bit from Jessica/Nikki but that was stupid that Mica ask him mom to go attend his dad. Again it really show that the director did not want to show a good fight. All the cliffhanger boil down to BS.

Again... what would you have done if you were Peter? can you assume you were able to use your head and become... a demigod? because at that point with all those powers , Peter is nearly a god.

Wireless isn't dead , she become 100% wireless entity

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Did they just kill Wireless offscreen just like that? Too many "dead isn't that bad" references for a day, lol. Peter saying that to Simone, and Hana saying that to... weird weird

She lives on through communication now...funny Micah was using XP and Skype :laugh:

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When Hiro visited him in the tube the only reason he wasn't frozen was absorbed those powers from him...

I disagree. I think Hiro was able to control who and what was frozen. I've been wrong before :)

And um... why can't I find the comic?! Nevermind :D

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Do you watch the show? The helix symbol appears in lots of places.



Sorry, my life doesn't revolve around a TV Show, no need to be so arrogant...

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I am one of the disappointed viewer. The hand-to-hand combat was pathetic. Tim Kring probably use that action as an excuse for Peter to have a physical break-down so that he would not have been able to use other abilities. I would expect Peter to use his head than his physical strength. Sylar was able to utilize what he'd extracted from other heroes and Peter shown as useless morron was a bit stupid. It's not about making this movie into an X-Men show but it's more about having these so called "heroes" use more common sense. At least use the ability that you've got!

This episode, to me, reveal the limitation of the director and producer creativity. There was no huge fight. All I see in that last episode was a the heroes seems to gather up in one area. The only fight and ability usage was only from Hiro and Sylar; probably a bit from Jessica/Nikki but that was stupid that Mica ask him mom to go attend his dad. Again it really show that the director did not want to show a good fight. All the cliffhanger boil down to BS.

I agree with everything you just said. I was just discussing this with someone else and I said pretty much the same thing. It was a lame final fight which I felt was criminal to such a good leading story.

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I don't know if this has already been hashed away in this thread, I haven't been following it. So sorry if it has, and just ignore this post lol.

Angela Petrelli, I think I realize now what power she has. Especially after last nights episode. She can influence your thoughts, like brainwash you to doing what she says, its not super strong but more subtle.

Every time she comes in contact with anyone she does the same thing, after talking with Nathan, he is questioning this nuke senario, and she comes up to him and then he changes his mind. Then the cheer leader thinks the woman is evil etc, and then Angela Petrelli talks to her for one sec and the cheerleader is going along with her plans. Then the cheerleader's father is talking to Angela Petrelli, telling her to stay away from his daughter or whatever, and then Angela Petrelli says a couple things and he says ok go with them and goes along with Angela Petrelli's plan.

Every single person she came in contact with, especially last nights show, she did the same exact thing to all of them. The characters even but on a "brainwashed look" most of the time.

Anyway if this has already been covered please ignore.

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I don't know if this has already been hashed away in this thread, I haven't been following it. So sorry if it has, and just ignore this post lol.

Angela Petrelli, I think I realize now what power she has. Especially after last nights episode. She can influence your thoughts, like brainwash you to doing what she says, its not super strong but more subtle.

Every time she comes in contact with anyone she does the same thing, after talking with Nathan, he is questioning this nuke senario, and she comes up to him and then he changes his mind. Then the cheer leader thinks the woman is evil etc, and then Angela Petrelli talks to her for one sec and the cheerleader is going along with her plans. Then the cheerleader's father is talking to Angela Petrelli, telling her to stay away from his daughter or whatever, and then Angela Petrelli says a couple things and he says ok go with them and goes along with Angela Petrelli's plan.

Every single person she came in contact with, especially last nights show, she did the same exact thing to all of them. The characters even but on a "brainwashed look" most of the time.

Anyway if this has already been covered please ignore.

Eden had the power of persuasion, so thats not going to be what Angela has.

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I don't know if this has already been hashed away in this thread, I haven't been following it. So sorry if it has, and just ignore this post lol.

Angela Petrelli, I think I realize now what power she has. Especially after last nights episode. She can influence your thoughts, like brainwash you to doing what she says, its not super strong but more subtle.

Every time she comes in contact with anyone she does the same thing, after talking with Nathan, he is questioning this nuke senario, and she comes up to him and then he changes his mind. Then the cheer leader thinks the woman is evil etc, and then Angela Petrelli talks to her for one sec and the cheerleader is going along with her plans. Then the cheerleader's father is talking to Angela Petrelli, telling her to stay away from his daughter or whatever, and then Angela Petrelli says a couple things and he says ok go with them and goes along with Angela Petrelli's plan.

Every single person she came in contact with, especially last nights show, she did the same exact thing to all of them. The characters even but on a "brainwashed look" most of the time.

