List Your Overclocks..

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So all you did was make the fsb bigger? and what about the bus speed thing? did you change that or is it manual?

you left the voltage manual?

my ram is at 2.5 3 3 8 (replacing 4 by 3).

My mobo will only let me put either 100, 200, 300 or 400... no clue how to do anything else.


So all you did was make the fsb bigger? and what about the bus speed thing? did you change that or is it manual?

you left the voltage manual?

my ram is at 2.5 3 3 8 (replacing 4 by 3).

My mobo will only let me put either 100, 200, 300 or 400... no clue how to do anything else.


In my bios It has options for Auto, 266, 333 and 400, If i set it to Auto and crank the bus speed up it changes the divider to 5:4 lowering the memory speed. When i set it at 400 it keeps the bus and memory speeds in sync 1:1 leading to a lower overall clock speed but much better performance do to lack of bottlenecks. I run my memory at 225MHz or DDR450 and the FSB runs at 900MHz QDR. i've left my voltage settings at defaults, ive tried higher ram settings/voltages but can't get any higher then 228MHz and i just backed it to 225 for added stability, they CPU runs at around 30C with folding running in the background.

My AMD Athlon 1.2GHz (266) did 1.656GHz.

My current AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Barton is doing 2.250GHz (3200+; 180x12.5) with the stock cooler, and no case cooling.

My ATI Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO did 234/216 up from it's default of 183/183, with stock cooling.

My current ATI Radeon 8500 64MB has done 324/328 so far up from 275/275, I've done the pencil trick VMod to the card, on stock cooling again.

So all you did was make the fsb bigger? and what about the bus speed thing? did you change that or is it manual?

you left the voltage manual?

my ram is at 2.5 3 3 8 (replacing 4 by 3).

My mobo will only let me put either 100, 200, 300 or 400... no clue how to do anything else.


i got the same mobo...i set the mem to 320 (did not have 333) and i set my fsb to 250 (i'm playing safe :p)

My system is a 1700+ TbredA currently running at 1.93 with an fsb of 215 and a multiplier of 9.0.

Right now I'm at college and run the ystech 40 on my SK6+ at 7V and there is no AC.

Back at home this chip was running at 230fsb with a multiplier of 9 for 2.07GHZ.

Mobo is Shuttle AN35Ultra, ram is 2x256 Geil 3500.

I have been overclocking for a really long time though and my other rigs were:

Iwill VX133u, Tualeron 1.1a@1.67GHZ (152fsb, HELL OF A CHIP)

Asus P3V4X, PIII600E@864mhz (my first oc, always remain special)

damn man..that;s a lot! that all becuz of the "m0"?

i have a "D1" 2.6ghz....staindx told me i could go as far as 3.5ghz but now i'm seeing yours i think i can try and go a little higher :p

well there are "D1"s that go that high too but its not too common. from my research i have noticed that a majority of the "M0"s clock extremely high, stable and most importantly run real COOL temp wise.

i have noticed as well as others that the "M0"s transistor layout on the bottom is identical to that of the EE chip while the D1's have 5-6 or so missing on the bottom. i wonder if this has to do with the greatly improved overclockablilty of the M0.

My overclocks so far. :D

Athlon 64 3200+ (2ghz) @ 2.3ghz

Athlon XP 2500+ (1.83ghz) @ 2.1ghz

Athlon XP 1700+ (1.47ghz) @ 1.7ghz

Pentium pro 166 @ 200

Pentium 90 @ 120

and i did something with a 486-DX4 100mhz, but i cant quite remember :p

alot of those were quite a while ago, so if i got anything wrong, please forgive me :)

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