NBC'S Heroes

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It looked to me to be fire (claire's mum) vs ice (someone we havn't seen yet..)

Ice is from the little girl's dad that got killed... I think it was one of the first episodes that we met Matt, where he found the little girl hiding in the closet. Her father was frozen and his brain was gone. Ice was his power.

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It looks like in the preview for the next episode, Hiro has stopped time and is about to kill Sylar, but Sylar is able to move his eyes...

link? whats the best website for all this info?

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Is it just me, or one of those scene in the previews for 5 years gone didn't happen? Ando talking with future hiro, and how hiro missed the fun and stuff. That was not in the episode... it was just Peter telling ando how he died and how it affected hiro

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oh that's your website? It owns...screw the others......

Sylar...my god! damn i love this show

Woot :D

Yeah Julius now you mention it...it wasn't there...weird :|

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The comic 9th Wonder shows Hiro stabbing Sylar, would this Sylar be Candice in Sylar's body, hence not changing history at all?

It states 5 years later that Hiro Indeed stabs Sylar, but he regenerated, but Claire is alive 5 years later, and Sylar would not have had the power to regenerate. Whats with this?

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Is it just me, or one of those scene in the previews for 5 years gone didn't happen? Ando talking with future hiro, and how hiro missed the fun and stuff. That was not in the episode... it was just Peter telling ando how he died and how it affected hiro

this scene definitely happened I remember watching it on cable last night. . . . also just to verify i checked both my archived 1gb 720p release and regular 350mb xvid, and yup it is in there :)

Can't wait until next week !!

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The comic 9th Wonder shows Hiro stabbing Sylar, would this Sylar be Candice in Sylar's body, hence not changing history at all?

It states 5 years later that Hiro Indeed stabs Sylar, but he regenerated, but Claire is alive 5 years later, and Sylar would not have had the power to regenerate. Whats with this?

That's why I'm speculating that Hiro couldn't really tell who it was, but for some reason, he thought it was Sylar since it was an impending attack on New York. Sylar can't regenerate, at least not like Claire (he has been shot multiple times and walked away, so there's something there), so it only stands to reason that Hiro really stabbed Peter and Nathan approached Peter, but it was likely Sylar as Nathan (at this point, Nathan is either dead or somewhere else, and Sylar looks like him).

It's one heck of a twist!

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The comic 9th Wonder shows Hiro stabbing Sylar, would this Sylar be Candice in Sylar's body, hence not changing history at all?

It states 5 years later that Hiro Indeed stabs Sylar, but he regenerated, but Claire is alive 5 years later, and Sylar would not have had the power to regenerate. Whats with this?

That's why I'm speculating that Hiro couldn't really tell who it was, but for some reason, he thought it was Sylar since it was an impending attack on New York. Sylar can't regenerate, at least not like Claire (he has been shot multiple times and walked away, so there's something there), so it only stands to reason that Hiro really stabbed Peter and Nathan approached Peter, but it was likely Sylar as Nathan (at this point, Nathan is either dead or somewhere else, and Sylar looks like him).

It's one heck of a twist!

They're still changing history. Hiro has not yet gotten his second chance to kill Sylar. He did save Claire, but he's still on the path to completely changing history. When they went five years in the future, that's as if they had done nothing more to stop him past that point when they warped (or whatever you want to call it). So Hiro has still failed in killing him, but now he still has a chance to correct his mistake. It's still being rewritten.

This is supported by what Peter said, that he is the one that blew up and killed the people. Since he can heal however, he survived. And obviously, since it wasn't Sylar that blew up, he was still alive. I'm not sure how, but it was made out to everybody else that it was Sylar that blew up and was killed because of it.

So, on the way to saving the world, they have already saved Claire. If they do nothing else to stop Sylar, then Peter will be the one to blow up (which was how it was when they went five years in the future). If Claire had never been saved, it would have been Sylar blowing up but with Claire's power he would have survived anyway.

It's very hard to explain, but it all makes sense to me :laugh:

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They're still changing history. Hiro has not yet gotten his second chance to kill Sylar. He did save Claire, but he's still on the path to completely changing history. When they went five years in the future, that's as if they had done nothing more to stop him past that point when they warped (or whatever you want to call it). So Hiro has still failed in killing him, but now he still has a chance to correct his mistake. It's still being rewritten.

