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AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (NewCastle core, S754, 2.0GHz) @ 2470MHz (running this all the time) at 1.625 volts.

XFX Geforce 6800 Ultra 425/1100 @ 475/1300MHz


CPU Idle: 30c

CPU Load: 36c

GPU Idle: 36c

GPU Load: 45c

Watercooled, all fans at the lowest rpm (3x120mm Papst 4412FGL 26dbA @ 7v = 14dBa, 1x80mm Papst 12dBa), all fans/hdd's/radiator mounted with vibration isolating rubber grommets.

Almost inaudiable system. Gotta love it :)

Right now, 2.5Ghz 250x10 @ 1.475v (cpu-z has it wrong), 43C load and completely stable, HT is 250x4.

I would like to get more out of it but this is going to be my top for about a week or so, just to get everything out of the 'new' stage. I'm just glad it's faster than my NF7-S and that the XP-90 (+change of 80 to 92mm case fan) is quieter/cooler too. :)



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