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Nice setup, but I think you need ClearType :wacko:

Lucida grande i had installed was screwed up, got that sorted out ;)

Plus did some editing to the wb5 theme to replace some apple related stuff and to make it more usable and to the firefox theme to add some missing stuff etc...

Still a WIP.

I took the liberty in making the 3DCC and named it "Tango," everyone enjoy! :cool:

[Download Here]

thanks fokuz but I like this one a little better :) klassik2006 by ~Tolke

Marlett Font The font may be hidden.

For instructions on start menu replacment: Search throught the customizing windows xp thread. Thats how I learned

You will need reshacker and replacer. I basically removed all items from the start menu, iirc menu 204.

I then added my own shortcuts, folder and directories to my start menu folder. If you have the patience and time to read the customizing windows xp thread you will find tutorial for this and more....

If anyone has specific questions feel free to pm me and I will to my best to assist you.

Happy Modding!

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