I'm theorizing that the timeline of the future is the continuation of the timeline of the present; basically, we won't have a future where it's all crap while another future where they succeed, no alternate universes, etc. With that in mind, everything that has happened in the present more than likely happened exactly the same way in the future. Peter has always been the exploding man, Sylar never killed Claire, and if things continue at the current pace, Peter will still explode. Whether he explodes in NYC is the real question I think.

Also, I don't think Hiro attacked Sylar. Sylar cannot regenerate, not like Claire and Peter. After Hiro stabbed whoever he stabbed, they regenerated almost immediately following. Sylar can take bullets and live, but regenerate instantaneously? That's why he wants Claire.

Adaptive theory: Peter's scar came from Hiro, who was trying to stop the exploding man. Hiro didn't just cut his face, but likely stabbed his body and cut upwards through his head. Peter likely allowed his body to heal, with the exception of the mark on his face, as a reminder of what he did in NYC. This is one theory behind Peter's scar, my other theory is that he gets it from the explosion, which I think will still occur.

Ahh I can't get enough of this show!! :D

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Adaptive theory: Peter's scar came from Hiro, who was trying to stop the exploding man. Hiro didn't just cut his face, but likely stabbed his body and cut upwards through his head. Peter likely allowed his body to heal, with the exception of the mark on his face, as a reminder of what he did in NYC. This is one theory behind Peter's scar, my other theory is that he gets it from the explosion, which I think will still occur.

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Theres really no way to tell how the scar stays, but I reckon it was Hiro that did it.

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In peter's vision, NYC was deserted. Maybe it IS exploding afterall, without killing ALL those people. I think the reason peter survives is because he "releases" the nuclear thing, it's not that he explodes with it too. Ted is never hurt when he uses his power, and we've seen him in the Bennet's house!

We also don't know if peter got the power from Ted himself or if it was Sylar after killing Ted (so in his vision, it would be sylar approaching peter so that peter can get the power and blow off). You never know, but since sylar used his ice power, I guess he didn't have the fire/nuclear power.

I also think that sylar's power can protect him from the nuclear explosion...

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I'm not sure how, but it was made out to everybody else that it was Sylar that blew up and was killed because of it.

because after the explosion, Sylar with the help of shape shifting, becomes President ( pretending to be Nathan) and tells everyone that it was Sylar that did it. Which in turn caused humanity to enact the aresting of all non human beings. In doing this, Sylar had hoped that eventually, someone would turn Claire over to Homeland Security so that he could then take her power. He waited 5 years pretending to be Nathan so that he could get to Claire.

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because after the explosion, Sylar with the help of shape shifting, becomes President ( pretending to be Nathan) and tells everyone that it was Sylar that did it. Which in turn caused humanity to enact the aresting of all non human beings. In doing this, Sylar had hoped that eventually, someone would turn Claire over to Homeland Security so that he could then take her power. He waited 5 years pretending to be Nathan so that he could get to Claire.

doubtful...when Sylar confronts Peter he seems pretty upset that he was blamed for it... he also states that he didnt kill Nathan until he turned on his own kind...I believe Sylar took Nathans identity sometime after the bomb went off.... but I guess we wont get any answers to these theories until the season ends... best show on TV

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not sure if this has been discussed but the phone they use in the episode looks a lot like the iPhone or the LG Prada?

I think the phone was the Blackberry 8800.

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Some Ausiello Scoopage...

Question:Peter gets his premonition dreams in Heroes from his mother. Am I right?? Alexa

Ausiello: Damn you?re good. Er, I mean, no comment.

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Some Ausiello Scoopage...

Question:Peter gets his premonition dreams in Heroes from his mother. Am I right?— Alexa

Ausiello: Damn you’re good. Er, I mean, no comment.

nevermind... nice spoiler though... now i just need to know about molly

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nevermind... nice spoiler though... now i just need to know about molly

I was disapointed in mama petrellis power...I thought Hiro as did everyone else I think oh well she dreams the future rather then painting it...hence why Peter dreamt the bomb

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The comic 9th Wonder shows Hiro stabbing Sylar, would this Sylar be Candice in Sylar's body, hence not changing history at all?

