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Jericho :o Was a great show, great story :o Yes, please!

Yeah I want to see it back, the program slightly reminded me of Fallout minus the supermutants and radscorpians :p

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:o Me too! I mean a lot, when I was playing fallout and they had little communities you bumped into I was like Jericho! and The explosion of Megaton was a major reminder of Jericho. I wanna watch it again xD I'm slightly excited :p

Oh and a nudge toward Rappy :p When I saw Lennie James in Snatch it reminded me of Jericho

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Why do I get a "permission denied" page from blogger when I click on that link to the alternate ending?

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  • 1 month later...

Jericho to Continue as a Comic...For Now!

Thanks to the ongoing dedication of those fans, Devil's Due Publishing has inked a deal with CBS Consumer Products to continue the story of Jericho in comic book format. Both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel have had amazing success publishing their new "seasons" in the comic book medium. More recently, Sci Fi's Farscape launched a comic continuation of its own, while many other properties are telling original tales in comics (Eureka, Supernatural and Fringe come to mind). But with Jericho being far less sci-fi/fantasy in its presentation, it'll be interesting to see if its fans follow it to this new medium.

Considering Jericho was popular with demographics not normally associated with comics, I'm not sure how big a response there will be. And sorry, ladies, but you'll have to settle for line drawings of Skeet Ulrich. While Dan Schotz, Co-Executive Producer of Jericho says that it was fan enthusiasm that drove them "to find new and fresh ways to tell the Jericho story ... we are so thrilled about this comic book series and the endless possibilities for the future of Jericho," nowhere does he mention what this might mean for the proposed Jericho feature film, first mentioned earlier this year.

However, since that is supposed to be a stand-alone story that explores a more national response to the attacks that crippled and destroyed American society as we know it, there's no reason that we couldn't have our comics and a movie, too. I'm just worried that this news is the positive spin on a movie deal possibly falling through. Still, I'm a fan of comics anyway, so it's no skin off my back to have to read the further adventures of one of my favorite shows rather than watch it on the screen.

What I do want them to do, though, is go back and undo the ending we got. Two endings were filmed, one with a more dire cliffhanger to be continued in the third season, and the one we got which was a compromised ending providing more closure. If the show's not ending, I don't think a little retcon is completely out of order. Just do your "Previously on Jericho" bit to start the comic and then change the ending a bit. The old movie serials used to do it all the time (Hey, that guy didn't get out of the burning car driving off the cliff last week!). After all, the cliffhanger is the ending they really wanted to give us, and this will allow them to tell their originally intended story with no more compromises.

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  • 4 months later...

If There's A 'Jericho' Movie, Esai Morales Is In

If a movie based on the former CBS series and continuing cult fan favorite "Jericho" were to be made, second season actor Esai Morales said he wants to be a part of it.

Morales, the new star of the Syfy series "Caprica," said he learned about reports of a "Jericho" movie today during San Diego Comic-Con, but hadn't been approached about it quite yet.

"I loved 'Jericho' and really had a good time on it," Morales told Airlock Alpha and a small group of other reporters during a press roundtable following his Comic-Con panel appearance. "If it weren't canceled, I wouldn't have this gig. I haven't been approached, but I would love to" do it.

Executive Producer Jon Turtletaub told IF Magazine in January that he was working on a possible full-length feature film based on the series, that was canceled last year after two seasons. CBS had originally canceled "Jericho" after its first season, but an extensive campaign that came on the twilight of the Writers Guild of America strike involving peanuts and the like, made a difference and convinced CBS to give it a second shot.

However, the shortened second season didn't resonate beyond its core fan base, and the network pulled the plug just before the series finale.

"It would not require you to have seen the TV show, but it gets into life after an event like this on a national scale," Turtletaub told the magazine at the time. "It would be the bigger, full-on American version of what's going on beyond the town in Jericho."

There is no word on if a studio is attached to the film, or in what stage of pre-production its in.

Morales said he has a fondness for Maj. Edward Beck.

"It's a great character, so military [and] a noble soul," he said, adding that while he likes to play Latino characters, sometimes its great to be able to take on roles that are beyond that, and not always have to portray someone whose last name ends with a "Z" or "O."

"I like the fact that my character did not have a Latin name, and was not Latin for all intents and purposes," Morales said. "He was military first. And I was just grateful that I got to play Maj. Beck."

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At a special panel over the weekend at Comic-Con, Devil's Due Publishing presented the new "season" of Jericho, coming this October to a comic shop near you. And they've brought the original writing team from the series to the comic book. Which means, this will be about as true a continuation of the true ongoing vision for Jericho as you can imagine.

Executive producers Maggie Steinberg and Dan Shotz revealed that the new series will take the characters right into the Civil War that was brewing in the second season. They're excited about the possibilities the comic format allows them. As a comparable example, when IDW brought "season six" of Angel to comics, they transported much of L.A. to a plane of hell, something that would have been cost prohibitive in a live action series.

This means we can see tons of crazy action, and maybe even some more shots of what this post apocalyptic world these people live in looks like outside of Jericho and the surrounding communities. Not to mention that they won't have anyone at CBS trying to poke their nose into what's going on. The story begins with a six-issue mini-series which sets up the new season before they continue with a larger arc.

The big question, of course, is if fans of the show will find their way to a comic shop to pick up the continuation of the saga. I'll guess that most won't. I'm sure a collection of this might find its way into traditional book stores, so maybe they'll find it there?

Comic iterations of television series have become big business for many companies, including series continuations like Farscape, Buffy and Angel, as well as comics for Fringe, Eureka, and even The Muppet Show. Jericho had such a rabid fan base, I think this is an honorable way to continue the story they fought so hard for.

And they haven't given up hope on that movie. What do you think? Is it too much to follow a series you like to a different format? Is it the trouble of finding a comic shop that's the problem? Or are you like so there!!

[tv squad]

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  • 3 months later...


Millions of dedicated fans were disappointed when CBS?s Jericho was canceled after its second season. The show, starring Skeet Ulrich and Lennie James, centered on the town of Jericho, Kansas, and its struggle to survive after a nuclear attack left the people isolated and afraid.

The show was actually canceled in its first season, but revived after an unprecedented campaign by fans to bring it back for a second season. With this type of grassroots support, it?s probably no surprise that Jericho is returning again as a comic book series: Jericho Season 3: Civil War, written by Dan Shotz with art by Robert Levine.

The little show that could is back November 25, and we?ve got an exclusive sneak peek at Jericho Season 3: Civil War issue #1! Devil?s Due Publishing has provided us with eight pages of artwork?no color or dialogue?that shows Jake and Hawkins right in the thick of things as the United States teeters on the brink of a second Civil War!

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