Socks always on your feet bad?

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I think it goes both ways (lol), because socks do prevent blisters and some cuts, but having them on too much will make them smell like a dead cat on a pile of dog crap.

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I think it goes both ways (lol), because socks do prevent blisters and some cuts, but having them on too much will make them smell like a dead cat on a pile of dog crap.

Lol.. Really? Any time I keep socks on, It doesn't smell at all....

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I keep the socks on during the day, and off when I go to bed. I find that (especially since it's getting colder) if I don't wear socks, my feet get cold, and I am much more prone to catching colds... It's really weird, I must have a sensitive something.

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I wear socks literally 24/7 and my feet don't stink. Maybe if you were wearing shoes all day and your socks were moist, then that'd account for it. As long as your socks are dry, wear them all you want.

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Lol.. Really? Any time I keep socks on, It doesn't smell at all....

The nose isn't sensittive enough to pick up the scent at first. I asked my science teacher in class today and he says that it takes a few minutes for the nose to pick up the scent.

He suggests: take one whiff. Wait a few minutes. Take another whiff. Wait a few minutes and take another whiff. I bet some of my friends and those that thought their socks didn't smell bad after trying this says it does. Made some $$$ today!!! Try it.

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I would think that wearing socks all the time is bad for your feet because your feet, and it's pretty uncomfortable for me. Especially here in Hawaii where there are no shoes in the house, and so therefore no socks. A lot of people slippers everywhere anyway, so I think Hawaii has a non-24/7 sock argument bias =p

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If you are wearing normal cotton socks, I would have thought it would be ok. Personally I prefer to be bare feet unless it's too cold or I am wearing shoes.

I find my feet are less smelly if I wear socks.

Socks absorb sweat, instead of your shoes/trainers. At the end of the day, you take the socks off and wash feet and socks - which is less of a mission than washing trainers.

If you are walking around the house, they also pick up all the dirt instead of your feet, but as you can wash both I don't think that's too important. I can't imagine the average sock protecting you from much in the way of cuts and knocks though.

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I'm with you, I think keeping them on is fine.

I keep mine on 23/7 allways on apart from when I shower all other times socks are on my feet, with out them I feel so "bare".

No problems so far been doing this for a number of years. :)

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i have to agree with you mate, socks are harmless... recently i bought myself a pair of sandles...first time i have ever really worn a pair and after about a week of wearing them constantly i found my feet were drying out and cracking...this is because they are all aired out, when in socks they can hold a bit of moister in the socks therefore keep them babys bum soft

but not wearing socks now and then isnt going to hurt them...i think its all about extreme's... if you wear the same pair for too long then they risk getting smelly...if you keep em off for too long you can risk dry feet!

its all about the middle ground :)

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wearing socks is fine. But when you have shoes on and are runningaround(doubt much ppl in here run,though some may do) Thats when your feet get sweaty and then smell, because of all of the heat and over 250,000 sweat glands. Your feet are one of the most perspiring parts on your body. an bla bla bla. some teacher said that, LOL i can remember which is a personal achievement

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