It states 5 years later that Hiro Indeed stabs Sylar, but he regenerated, but Claire is alive 5 years later, and Sylar would not have had the power to regenerate. Whats with this?

From what I've read, the timeline goes something like this:

1. Future Hiro goes back in time and stabs Sylar. Sylar had already killed Claire, so he is able to regenerate. The bomb goes off.

2. Future Hiro goes back in time and tells Peter to save Claire. Then he jumps directly back to 5 years in the future, without stabbing Sylar. The bomb has still gone off, so just saving Claire wasn't enough.

3. Future Hiro meets past Hiro in the future. In this future, Sylar doesn't have Claire's power (until he kills her at the end of the episode), but he also wasn't stabbed by Hiro, since Hiro went back and changed the past before he stabbed Sylar.

So there's at least three timelines happening:

Timeline A - Sylar has Claire's power, Hiro stabs Sylar, Sylar regenerates, the bomb goes off.

Timeline B - Sylar doesn't have Claire's power, Hiro doesn't stab Sylar, the bomb goes off.

Timeline C - past Hiro learns in Timeline B that he needs to kill Sylar, so now we wait and see how Timeline C turns out.

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In Timeline B, it's Peter who blows up as he admits to it in the future (and probably in timeline A, considering when future hiro went back at point number 2 to tell Peter to save Claire, he commented on Peter's scar, which is probably to do with the explosion/beinng sliced by Hiro)

To put that a bit simpler:

1. Future Hiro goes back in time and stabs Sylar. Sylar had already killed Claire, so he is able to regenerate. Future hiro goes back to the future, bomb has gone off and peter has a scar

2. Future Hiro goes back in time and tells Peter to save Claire (and comments on his scar). Then he jumps directly back to 5 years in the future, without stabbing Sylar. The bomb has still gone off, so just saving Claire wasn't enough.

My head is spinning now, but I think Peter is basically the bomb no matter what, and future Hiro has been trying to stop Sylar because of the propoganda that Sylar was actually the bomb.

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Wait.... I was under the impression that the Future Hiro from 5 years gone stabbed who he believed to be Sylar but was really Peter..... I mean.. in 5 years gone F-Hiro and F-Peter seemed to have been on the same page.... perhaps F-Hiro didnt realize that he was stabbing F-Peter?... but if that was the case Peter wouldn't have met Claire since F-Hiro didnt go back yet.... man this whole thing is so confusing....

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Future hiro doesn't go back in time to stab sylar. I think that was pretty clear... he asked the present hiro if he had already stabbed sylar or something. As in "I did it in the past, so ... did YOU do it?".

If it was future hiro, then, about the time the bomb goes off, we'll see future hiro again popping out of nowhere to stab someone.

Timeline A: Sylar kills cheerleader, and Isaac. Nathan wins the congress elections. Bomb goes off, Hiro stabs someone that can regenerate. In certain point, Sylar kills candice and Nathan and poses as president. (The original timeline). Five years later, Hiro goes back to the past and asks peter to save the cheerleader.

Possible but less-likely timeline A, the original Hiro timeline: Sylar kills cheerleader, Hiro stabs sylar, sylar explodes. 5 years later, hiro goes to the past and asks peter to save the cheerleader. Hiro goes back to the future and nothing has changed, except one thing: Claire is alive.

Timeline B: Hiro comes from the future, warns Peter. Peter saves cheerleader. Hiro comes back with Isaacs latest 9th wonders, to rewrite history.

Edit: Now that I think about it, maybe there was a hiro that travelled to the past to stop the exploding man. Anyway, I was under the impression it wasn't "5 years gone hiro", but hiro from an earlier time. You know, hiro always had the info that sylar was the bomb, so it wouldn't make sense to wait 5 years to go to the past. He went to the past, realized that sylar could only be stopped by someone from his own time, and then began working on that string theory. But it wasn't THAT hiro from THAT time the one that went to stab someone.

Edited by Julius Caro
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