IE7 Most Accurate for Anti-Phishing Protection

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3Sharp Study finds Internet Explorer 7 Edges Out Netcraft As Most Accurate for Anti-Phishing Protection

Six Week Study Tested Eight Products to Determine Best Overall Anti-Phishing Accuracy including EarthLink, eBay, GeoTrust, Google using Firefox, McAfee, Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, Netcraft, and Netscape

Redmond, WA (September 27, 2006)- 3Sharp LLC, a privately held technical services firm with offices in Redmond and Toledo, Ohio, today released the results of the most extensive public testing to date on the effectiveness of different Web browser and toolbar-based anti-phishing technologies. The rising tide of identity theft through fraudulent websites is becoming a key concern among consumers, and is resulting in increased focus on anti-phishing technologies from large vendors. In fact, the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), a global industry group focused on eliminating identity theft through spoofed e-mail, recently reported the number of phishing sites is growing as much as 400% a year.

Paul Robichaux, senior partner at 3Sharp, has more than 20 years' experience as a software developer, messaging architect, and system administrator. "Over the last few years", he points out, "phishing has become a much bigger problem. Phishers have become more sophisticated-and brazen-in their attacks, and they're getting better at fooling people."


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i take it your joking?

but anyways, good to see MS doing something right in the web market for once.

I wouldn't say it's the greatest but I've been using it as my main browser for forever.

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As far as I know, the Firefox 2.0 pre-releases aren't focusing on anti-phising accuracy as much as making sure that they underlying code is solid. A better phishing list from Google is supposed to be worked on later.

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Don't know if a company is willing to risk its reputation on 'biasing' the report, but did pick up that MSFT paid for the study, like so many studies they pay for and publish under the cloak of 'see how save we are'. I prefer my safety to be checked by software of real independents.

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Hackers and Crackers and Phishers, will alawys react to IE counter measures or anything that is developed by MS. So they will make tools that all IE?s wont detect the phishing, it is a question of time...

but, nice work IE

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