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CPU: Athlon XP 2500+ (Barton Core 512KB L2 Cache) - Rated at 2800+ (2.09 GHz)

RAM: 512MB DDR PC2700 (Currently limiting my FSB overclocking)

GPU: MSI (I know but it was cheap :D) GeForec MX 5200 (Currently not O/C'd, dont see the point)

PSU: QTEC 550W Dual Fan Gold

HDDs: Primary: IBM Deskstar 60GB (Can't remeber specs but here's model number IC35L060AWA07-0)

Secondary: Maxtor Diamond Max 9 8MB Cache Version (should really be main but in process of setting up HDDs for a 2nd PC :p)

Case: iCute Case Purchased from Maplin Electronics

Lighting: Maplin Electronics 2 Cold Cathode Kit with UV tube replaced for a Red one (btw i work there so i get staff discount :p)

Cooling: The terrible fan the case came with, and Second Hand Akasa manual speed control fan with 4 blue LEDs (Speed thingy doesn't work too well, LEDs arent bright enough)

Planned Mods: HDD Window (risky but worth it), DVD-Rom window (not too interesting but easy), Water Cooling (one day, maybe, if i cba)

i overclocked my sisters athlon 1400 to 1500 and now it runs IDLE 65C and doesn't complete any cycles of prime95(even at idle) and when it runs seti @home for a long time it get to 78-80C and its got a stock heatsink with stock fan in a poorly ventalated case inside a cabinet. ill post screenshots laters, AMD's sure can take a beating

1700+ 1.47GHz @ 205FSB 2.46GHz ~3400+

205 * 12.0 Multiplier, 410DDR Memory

1.75volts, vcore voltage

Alpha 8045 80mm

50C Full Load Temp

Just look at my sig.

obscure detour

you don't have a 3400, but it is a hellafast cpu!!! :o

your 1700 is based on the palomino core and only has a 256kb cache and not 512 like the you cannot use the same PR rating.

unbelievable overclock though, notwithstanding. very impressive! ;)

Oc'd my p4 to 3.2 stable using bios AI overclocking featurebut that ran the memory at only 160Mhx

Oc'd my manual to 2964 fsb @ 228MHz (2.4-4-4-8) stable but backed off to 225Mhz/450DDR and 900QDR FSB speed for added stability, i plan to raise my cas to 3 and see if i can get a bit higher clock speed, i've read that with dual channel memory cas latency has much less impact.

1700+ 1.47GHz @ 205FSB 2.46GHz ~3400+

205 * 12.0 Multiplier, 410DDR Memory

1.75volts, vcore voltage

Alpha 8045 80mm

50C Full Load Temp

Just look at my sig.

obscure detour

you don't have a 3400, but it is a hellafast cpu!!! :o

your 1700 is based on the palomino core and only has a 256kb cache and not 512 like the you cannot use the same PR rating.

unbelievable overclock though, notwithstanding. very impressive! ;)

You are right, impressive, it should burn out and not boot someday ;)

ANYONE that wants a very ocable AMD should make sure they get a DLT3C JIUHB core. those are beasts! by the way, mine aint nothin much cause i am very limited by the Mobo. it is an AMD 2000+ runnin at 1.8 ghz(so a 2200+) and the mobo is a shuttle MK35N. it is bein cooled by a volcano 12 runnin 60 degrees under load and 54 idle(the fan is half way and the side of the case is off.

AMD Athlon 2600+ (2.08 Ghz; 166 MHz FSB) OC to 170 FSB ~2.1 GHz...yeah, i'm 1337. I could try and push it farther, the volcano 7 that I have on it is going at full speed all the time, so I think I might have some leeway.

Radeon 9700 PRO A-I-W 325MHz to 330MHz

AMD K6-2 550MHz to 600MHz

I vary my OC all the time with my 2.4C, it runs stable at 3 GHz with default voltages with my Coolermaster Aero 7+, however I got it running at stock speeds right now because I haven't had the chance to push it back up after a bizarre incident where I pushed it a little further and it completely failed to POST with a BIOS checksum error. Made a downright amusing beep as well, it went from a higher tone to a lower in a screechy style of a beep like an old tape player losing power.

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