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Logo Request [$65 USD]


Hi folks. One of my buddies needs a logo designed for a company he works for.

Here is what I need:

A proffessional and clean design. Not too busy yet elegent.

100% Vector

Must be square (not wide). What I mean by square is if you draw a box around the logo, it shouldn't be rectangual, it should be square.

The logo has to be abstract. We don't want the company name to be in it or for the logo to have any links to the company (that's why I'm not posting the company name).

I would prefer the use of the letter i (letter eye) in it or an elegent design with the letter i (please, no pictures of eyes [seeing eyes]).

If you can't come up with something with the letter i, then just make something abstract.

The logo should represent a high tech software product. Something cutting edge, complex, and smooth.

My friend though that perhaps a flaming letter i would look good but he mentioned there was nothing cutting edge or high tech about that. If you can make a flaming i really look high tech and cutting edge, then by all means, please do so.

The prize will be $65 and payment will be done via paypal or arragments can be made if you don't like paypal.

Thanks in advance to all the people putting time into this.

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backdrifter, I don't mean to play dirty here, but your logo reminds me of the Shell logo.

I thought it resembled the nbc bird, but you seem to be right. so basically it means, nbc stole their logo from shell....

well anyway, I may have a fresh go when I come back from class, until then please don't post anything brilliant.

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I like it. Perhaps you can remove the fading from the corners so we can see the corners. Can you also try mixing colors. Perhaps try to incorporate the orange color I listed in a previous post here (look at the 1st page).

Any comments on either?


I like the left one. But I don't like the I part. Its just plain and a blackish color. I don't know... maybe change its color or modify it a tad. I like the top part of the i though, looks great.

With shadow. Keep in mind, however, that shadows are not printable.

Feedback welcome.


Pardon my ignorance here, but what do you mean the shadows are not printable? This will mostly be used in print such as business cards, letter heads, brochures, etc. so what's display must be what's printed.

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Send any feedback on my design so I can make it work for you.


Also, please disregard statix1's comment since he's not following up on his accusation.

I feel if you think you've seen a similar design before, then go find it and post the two logos side-by-side. Do NOT post that I've ripped it when you have absolutely no evidence. It's only going to put doubt in the client's mind where there shouldn't be. It's only logical.

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Let me know what you like/dislike.

I added a black and white version...

and one with a blue i.

Sorry cmdixon, I totally forgot to comment on yours. I showed it to my friend and he didn't like it. I though it looked off for some reason but I'm not sure why. The flame doesn't really look like a flame and the i gets lost.

I'm not sure what to sugguest... Its very nicely done but its not for our tastes

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Sorry cmdixon, I totally forgot to comment on yours. I showed it to my friend and he didn't like it. I though it looked off for some reason but I'm not sure why. The flame doesn't really look like a flame and the i gets lost.

I'm not sure what to sugguest... Its very nicely done but its not for our tastes

The flame is iconic in nature. It's not supposed to look like a real flame. To be quite honest the "i" is pretty much lost in most of the designs that I've seen in this thread. Just my 2 cents.

I worked this web version up before you replied.

Thought I'd post it anyway. Good luck with your contest.


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Thank you all for your submissions. There are some great designs here, but unfortunately, we can only choose 1 design.

Overall, we liked r4esh's design the best. We liked this one:


I just pm'ed you r4esh to make arrangments for payment and delivery.

Thanks again folks for your hard work.

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