Anyway if this has already been covered please ignore.

sounds possible... but I am sticking with the possibility that Mom Angela Petrelli has the dream power that we have witnessed in peter... he dreamt about nathans accident, flying with charles, the bomb... and then im guessing what we saw last night with the flashback...

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Sorry, my life doesn't revolve around a TV Show, no need to be so arrogant...

Then don't post your wonderful insights that are completely obvious to anyone who watches the show. I mean... in the previous episode when they go into the sword shop, then symbol is there and Ando says 'Look, Godsend'

What you posted would be akin to someone saying 'Hey guys did you know Nathan Petrelli can fly?'

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By no means was I disappointed at all. This last episode just leaves me wanting more, and can't wait for the next season to start.

I didn't feel like trolling through all the pages, so I don't know if someone said this already. But I think once Nathan flew Peter up, Peter absorbed what powers Nathan had, even though he had done that earlier in the season. Giving Nathan a chance to fly away.

This episode gave me goosebumps all throughout in anticipation of what may happen next.

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When they start filming for S2 they better start releasing some pictures...haha...I don't think I can survive summer :D

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Eden had the power of persuasion, so thats not going to be what Angela has.

Ah ok thanks, I joined in the show after she was on it. Never even heard about her till now. Wouldn't make sense to have 2 people with the same type power on the show.

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When Hiro visited him in the tube the only reason he wasn't frozen was absorbed those powers from him...

Nah, I don't believe that theory anymore. Remember in the future when future Peter stopped time and got future hiro and present ando out of that place were matt was owning? Peter FROZE hiro, and hiro had the power so it definitely wasn't the case.

I'm more inclined to believe, now, that hiro somehow has the ability of controlling who gets "time-stopped". I thought it would be something like "Other heroes are unaffected" but that clearly isn't the case, lol

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I don't know why some of you expected a epic battle. Peter can barely control his powers. He fainted 5 mins before the battle. :wacko: The only one that could have stopped Sylar was Hiro and he did. He is faster than Sylar.

For that epic battle Peter and Syler have to have a lot of more powers like the episode in the future.

I really don't think Nathan is dead, he could have dropped Peter and flew away but with some nice burns hehe. He can fly pretty fast.

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Eden had the power of persuasion, so thats not going to be what Angela has.

Wasn't it in an interview somewhere saying that we would most likely come across people with the same powers as some of the current heroes?

Wile i agree I don't think that's what she has, but we will probably meet people with similar powers in the future.

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Wasn't it in an interview somewhere saying that we would most likely come across people with the same powers as some of the current heroes?

Wile i agree I don't think that's what she has, but we will probably meet people with similar powers in the future.

We already have in a way. Sylar and Peter basically have the same power. The only difference is the method in which they absorb others powers. Sylar even said "You're like me aren't you? I'd like to see how that works."

Along the same lines, Linderman and Claire have similar abilities. Who's to say that Linderman couldn't heal himself if he wanted to? Not exactly the same ability, but very very similar.

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What you posted would be akin to someone saying 'Hey guys did you know Nathan Petrelli can fly?'

:laugh: :rofl:

By no means was I disappointed at all. This last episode just leaves me wanting more, and can't wait for the next season to start.

I didn't feel like trolling through all the pages, so I don't know if someone said this already. But I think once Nathan flew Peter up, Peter absorbed what powers Nathan had, even though he had done that earlier in the season. Giving Nathan a chance to fly away.

What was left to absorb? Nathan could fly, Peter established that ability twice this season. Also, Nathan probably kept going up and up and up, to the point where no one (without abilities) could survive, let alone become instantly frozen.

People are going to harp on this Nathan possibly living crap all summer. I hope something official is revealed in the comics very, very soon. I don't know how much more of it I can take. :|

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:laugh: :rofl:

What was left to absorb? Nathan could fly, Peter established that ability twice this season. Also, Nathan probably kept going up and up and up, to the point where no one (without abilities) could survive, let alone become instantly frozen.

People are going to harp on this Nathan possibly living crap all summer. I hope something official is revealed in the comics very, very soon. I don't know how much more of it I can take. :|

Meredith Gray survived after her brain was deprived of oxygen for God knows how long. In desperate housewives, a guy survive falling from a tall building , another survived being hit by a car and they're probably gonna let the woman that just hung herself live.

So it wouldn't surprise me if Nathan lived, lol.

Basically, it's all in the open: Nathan, Matt, Peter, DL, Sylar

any of them could leave.

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:laugh: :rofl:

What was left to absorb? Nathan could fly, Peter established that ability twice this season. Also, Nathan probably kept going up and up and up, to the point where no one (without abilities) could survive, let alone become instantly frozen.

People are going to harp on this Nathan possibly living crap all summer. I hope something official is revealed in the comics very, very soon. I don't know how much more of it I can take. :|

Stuff the Jericho petition lets start one for Nathan Petrelli "Please release his fate now!!!" :laugh:

Just incase anyone cares heres the Easter Egg from Novel 34


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